Very, very funny edit:
NZ Labour Party are FINALLY picking up their social media game. @nzlabour
But I still dont have a copy of Chris Hipkins speech from the NZ Local Government conference which is incredibly disappointing.
— Spider Hoof (@spider_hoof) September 1, 2024
The face is slipping – time to get botoxed again. And get some little laugh lines tattooed for safety as people grabbing quick shots or selfies are common; the hoi polloi are so common.
Yes agree a very successful man is our Prime Minister Luxon.
Rather a wealthy man lead than a poor man.
Wrong again Bob the fart
Imagine being this much of a bootlicker.
Also there is no correlation between wealth and intelligence. Obviously.
Fantastic Video, Labour need to churn out more of this type of stuff & get it out on Social Media & Tic Tok particularly because the Clusterfuck Coalition of Chaos & particularly this lying sack of shit Luxon & his pack of mongrels called the National Party provide a never ending smorgasbord of content to abuse & amuse, they are a target rich environment!
Gosh Ice Ice Baby you certainly dislike the Coalition.
True leadership recognized.
How many in the past 30 years have been honored internationally as Jacinda has…
We know when we strike a home run or whatever, as Bob the fart pops up with his slogans. It’s a result of this:
Howard Rachlin used operant conditioning to study ways of developing self-control in pigeons. Dr. Rachlin chose to use pigeons [people] because they can be a particularly impulsive subject. The experiment prompted the pigeons to peck one button once for a small bit of food, and another button 15 times for a larger amount.
Learning – Annenberg Learner › series › discovering-psychology
COL crisis, energy crisis, impending mainstream-media-driven race-war and the best you’ve got is making fun of this dude who managed to work the system to his advantage.