Luxon’s got 99 problems – being rich ain’t one


Very, very funny edit:


  1. The face is slipping – time to get botoxed again. And get some little laugh lines tattooed for safety as people grabbing quick shots or selfies are common; the hoi polloi are so common.

  2. Fantastic Video, Labour need to churn out more of this type of stuff & get it out on Social Media & Tic Tok particularly because the Clusterfuck Coalition of Chaos & particularly this lying sack of shit Luxon & his pack of mongrels called the National Party provide a never ending smorgasbord of content to abuse & amuse, they are a target rich environment!

  3. We know when we strike a home run or whatever, as Bob the fart pops up with his slogans. It’s a result of this:
    Howard Rachlin used operant conditioning to study ways of developing self-control in pigeons. Dr. Rachlin chose to use pigeons [people] because they can be a particularly impulsive subject. The experiment prompted the pigeons to peck one button once for a small bit of food, and another button 15 times for a larger amount.
    Learning – Annenberg Learner › series › discovering-psychology

  4. COL crisis, energy crisis, impending mainstream-media-driven race-war and the best you’ve got is making fun of this dude who managed to work the system to his advantage.



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