Twitter just claimed this is ‘hateful’ against Chris Luxon??? Are National Party activists stooping to this?


Twitter has just informed me my Twitter account has been locked and my posts shadow banned because I asked this question about Chris Luxon…

…unfuckingbelievable right?

Here’s the entire post – tell me what on earth is hateful in this?

Look at the cruelty being proposed by this Government against the Disabled and Beneficiaries…

- Sponsor Promotion -

…all in 5 working days. This isn’t welfare, it’s a punishment system designed to trip beneficiaries up so they can be disqualified from welfare.

We are throwing 50 000 off welfare into the teeth of rising Unemployment while punishing the disabled by forcing them to access the dreaded MSD for any support.

Luxon is a fundamentalist Christian, so would Jesus defund the disabled and beneficiaries?

Having browsed Scripture, he seems very against owning 7 Properties in the first place.

Here’s a taste:

Matthew 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Mark 10:21 And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”

Luke 6:20 And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.

2 Corinthians 8:9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.

2 Corinthians 9:11 You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.

Galatians 2:10 Only, they asked us to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do.

Ephesians 4:28  Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.

Jesus seems pretty keen on a capital gains taxes and doesn’t sound like he wants to create loopholes for property speculators.

I don’t think Jesus would cut benefits or abuse the disabled the way National do.

I appreciate that National have a huge social media team, but they aren’t stooping to trawling past posts to complain about them are they?

This latest attack by Twitter on us follows their decision to completely take over and eliminate the Daily Blog Twitter account just before the 2023 Election, a decision Twitter has never rectified and we lost that handle forever.

Elon keeps telling everyone Twitter is the Town Square, if it is, he’s let a lot of Brown Shirts march in and take that Town Square over.



  1. I don’t use Twitter and I don’t understand why others do. It looks and sounds like a closed loop environment that is used, primarily, by people who have too much free time on their hands – including Lord Twitterer himself. Does TDB need a Twitter account? Find something else to promote content with would be my humble advise.

  2. Musk’s record on free speech is very selective and inconsistent. The recent fight with Brazil and refusal to block accounts is very different to Twitters interactions with the Indian government.
    From the Washington Post discussing Indian government censorship- November 2023:
    “American technology companies have increasingly fallen in line, fearing for their employees’ security and their profits. Among the Big Tech companies, the shift has been most notable at Twitter, once seen as Silicon Valley’s flag-bearer for resisting government pressure worldwide.
    A company that not long ago adopted the risky strategy of fighting government censorship in the Indian courts now consistently bends to official demands. It has repeatedly taken down posts critical of Modi and his administration and accounts belonging to journalists and the BJP’s political opponents.
    “The [stuff] that they’re doing in India should be freaking everybody out,” said a former U.S. Twitter policy staffer.”

  3. As many call it now–“Shitter”.

    Musk is evil, using immense wealth and resources to put the boot in if you look at his position on just about anything from Palestine to workers union rights.

    Hopefully he takes a space flight soon on one of his own faulty rockets…

    • Musk’s “faulty” rockets (that actually seem to work very well outside the experimental heavy lifter) are the only game in town now that Boeing (due to woke hiring practices) and Russia (due to ineffectual sanctions) are off the table.

  4. You have been disinfected, purged of the Xitter infection.
    It’s time to celebrate, you are now clean.
    All that remains is to avoid contact with any Musk product and thus not get reinfected.
    Never click on a Xitter link.

  5. In a quiet city street last night, on my way to have a coffee, a man sat on the footpath shouting fuck loudly at regular intervals. Quite often they are hungry blokes so I bought a small pattie for him but he cringed away from me ‘You’re a stranger. Keep away from me he said. I won’t have your food.’ I got annoyed and kicked his abandoned shoe which hit his leg and got my own back. I’m not prepared to be kind and understanding all the time.

    Then I met Jason a worried harassed looking Maori guy who tells me that they have head injuries and have consequent difficulties. He is supposed to be on ACC but required to work and was in need of money not my pattie. He has ended up having to watch out for his out of his head companion though he doesn’t want the extra troubles, and he needs to beg for himself but the other puts people right off. I have no cash, only my card at the present – so must get more cash on hand for these situations. We need to each do a bit in this cold nasty world.

    (And the Reserve Bank wants to cut out cash – I suppose it would be more efficient and the banks want to get rid of it. And the system wants to get rid of a lot of us so it matches up perfectly.)

  6. There is opinion and there is differing opinion but it is plain to see that this blog and Chris Trotters has been infiltrated by trolls whose Modis operandi is to take over the comments section en masse and repeat ad nauseum anti Labour, anti left, anti anything political that is not fundamentally a mirror of the USA MAGA propaganda machine.

    The likes Of Bob the first, Pedro, Erik Nordmeyer, I’m Right, Trevor to name a few. When asked for proof and data/facts to back up their often ludicrous claims they never front up.

  7. This shite is happening across all social media, in regards to any matter that threatens the interests of the billionaire/ruling class establishment that Musk is a part of. The Natz are the current mob serving establishment interests so there can be limits as to what we can say about them. Social media is not the free-for-all that many people believe it to be. Still, it can get worse, no one is knocking on your door just yet…..

  8. Someone in the National Party Communications team is a little delicate, if they thought that tweet was worthy of a complaint and a banning.

  9. “Truth to power”” from the river to the sea,” “there is none so blind that cannot see” “I have a dream”. Free speech but only for certain people
    T revor
    R ight wing
    O range man
    L uxon
    L ies

  10. The Harvard report proposes supporting individuals with training, counselling and security, using AI tools to remove hate speech from social media accounts, and creating a fund for victims to sue for defamation.

    It proposes training for police, judges and the news media on recognising and handling gendered and racialised online violence and hate speech.

    And perhaps most important, it suggests community and systemic changes: criminalising some offences, and updating the Harmful Digital Communications Act ensuring it’s enforced by a government agency, rather than the not-for-profit Netsafe.

    It recommends new legislation to regulate social media and technology companies to increase transparency, add preventative measures and safety features, and ensure faster response and enforcement.

    • Change has to come from the heart and mind not AI dictatorials. We have always had religious teaching in some schools, and some of it by people spreading lies and dislike even hate. Why can’t we have philosophies taught and discussions on how to be fair, and on whether the ‘golden rule Do as you would be done by’ is a fair approach. And what to do when someone calls out nasty things, attacks you. Not retaliating is encouraging to someone who craves dominance. How to deal with aggression? Also talk about the value of mediation to people and society in general.

      Leaving it to AI is lazy, seems a middle-class top-down superior approach. It also avoids personal decision-making arrived at in an honest.\, group learning session so that the harmonious group understands each other and has an opportunity to talk out problems – less anger and hurt.

      Mediation in NZ/AO has been tried. But right wingers don’t bother so much, they want compliance to their rules and obedience.

      What is the success rate of mediation in New Zealand?
      They reflect good success rates in the mediations, around 60 per cent reaching full agreement and around 20 per cent reaching partial agreement.
      How Men Experience Family Dispute Resolution Mediation
      ResearchSpace@Auckland – The University of Auckland › Zubery-2021-thesis

      Comprehensive Mediation Services | NZDRC
      New ZealandDispute Resolution Centre Whakamāoritia tēnei whārangi
      Discover NZDRC’s mediation services for dispute resolution. Learn about our structured process, benefits, and how mediation can help resolve conflicts.

  11. That ban is ridiculous. I’m a total free speech advocate and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with your post. Hopefully it will be temporary for you,not that I care, because you blocked me ages ago, but it’s the principle.

    Id hate for X to go from left wing echo chamber, which it clearly was, to a right wing echo chamber.

    Btw nothing about Zuckerbergs admission to election interference?

  12. Just as an aside, these bans and deletions are often a result of an AI algorithm and are complete nonsense.
    They’re occasionally really well off-base, I’ve had a comment where I simply noted that none of the musician’s instruments were plugged-in in the video of The Crocodiles (Jenny Morris/Bruno Lawrence etc) “TEARS”.
    My comment was pulled down from YouTube for “hate speech”.
    Laugh or cry?

    • Laugh ! I put a Dr. SEUS pic up and banned. Still don’t know why. I treat it as a badge of honour to have pissed twatter off so much… fast became a cabal of wee neofacists.

  13. This is disgraceful censorship from people who proclaim themselves to be fundamentalist free speech advocates. Martyn’s offense was to be make a valid political point all too well. Luxon and his cronies are digging their own grave. If Luxon has an ounce of sense he will have the X ban on Martyn’s post lifted immediately. But so far in his political career he has displayed little wisdom or even political common sense.

  14. So, let me get this right. If a Church posted on X the biblical image of Jesus flailing his rope whip at gamblers in a temple, and left a message to its parishioners, does that mean that Sky City Casino could complain to X and X would then demand the church to take the image and message down because it is inflammatory and promotes violence and hatred towards gamblers which make up the customer base of SCC?

    • Nope, religions get a free pass on hate speech, at least in NZ legislation. That’s the truth, it wouldn’t do tot have people demanding that the Bible, Quran etc be banned. I mean these religious texts call for stoning and murder of adulteresses, gays, apostates and pork eaters amongst various other monstrous manners of discrimination.

  15. If you are worried about trolls, switch to only allowing authenticated user to post, white list the ones you like, black list any you don’t like or people who breach the site rules. You could also tighten up the moderation settings. It would get rid of the trolls (or at least make it increasingly difficult) and remove a lot of negativity.


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