The Daily Blog Open Mic – 31st August 2024


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

The Editor doesn’t moderate this blog,  3 volunteers do, they are very lenient to provide you a free speech space but if it’s just deranged abuse or putting words in bloggers mouths to have a pointless argument, we don’t bother publishing.

All in all, TDB gives punters a very, very, very wide space to comment in but we won’t bother with out right lies or gleeful malice. We leave that to the Herald comment section.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist abuse, homophobic abuse, racist abuse, anti-muslim abuse, transphobic abuse, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.

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    I think when the matter is abortions, contraception, etc – only true-born women should have a say and men should stand aside. The women should have to cross their hearts before signing a declaration that their vote passed, will not be the result of coercion by anyone.

    I remember it was thought that every citizen involved in their country should have a vote. When it comes to giving birth the pains are felt by the individual woman who may inflict pain on someone holding her hand in a vice grip. The ‘puritan’ carping women who never support other women in need should stand aside so as not to make life harder for someone in difficulties. As for men with big traps and/or matching flies, let them stand aside too.


    …Despite about 20 – 30 metres of land disappearing from the front of their property in the past year, the pair remain resolute….
    In response to questions from Local Democracy Reporting, Southland mayor Rob Scott said there had been no change with the situation at Bluecliffs, but monitoring was still being undertaken.
    The council had offered property owners practical assistance to investigate buying adjoining land, but there was little support, he said.
    “We understand the property owners’ concerns and appreciate that they are in a difficult position, but other than the assistance that has already been offered there is little more that we as a council can do.”

    The Council is offering help too buy more land. You would think they would have the resources of money and brains to do more. For instance lease them Council land and put up tiny homes – have them as show homes to encourage a local business to start up fow. More thinking has to be done for the 21st century, not just saying and doing the same old as usual.

    If people are telling Local Government NZ that they want to deal with their local councils – are they up to the challenge? ‘We haven’t got much money so we have to think’ was Lord Rutherford’s refrain. Let’s do it.

  3. Political matters explained as if they matter and enjoyably as well. A powerful teaching tool for any educators wanting to teach the children civics, and also for adults who have never had the opportunity to become literate in this essential knowledge in the global free market morass we all slosh about in. 11:39
    How bad maps win elections – Gerrymandering explained

    Map Men
    Wikipedia › … Whakamāoritia tēnei whārangi
    Map Men is a edutainment mini-series currently in its fourth season, which is created, written, and presented by Jay Foreman and Mark Cooper-Jones.

    Jay Foreman
    YouTube › … Whakamāoritia tēnei whārangi
    MAP MEN. Buy MAP MEN MERCH from Follow us on twitter:

    Map Men (TV Mini Series 2016–2024)
    IMDb › … Whakamāoritia tēnei whārangi
    The educational comedies of Jay Foreman and Mark Cooper-Jones as they go through BLANK maps, triangles, funny time zones and much more.

    Map Men: where comedy meets geography – Geographical › … Whakamāoritia tēnei whārangi
    22 Noe 2023 — The founders and stars of the phenomenally popular YouTube series Map Men discuss their unique blend of comedy and cartography.

  4. The industry is “really quiet at the moment, I’m maybe seeing like three clients a week”, but being a sex worker is one of the only ways she can make money as a disabled person, she says.
    “When I’m well enough, I can make enough money to sustain me during my flare-ups.”
    On top of these in-person bookings, she also sells erotic content through multiple platforms, including OnlyFans. However, while she consistently creates solo content, Danielle’s asexuality can make it challenging to organise shoots with other performers.

    She refers to have chronic fatigue also fibromyalgia and IBS – and it is known that fibromyalgia is one of the problems that fall within the *ME/CFS syndrome of about 16? different illnesses or effects that can bring a person very low in health and even unable to get enough strength to rise and walk a short distance.

    So this person is very thoughtful and determined. And those with ME/CFS *which is the term for having a lot of real troubles that the medical profession can’t really cure, but have some similarity so get grouped under ME/CFS, can take a positive in that it seems that it is often people who are bright and have been very active that get hit by this virus-related illness. And long Covid is apparently lining up to be similar.

    *Chronic fatigue syndrome (also called myalgic encephalomyelitis or ME/CFS) is more often tied to immune-system abnormalities than fibromyalgia. And fibromyalgia is generally more painful than ME/CFS. But both conditions affect multiple systems in the body.16 Hān 2022
    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome vs Fibromyalgia – Verywell Health
    Verywell Health › chronic-fatigue-syndr…

    *What is the personality of someone with chronic fatigue syndrome?
    Among clinical psychologists, consulting physicians, scientific researchers and society in general an image has emerged of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) as perfectionist, conscientious, hardworking, somewhat neurotic and introverted individuals with high personal standards, a great desire to be socially …
    Personality and chronic fatigue syndrome – PubMed
    PubMed › …

  5. A question for all NZ/AO thinking, practical people.
    Robertson asks, “Why does everything need to be so cut throat? Where is the coordination of our economy? Why do we seem to make so many seemingly crazy decisions which make little sense?” Aug.26/24
    Read on and think as soon as you can make time.

    Two fires – what is going on. Fire prevention is going to be a big thing and I hope that watchtowers are being built and emergency signalling systems. Also people who start them are going to have to be treated like serious criminals.

    One bad one in USA started from some drongo setting a vehicle on fire and tipping it into a ravine I think. Really big it turned out to be. We have to adjust who is committing serious crime.

  7. 9 Greywarbler comments. Christ! I’ve already said it about the wrongheadedness of solidarity crap, without letting us talk! You’re right about the other segments.

    • Why don’t you write in some ideas for the future sumsuch. The past hasn’t worked. Use your imagination for something practical, bring your past experience to bear on the idea. I write about things affecting us now to the future and look up information to back it up. Limit the disgruntlement and nostalgia, don’t limit your thinking and idea, put why it’s good – we can do with some gruntlement!

      Today’s larf – Groucho Marx: Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend; Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.

  8. I see an AirNZ plane had an engine fire coming into Wellington. You would think the wind would put it out hah. But I think this will result in a message to Luxon from the AirNZ management ‘ Come home. All is forgiven. We need you.’ (Please consider this AirNZ, he did okay didn’t he and needs to get back to what he does well.)


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