Winston goes full climate denial in latest embarrassing conspiracy swamp theory culture war

Climate Denier and Arch Grouch ,Winston Peters

Another week, another embarrassing culture war revenge fantasy conspiracy masquerading as social policy from Winston…

Climate denial is an insult to Pacific leaders

Winston Peters’ climate denialism at the Pacific Islands’ Forum is an embarrassing new low.

“I can’t believe that in 2024 we’re still dealing with climate deniers when there is so much overwhelming evidence that burning fossil fuels and other human activities are warming our world,” Labour Leader Chris Hipkins said.

“To imply to Pacific leaders that changes to the climate we’re experiencing are no cause for alarm, is an insult to those fighting to save their islands from rising seas.

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“It serves his pro-pollution agenda to distance himself from the reality of the human-induced climate crisis.

“Pacific nations have repeatedly said that the biggest threat to their security and survival is climate change, which has brought an increasing number of hurricanes and extreme weather, rising seas, ocean acidification and other impacts that threaten lives, homes and food sources.

“The best way to build resilience to the climate crisis is to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that cause the problem. We cannot adapt our way out of the crisis without reducing emissions.

“There is no seawall high enough to save small low-lying nations from runaway climate change,” Chris Hipkins said.

…that’s right, when he isn’t being Transphobic and anti-vaxx, he’s now a climate denier as well.

Why on reflection would anyone believe Winston Peters any longer?

His anti-Trans tweet attacking a women for being in a boxing competition was culture war chum for the feral snarling conspiracy voter base NZF now draws strength from.

Virulent Transphobia, lunatic fringe antivaxx perspectives and a self-loathing towards all things Māori wrapped up in a bow for the Trans National Mining Industry, that’s what NZF stands for now and no one feeds that ignorance better than Winston.

Remember when he claimed staff had left the bridge for a coffee when the Aratere crashed?

Remember when he claimed the entire mainstream media were bribed using nothing more than a funding note for Māori broadcasting?

Remember when he claimed Harry Tam had sneaked Covid infected prostitutes through road blocks to infect all of the North Island?

Yeah, Matua Winston has a long history of making claims that turn out to be bullshit and yet every time he does it we forget.

Winston is the Wolf that cried Boy but forgets who the boy is, forgets he’s the wolf and so just bites the nearest Māori instead.

Winston makes Biden look functional.

There’s a point when this spastic mangling of reason, rationality and reality becomes toxic to the political debate, and NZ First are now at that moment.


  1. He’s an embarrassing old coot. How the hell a cent of taxpayer money is going towards this (possibly never) has been, just sums what a joke we have for so called “leadership”

        • Nope Wheel, he is a political prostitute who goes with whomever he gets the best deal from (baubles of office).
          I have never liked nor trusted him, but you can’t deny he is as cunning as a shithouse rat when it comes election time and that 5% threshold!

  2. Peters is a bloody good … lawyer.

    My uncle needed the facts to be there, but Peters, and all the star defense lawyers, are so much better than that.

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