WAATEA NEWS COLUMN: Herald columnist calls Stuff Columnist ‘dickhead’ as they debated Don Brash, Hobson’s Pledge and Māori rights


Herald columnist and political commentator Matthew Hooten called his co-political panelist Damien Grant a ‘dickhead’ as they debated Don Brash, Hobson’s Pledge and Māori rights live on TV.

It was a fiery and angry debate on The Working Group last night between Hooton, Brad Olson and Damien Grant when the debate turned to the Treaty.

The anger meter hit high as Hooten yelled ‘dickhead’ at Grant who attempted to defend Don Brash by arguing that he was not a racist.

“Hobson’s pledge is a profoundly dishonest organization based on a lie,” Hooten said.

“The lie that Hobson’s Pledge is based upon is that apparently Hobson stuttered somehow to the Maori’s when he was signing the thing (Treaty of Waitangi) saying ‘We Are All One People.’

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“Now I don’t know whether Hobson said that or not but it’s not in the text and so it seems quite pathetic and indicates that the whole campaign is in fact based upon racism and white supremacy!”

Hooten continued: “Claiming that a white guy who had been in New Zealand for 4 days 5 days apparently stuttered in Maori ‘that we are now one people’ and we’re going to base our whole organization our whole political position on that?

“The only reason you would do that is because you were dishonest and you were wanting to in a trump-like way create racial Division and hatred in New Zealand for your own personal game which does seem to have been what Don Brash has sought to do sadly ever since I made him leader of the National Party!”

But Damien Grant was having none of that.

“I’m going to defend Don Brash – I don’t think Don Brash is racist,” Grant said.

“I think you can disagree with Don Brash’s worldview as well, you can think that he’s wrong on that but I think it is is it is it is wrong to make the allegation that he’s racist.”

The conversation had turned to Brash, Hobson’s Pledge and Māori rights after 40 minutes of political analyses.

“Don Brash made a huge issue of the Treaty right from his own racist despicably racist Orewa speech that he gave only to try and fuel the worst things in New Zealand Society. I was against it then I’m against it now!,” Hooten said defiantly.

He has claimed that Hobson uttered these words ‘we are one people’ and he has claimed that defines what the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and the Treaty of Waitangi itself should be! What some person utters at the signing ceremony on one side of the deal mean why would you call your organization Hobson’s pledge unless you were racist.”

Hooten then set his sights on Act leader David Seymour after Grant opened the door.

“So you’re saying that David Seymour is deliberately fanning race hatred yes” he said.
“David Seymour cannot possibly believe that his racist treaty principles bill reflects in any way whatsoever either the texts or the case law over the Treaty of Waitangi he isn’t that stupid he’s doing it to inflame hatred!,” Hooten said.

The Working Group is the number 1 weekly NZ political podcast NOT funded by NZ On Air , it broadcasts live Tuesday’s 7.30pm on ROVA Youtube and Facebook.



    • Tena Koe Ngungukai.
      Yes Brash and Stealmour are as you say Racist as F###
      Tika tonu. Koina.
      Seymour is not Maori.
      He may have a drop of Maori 67 generations ago but identifying as Maori is pure BS.
      There are so many of these white apologists who suddenly discover their Maori “heritage” late in life.
      The National party is full of them. Shane Jones is a fake Maori too.
      TV 3 Mike McRoberts. TV 1 Jenny May. But she sports a Moko now so she is a real Maori now. Right?
      Former National leader Simon Bridges .
      These suddenly fair skinned Maori are every where these days.
      What is so galling is that these fake Maori suddenly become experts on Maori kaupapa.
      Winston Peters is the worst.
      Peters has built his 46 year political career on licking white backside and Maori bashing.
      White people like these white Maori ar## lickers because they legitimise white racism.
      Stealmour is a total fraud using Maori bashing to gain political power.
      Stealmour claiming to be Maori is a horrible insult to all of us Maori and all our Tupuna.
      Kore take Kore take kore take

      • Lovely, Koina…..a typical maori elitist outlook:
        ‘Seymour is not Maori.
        He may have a drop of Maori 67 generations ago but identifying as Maori is pure BS’
        You DO realise there are fucking tens of thousands of ‘whities’ out there who identify as maori with 1/64 and some/most? even less maori lineage!.
        Sooooo as there are no full blooded maori left, they went extinct decades ago, I suspect you only look at the blood quantum when assessing someone you don’t agree with, and never even bring it up for say Ken Mair (who’s mother was full blooded Scottish).
        See what happens when you become the arbitrator of who is and isn’t maori.
        You would have been welcomed into the Nazi party a 100yrs ago, your racist elitist outlook shows you up for what you are…..sad man!

        • Pakepakeha I’m full maori prove I’m not? Cunty’s like yourself using the “there no full blooded Maori around” as if you have anything to do with our society’s. Been to a marae? What about a Tangi? have you sat down with maori for a kai? Your Idol Seymour surely hasn’t. We’ve been inundated since pakeha arrive with shitheads like you but with a bit of luck your kind will be redundant to the sewers where you belong.

  1. If “we are all one” why are Maori singled out politically? Hooten surprised me when he called Don Brash who he had worked with a racist. The right usually don’t adopt that particular narrative but I guess Hooton can see the divisiveness and dangerous rhetoric marketed by right-wing particularly when our world is changing dramatically and solidarity make “US” stronger as a nation but Maori-bashing doesn’t.

      • We are not one. We have never been one. We will never be one.
        We as Maori will never bow down to the we are all one White rhetoric..
        Only White people say “we are one”.
        When White people say “we are one” they really mean we are all White.
        That’s what the we are all one or we are all the same statements have always meant.
        These White folks myths are simply a way to push and legitimise the White narrative.
        Any one who advances any non right wing, White narrative is accused of being diversive.
        We the Maori are the first Nations people the Tangata Wenua.
        White people came after Maori in fact some 500 years after.
        White people though have have never truly acknowledged that we are the first people.
        They do everything to erase our rights as first Nations people.
        The latest Maori bashing election is just another chapter in the 180 year White narrative
        aimed at extinguishing historical truth.
        Trying to overturn the Treaty claim process led by ACT is pushing te White narrative that the Treaty was honoured 100% by the Whites who have no case to answer and Maori therefor Maori have no claims to anything.
        And the White majority voted overwhelmingly for this narrative at the last election.
        We as Maori have a lot to fear right now with regards these issues.
        Especially as the left wing Whites are putting up pitifully weak resistance.
        Only the Maori Party is putting up brave resistance. No one else is.

        • Hey bro I look as white as fuck but have known about my Maori heritage all my life .My dad used to tell us about the abuse he endured at school because he was brown .This continued all through his life .Dont preach to people that have bothered to find that heritage .You will be needing our support in the coming months to deal with the cunts that want to divide our country .No doubt some whanau feel they should own the country but that will never be the case .We need to progress forward and educate the masses about the treaty and the shit history since it was signed .

        • The people saying “we are one” just don’t want to admit that their life of privilege is based on their ancestors theft of land from Maori.
          It’s the same self justification used by power companies (and other utility type supplier) to charge customers excessive prices because it is an acceptable return on the value of their business, they never mention the cost price as once a utility is purchased they claim that it is worth more so they increase prices which increases the business value so customers get charged more until people can no longer afford to purchase the product or service.

  2. Here’s the scenario my leftie mates.

    You can keep Hooten as long as we (in the centre and on the right) get to keep Trotter.


  3. I was stunned by Matthew Hooten’s comments because I absolutely agree with them, and never thought that he and I could ever agree on anything. I will take them at face value and say good on you Matthew, while being a little worried that there may be some sort of agenda going on that none of us have yet identified.

    • I have togree with you.Trust Hooten? Mmm not yet. But since he decided to advance his educational credentials he seems to have moved a little to the left. Its funny how wealthy uneducated people are right wing and well educated people wealthy or not, lean to the left.

    • Hooten is a liberal through and through. We all know he’s liberal economically but he’s also liberal on social issues – including race it would seem.

      Damien Grant on the other hand is clearly just posing as a liberal but is really just someone who likes an ideology that saves him from having to think too hard.

      Even though I disagree with Hooten’s politics I’ve gained insight from listening to him whereas Damien Grant’s position always seems to be “What would Don Brash do?” The man has nothing useful to offer us.

  4. Not often I agree with Hooten but this time I will .Both Brash and Seymour are racist for the sake of scoring political votes .What happened to Brashes big plan that the treaty would be gone by lunch time ? It was he that was gone by lunch time not the treaty .For years these types of fuck witts pop up and create division then slink back into the swamp when the going gets tough .Hopefully this will be Seymore and his toxic mates last stand before they too disapear into the swamp along withe the river of filth party as well

    • As Koino says further up, his quote nails you well Gordon.
      Bet you apologise for being a man too?!

      “There are so many of these white apologists who suddenly discover their Maori “heritage” late in life”

  5. Can’t believe Im going to say this but…..Well said Mr Hooton!!
    I dont agree with his position most of the time but fully agree with him on the Right’s race baiting bullshit.
    Even if Hobson did make that statement, those now quoting him should be recognizing the clear disparity between Maori and Pakeha when it comes to societal issues such as poverty and incarceration and do something about it. Instead the likes of Brash and Seymour use Hobson’s words to somehow make Pakeha out as the victim. Utter manipulative, elitist and dangerous race driven nonsense.
    Have to also say Hooton’s analysis of Damian Grant is spot on as well!
    I’d argue the Working Group would have much higher ratings without Damian Grant on every week. I understand why he’s there…he’s just not very good at it.
    Someone Iike Hooton would be a much better fit for the Right to balance Bomber’s Left.
    There isn’t enough of this type of political discussion delving into the real issues in NZ’s media.
    Unfortunately Damian Grant brings nothing to the debate other than antagonism, ignorance and an ego the size of Jupiter. Its embarrassing to watch….so I don’t.

    • I agree with most of what you have said but disagree with excluding Damien Grant from the “Working Group Podcast” because we need to hear from arseholes like him and he does liven up the podcast with his right-wing libertarian views its a free speech issue formulating ideas and Damien has a tone even if we on the left don’t like most of what he sprays I will defend the right for him to have his say.

    • By the way “Who the F**k was Hobson?” just some English White Jerk who came to NZ spouting BS on behalf of the King/Queen of England about the settlement of NZ and integration with Te Tangata Whenua.

    • Well you shoulda watched that one as Hutton calling Grant a dickhead was priceless.and true.I think the reason why Grant is there every week being patronising to Bradbury and generally dumb is money. Gravity Credit Finance probs.

  6. The fastest and easiest way to win a democratic election is to use division – it can be based on race, religion, culture, gender, sexuality, class or all of the above it doesn’t really matter. When John Key laid the center-right race baiting strategy to rest there must have been many who felt betrayed and they have festered and pustulated ever since, waiting for their moment. And now it’s here.
    With global reach, the political right has access to limitless resources to spread a simplistic and divisive messages that can be augmented with local examples and narratives and leveraged electorally.
    Why are National letting Seymour push ahead with the Treaty Bill? So they can analyze the polling data that this generates and determine if it is the winning issue for 2026. David Farrar is going to be very busy.

  7. I like Hooten’s honesty. Known him from way back when he was arguing against the reality of climate change on RNZ Monday morning politics segment, and no one argued back! Hobson’s Pledge, the Free Speech Union, taxpayers union etc etc are all there to get votes for the rich from folk whose real interests don’t align with the rich. So, I’m a bit surprised– how can Hooten’s freemarket agenda be progressed without wrangling the idiots? He either believes it can or puts honesty first despite.

  8. Who actually cares what Hobson said .It was never in the treaty that was signed so is just another I reckon from the white fuckers that just want the sea bed now because they have already stolen the land .The wealthy cunts just want every thing .

  9. Dickhead could be the verbal equivalent, of a face slap with a glove, laying down a challenge between gentlemen. Since the whole spat centred on Hobson, then it should be settled in a manner befitting that era. Pistols at dawn, at twenty paces. Deadeye Damien v Hairtrigger Hooten. Martin to officiate the proceedings.

  10. This was the biggest laugh I have had in ages. Two “libertarians” going hammer and tong. I always wonder why Martyn has these people on his show, but this just helped me understand. Mind you Bomber couldn’t get a word in.

  11. I’m all for Righties being on. We have good faith Righties, unlike America. Completely wrong, soon to be gone, but it’s nice to see these honest NZers.


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