MEDIAWATCH: Chippy and Willie are right – Māori never ceded sovereignty


Great piece by Willie Jackson writing after Chippy becomes the first leader of a major political party who acknowledges that Māori never ceded sovereignty…

Labour acknowledges Māori did not cede sovereignty – Willie Jackson


The Treaty of Waitangi is New Zealand’s founding document and takes its name from the place in the Bay of Islands where it was first signed, on February 6 1840.

Missionary Henry Williams and son Edward translated the English draft into Māori overnight on February 4. About 500 Māori debated the document for a day and a night before it was signed.

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The Treaty was prepared in just a few days.

Willie Jackson is a Labour MP

Labour Leader Chris Hipkins has become the first leader of a major political party to acknowledge the historical truth that Māori did not cede sovereignty, in an interview on Te Ao with Moana.

At the time of the signing of the Treaty, the Maori population was between 80 – 100,000 people compared to 2000 settlers. The idea that Māori intended for the Treaty to take from them their tino rangatiratanga is laughable and only something that people like Christopher Luxon, Winston Peters and David Seymour cling to because they think rolling out reality is too hard.

People should know there was an English and Māori version of the Treaty and that the Māori version of the Treaty gained 90% of the signatures.

They should also know that when there is a difference in the versions and disagreements that international law states the indigenous version is the one that is upheld.

Māori didn’t sign away sovereignty no matter how much the angry reactionary right want that to be true and since the signing of the Treaty, the Crown and Māori have worked to try and flesh out the promise of the Treaty.

They managed this with the Treaty principles which provided a guide on how the Crown was obligated to work with Māori to honour a Treaty with an indigenous people who didn’t sign away their sovereignty. These principles were designed in 1987 by the courts and have been accepted and acted on by every government since then.

For the most part, Māori and pragmatic Pākehā have found ways to work together for a better shared future.

The problems have arisen when angry reactionary right wingers who don’t know their history start agitating against the process.

Acknowledging Māori didn’t sign away sovereignty doesn’t mean Parliament must tumble down or a new legal system is necessary, or a new currency created! This isn’t Zimbabwe, and Pākehā farmers are not suddenly going to be moved off their land.

Pākehā and Māori have been learning to work together for almost 200 years. Māori don’t want separatism; they want history accepted and genuine attempts to work together in partnership with the Crown to deliver tangible and much-needed resources so that Māori are able to move forward and turn around some of the negative statistics we all know act as a barrier for Māori to truly thrive.

Yes, the Māori Party want a Māori parliament, separate legal and health systems, and that’s fine and their right to advocate that. However, I believe that most Māori are more focused on housing, jobs and the welfare of their families, the bread-and-butter issues will always be at the forefront.

This along with Māori language and culture being accepted as an integral part of this country’s identity is what I think most Maori want. We don’t want a revolution, we just want to be treated like a respected partner that the judges of 1987 said we were.

I’m with Labour because the only way forward is by working together, accepting the truth of our history doesn’t damage our democracy, it strengthens and grows it for everyone.

By accepting the truth that Māori never ceded sovereignty, Chippy shows us he has the courage and cultural security in his own identity as a Kiwi to lead us away from the dark rhetoric of National, Act and NZ First whose anti-Māori, anti-Treaty, agenda is tearing this country apart.

Chris Hipkins is the Prime Minister this country urgently needs.

…it takes enormous political courage by Chippy to stand and state a basic historic fact and Jackson has articulated a narrative that never gets any air time in this country.

There were 2 versions of the Treaty, the Māori version doesn’t talk about losing sovereignty and the Māori version revived the most amount of signatures.

The idea that  100 000 Māori were handing sovereignty over to 2000 settlers is an absurdity and we have signed UN Human Rights Declarations stating that when there is a Treaty, the one written in the indigenous language takes precedence.

Again, acknowledging that Māori didn’t cede sovereignty doesn’t mean Western Civilisation as we know it ends, it means that you work in good faith to put together principles that accept these historical facts, that’s ultimately what the Treaty Principles were all about.

Yes, there is no mention of co-governance in the Treaty, but we have evolved co-management out of an understanding that Māori didn’t cede sovereignty and we have attempted to construct a legal rights situation around this reality.

A Māori Parliament isn’t Government, it can be a legitimate voice – like many Indigenous Parliaments around the world, where that sovereignty can be expressed.

Chippy is showing real political courage here and that is worth respecting.




  1. There maybe no co governance in the treaty but there was no allowance to take land by force or to change the rules so the fishing industry can rape the sea daily .Recreational fishers are going to regret it if the law is changed so that the few people who are protecting the fishery are prevented from doing so .The seabed will become a moon scape from sea bed mining and the fish stocks will be depleted .Already near by to me on the west coast there is a Rahui in place for two years to stop the gathering of shell fish because stocks are low .Imagine if the whole sale fishing and mining is allowed there will be no fish to take my grand kids to catch .

    • International law allows nations to take by force anything they want and change any laws they want, provided they are strong enough to do it, and their powerful allies allow it. It has always been so, even to this day. Take a look around the world. Is it right? Is it fair? Of course not. Can we change it? Or are we powerless in the face of world powers? Do you have an answer? I don’t.

      • International law does not “allow nations to take by law anything they want”. “Realpolitik” may. If it is not “right” and “fair’ it will not endure. “Can we change it? … Do you have an answer? I don’t.”.
        Yes, I do have an answer. We can change it.

        • Off you go then & while you’re at maybe bring peace to the Middle East (one that doesn’t involve the silence of a nuclear wasteland).

          Would you like to elaborate on your methods? I’m genuinely interested.

      • Yeah sure “might is right” is the reality a lot of the time – but lets see where that takes us: If we Pakeha took everything by force, then we must maintain our dominance by force, and logically Maori would also use force to try get the country back. I really don’t want to live in a country where we let that play out. Hell, even David Seymour doesn’t want to live in that country, which is why he has all these weaselly arguments to justify what he is doing.

        I’d rather be a decent human being, living in a decent country which tries to do the right thing by all of it’s inhabitants.

    • They didn’t use the phrase co-governance but the Te Tiriti did plan for a governor who would be responsible for the Pakeha population and who would sit alongside Maori leadership – so it kinda actually does look like co-governance to me.

      The other thing people need to understand is that the English and Maori versions of the treaty actually made polar opposite statements about Maori ceding sovereignty – this was a bit of an Aha! moment for me because it helps make sense of the confusion

  2. Well, the original Te Tiriti is one thing, but as settler numbers built up as part of a deliberate “swamping” policy by England, the Red Coats arrived and went to town. Some of you will have seen the maps that show how little land is left now in full Māori ownership and the time lines involved in its transfer to Tau Iwi hands.

    There are so many rednecks/crackers in the provinces particularly because they depend on denial to justify their sitting on or benefitting from stolen or dubiously acquired land.

    Good on Hipkins for making his statement, but I hope he won’t be leading NZ Labour for much longer unless he has a highly unlikely epiphany and renounces Rogernomics…

  3. He said half of what John Key said – Maori didn’t cede sovereignty but the Crown has sovereignty (it took it by force, against the Treaty). The task now, for this and future generations is to simply honour the treaty.

  4. @ Maori ( Treaty) and @ Farmers (Money.) should unite and defend themselves and us too by proxy against the tyranny of rich abusers. But alas, our farmers are so arrogantly over confident about knowing everything while, in reality, knowing fuck and so are effortlessly manipulated while @ Maori are busy mutilating themselves while lost in a maze of self destruction, and sadness actually, that both essential entities can’t find the door in the smoke and mirror filled room our abusers have us all locked within thanks to a corrupt msm.
    5.2 million people on an agriculture exporting land 29 thousand square kilometres larger than the UK with its 69 million along with 14 multi-billionaires, 3118 multi-millionaires and four now foreign owned banks being the second most profitable in the world… I mean come fucking on man!?
    If the Crown won’t do it then we could crowd fund a proper team of investigative journo’s and forensic accountants to go up our politics and our economy like seymour up a drain pipe. Now, wouldn’t that be interesting ?

  5. What changes if you acknowledge this? Do we say “Sorry, the last 180 years were a misunderstanding, we’ll roll everything back & return to England. We apologize for the inconvenience. Carry on.”

    Of course not, your sovereignty is gone, but you still have a future, pray you don’t lose that too. Get an education, get skills, embrace technology & learning, the past is gone, the future is now. Move forward, not backwards.

    • The news for Bob the Fart is all bad…oral cultures can be highly literate…art, architecture, and artefacts such as navigation devices and customary practice are as valuable as manuscripts or books (which are a relatively recent invention anyway).

      It is an old tactic to put non Euro civilisations into a lower echelon. These days such views are known as “white supremacy”.

        • Maori had their written language from early in the nineteenth century, and that was the reason why Te Tiriti was written in Te Reo Maori. We delight in citing original sources in te reo maori, but the ignorant ones are not willing to listen.

    • Māori obviously had become a written language by 1840 anyway, since the Māori version was written down (elementary logic here). Actually, for more info,

      “The first complete New Testament in Maori was printed in an edition of 5,000 copies in December 1837, and issued after binding in January 1838. The proof copy, with corrections in the hand of the translator, William Williams (1800-1878), can be viewed in the exhibition ‘To the ends of the earth’.”

      According to that post, the missionaries had a bit of trouble, at first, with the unreconstructed making off with the type to melt down for bullets. But it is said that before long, Māori were more literate on average than the colonists.

    • We stopped killing each other in warfare hundreds of years ago. Pretty much once we took up the written word.

      Hows them civilised and highly literate white kinfolk of yours getting on in Russia and Ukraine ?

      Perhaps they could benefit from a treaty ? Shall i round up a few cuzzies and head over to broker some peace or have you got this Bob ?

    • Bob No 1, wrong again. My ancestors were bilingual, and learned very quickly to read and write. It was the British settlers who were illiterate. I think you need to study a bit of TRUE NZ History, and not follow the likes of Brash, Batchelor etc.

  6. Nek minnit, a Westminster System of Governance and Judiciary was installed and the theft of all things Maori was enshrined in Crown law.

    So what does a Maori Parliament look like these days ?

    • It probably should not be called a Parliament because it will be he Whakaminenga, and it should be based on the principles of rangatiratanga. Continuous election, an open ballot, non-uniform constituencies defined by hapu and iwi themselves, and rangatira who are responsible to and for the membership of their hapu.

    • Perhaps the ignorance arises because the conquerors themselves won’t honestly admit that unlawful conquest is what they engaged in.

  7. Well considering the treaty was between Maori and the queen because there was no government till a few years later there is no way the government can say they are sovereign .As the governor general represents the king she is sovereign not the government .So clearly the treaty was never signed by any government so to say the government is sovereign is another right wing lie .

    • King Charles is sovereign according to the law of the Realm of New Zealand. He appoints the Governor-General who in turn appoints the Prime Minister and other Ministers who make up the Government. The Treaty was signed by William Hobson on behalf of and in the name of Victoria. Hobson subsequently issued two proclamations of sovereignty in the name of Victoria. King Charles has inherited Victoria’s claim to sovereignty on the basis of Hobson’s proclamations. He could not have inherited on the basis of Te Tiriti which did not cede sovereignty, and even in the English version did not contain any provision for royal inheritance or succession. When the Government, in the person of the Prime Minister, claims that it is sovereign it is speaking very loosely to avoid stating the unpalatable truth which is that it holds a foreign monarch to be sovereign over Aotearoa on grounds of deception and coercion.

  8. If you don’t think the New Zealand Government is sovereign in this country, maybe you should fuck off to your own country. Bye.

    • this is my country .I was born here and can trace back to well before any bloody treaty was even thought of .Clearly you can not do the same because you are too red neck.You remind me of my in laws who made wild statements that there was no Maori blood in there family .It took me about an hour on my heritage to prove them wrong and now they are claiming a young Maori horse trainer ,who is doing real well ,as one of their own .

    • Martyn, interesting that you would publish such an offensive comment whilst censoring so many others. Did this fit the narrative you are trying to spin? Did it help push a race war some would like to see?

  9. And I’ve known the sovereignty thing since my 7th Form high school history class in 1984. This has put it all together — why cooperation is necessary between our two peoples. So disgusting, Pakeha toward Maori, since 1840. And in my time, 1984 on. Vicious beyond words. 40 years of that!

  10. Maori did not cede sovereignty in Te Tiriti. That much is indisputable. However the British Crown still claims sovereignty over Aotearoa based on Hobson’s declarations of 21 May 1840. The Crown would say that it does not matter whether Hobson’s declarations were fair, justified, or reasonable given the fact Aotearoa was already occupied. Just like Putin’s declaration of Russian sovereignty over the Donbass, it is not a question of whether we like it, but whether we can do anything about it.
    In our case we can do something about it. We fought a series of wars of resistance against the British colonialists in the nineteenth century and we must be ready to fight again if we are to frustrate the ambitions of the British Crown and assert the sovereignty of tangata motu in their own land. That is neither a pipe dream nor a nightmare. Colonialism is becoming an unsustainable proposition in Aotearoa, and those in charge of the regime are seized of a political death-wish. When the time comes the system will fall with a very slight push from below.

  11. Chippie, eh Prefect, i prefer. Winston, deriding today in the house, got one fact knowing, Te Treaty only one half page of right, Winnei, tell that truth right.

  12. ” Chippy is showing real political courage here and that is worth respecting. ”

    Damn shame this courage doesn’t extend to all the other crises were battling out here.

    Sovereignty barely registers when you are doing it bloody hard and are just managing to stop from drowning.

    • No, it means the same thing to all educated people. Rangatiratanga is sovereign absolute authority. Kawanatanga is an authority which is subordinate to rangatiratanga. Kuini Wikitoria was rangatira. Sir George Gipps, governor of New South Wales, was Kawana. Gipps served at the pleasure of Victoria. The Emperor Tiberias was rangatira of the Roman Empire. Pontius Pilate was Kawana of Judea. Pilate was responsible to Tiberias (Ruka 3:1).

  13. Because Maori never ceded their Sovereignty Maori’s should have their own Government & Parliament funded by the NZ TaxPayer just like the Westminster modelled Parliament model? A Confederation similar to what Canada had between the French speaking & French Provinces of Canada & the British Provinces & the English Crown, they had separate Government run systems at one Stage. That’s my 2 cents worth, two separate systems within one Country because the NZ Govt Political system based on the British model has utterly failed Maori, they have not honoured, adhered too & lived up to the Treaty of Waitangi that they co-signed with the British Monarchy & Crown & agreed too! Give Maori their due!

    • A confederation along the lines of Te Whakaminenga, definitely, but not on “the Westminster model” whose defects are all too plainly apparent at the present time. We don’t want to end up with another corrupt and undemocratic institution of government. Representatives must be accountable to their electors, and electors must be able to define their own constituency, whether according to hapu, iwi, or any other distinction of their choosing.

      • You could already have that, many iwi are showing considerably leadership for their people. The real questions are what powers will you have, who will you rule & who will pay for it? The other question is where do those disenfranchised from their iwi or happy fit in?

        • Not only could we already have it, we (and I mean all of us, “tatou”, because all our peoples benefit hugely from rangatiratanga) do already have it. This is the way that Maori communities work, and they do it very successfully. Urban Maori who are disconnected from their hapu are able to establish their own marae. Rangatiratanga has always been a dynamic system with new hapu forming as required, people moving into and out of existing hapu, and new rangatira emerging to meet the demands of the moment. The only power required is the power to serve and protect their own people, and the necessary resources come from the people themselves.

  14. You could already have that, many iwi are showing considerably leadership for their people. The real questions are what powers will you have, who will you rule & who will pay for it? The other question is where do those disenfranchised from their iwi or hapu fit in?

  15. No government signed the treaty .It was signed by the cheifs and the queen .So now the government in NZ can fuck right off and if NZ wants to revisit the treaty then it should be the King and Maori doing that .I am sure the King would tell the current government to get fucked and may even dissolve the current paliament
    NZ did not have a so called government till well after the treaty was signed .As is the case now the then government twisted the wording to steal land and murder as many maori as they could to make that theft look like they were defending them selves .My great great grand father was killed when sent to negotiate the surrender of the HOU HOU at PATEA so the crown could take their land for the white people to fuck up .Now I have educated myself around the great land grab wars I have little sympathy for him .

  16. “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute.”
    “Who controls the past controls the future. … ”

    George Orwell 1984
    Horrible Hipkins worst PM ever strikes again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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