How does today’s extreme heat compare with Earth’s past climate?
Viewed through a long enough lens, our climate can seem unremarkable – but for humans it is unprecedented
What is going on with our climate right now is so unprecedented and of such a magnitude, its existential threat to us as a species and civilisation can not be under played.
It will dominate all politics always once its consequences start becoming impossible to ignore.
It will demand earthquakes inside domestic elections.
We have no comprehension of the speed of what is coming and the enormity of what it means.
The AMOC is predicted to shut down before 2050.
Not weaken, not slow, SHUT THE FUCK DOWN.
In 26 years?
That is an enormity beyond enormities.
My suspicion as to why the temperatures are spiking in such freakish ways is because we are under estimating the amount of methane that is being released as frozen hydrates on the ocean floor melt and permafrost thaws…
As the world heats up, methane released from thawing permafrost and warming tropical wetlands is intensifying climate breakdown. But curbing it is achievable
…the amount of damage being caused is insurmountable in my opinion and radical adaptation the only path forward.
We are a species in denial.
Not all of us are blind to the fact the world is burning .Only the rich pricks and their puppets like Luxon cant see the truth .Throw in a few of the river of filth and you have kaos .Where will the fith live when the river dries up and the swamp is dry and all the rabbits are dead so there are no rabbit holes to crawl into .Oh thats right we will tune into ZB and blame Jacinda and Neve nd demand they be lynched in front of parliament
Well said Gordon!
As usual your comments are ill informed rubbish,based on nothing.You offer no scientific reasoning because it’s beyond your intellectual ability.
Tell me what qualifications do hold in science gordon?
As usual Gordon your comments are well informed .You offer scientific reasoning because your intellectual ability.
Tell me what qualifications do you hold in science Bob the troll?
Your comment is, as usual, like your intellect, illiterate, makes no sense whatsoever…(Tell me what qualifications do hold in science gordon?)and another example of how you continue to humiliate yourself on this site.
That’s rich coming from you @ bob the roger.
BTW. you missed the ‘you’ in your last brain spurt sentence so if you were a climate scientist you’d miss the point as well.
Im an engineer
But, but….Bob Came Last….Luxon and Hosking, two of the world’s most researched and renowned climate scientists, told us that we are okay at least until 2050, or, until they kick the bucket…whichever comes first….so that must be right…surely!!
Most people are only vaguely aware. And still voting National or something when none of them even Greens can concentrate for more than a few hours on our likely future. So don’t blather on Gordon you are getting overly emotional and fatuous. If you are an engineer, keep your mind cool and start thinking out ways you can tell us about on how to cope daily. People dying in the fields without water or shade – what can an engineer devise or invent to help.?
Dont worry Da Maori are pumping the water to a safe place and rolling up all the beaches before the tide gets so high there is no beach .
NZ spends so much time and effort race ,or poor bashing while the world is collapsing all around .All those rich pricks that are hording all the wealth will have nothing to spend it on and they will be as poor as everyone else .
” It’s a matter of survival. We had just one decade in which to avert the environmental destruction of our Planet ” That decade began in 1990 34 years ago! We doubled, tripled down rather than retreated and downsized to save our future.
” Beyond your worst nightmare: A.D 2040. If we were to give this year a name it would be DESPAIR. This is the hopeless world we have left our children and grandchildren. ”
quote from It’s a matter… by Anita Gordon and David Suzuki
We’re in exponential climate change heading for a hot house Earth. Nothing we do now can stop it! It’ll will cause the extinction of the human race! Evolution: extinction is the rule rather than survival.
Time to invest in lead, copper & steel, universal currencies, accepted everywhere.
AI could not tell me of a word for the cognitive shut down to warnings of doom.
Standard operating procedure. De Nile is more than just a river in Egypt.
Not only the rich pricks and their puppets, Gordon. We are all culpable. Nothing less than a paradigm shift will change an economic system (still) dependent on fossil fuels for most energy needs – although true that NZ has hydro at its back door, albeit fraught with uncertainty. But the modern capitalist world – NZ included – is predicated on endless profit / growth and the use of fossil fuel for its energy needs. What goes in must come out, so the saying goes. And who keeps this system all going. Us ordinary muppets with our endless desire for consumerables, a liking for the easy life. The trappings of capitalism and its hunger for fossil-fuel derived energy are both our ally and nemesis. Nothing less than a paradigm shift will change the way we do agriculture. Nothing less than a paradigm shift will prevent more rain forest being deforested. Stop buying cheap useless shit! Forget the toys! Buy sustainable! Buy local! And yeah, get on your bike! Better still have one in you living room and generate your own electricity. If you don’t, well you know what’s gonna happen.
Often the correction although with good intent it gets us nowhere. In the EU all plastic bottles have have the top attached to the bottle .The idea was to stop tons of tops going to land fill. Unfortunately the tag is creating more plastic waste.
Yep you are correct
Here Chook Chook chook.
Get over it. We’re fucked so have fun.
“This reveals the star’s core, which by this point in the star’s life is running out of fuel, eventually turning off and before finally dying.” Astronomers estimate that the sun has about 7 billion to 8 billion years left before it sputters out and dies.
Here’s what will happen when our sun dies, billions of years from now.
Here’s another enjoyable read for your weekend reading pleasure.
The Guardian
Photojournalist Selene Magnolia Gatti has been documenting the effects on human health and wellbeing of living alongside intensive agriculture
By Selene Magnolia Gatti and Helena Spongenberg
So, the good news is before we all get cooked we’ll all starve to death whilst diseased. The planet will smell like a beef sausage barbecue.
We AO/NZ’ers are allowing 14 multi-billionaires, 3118 multi-millionaires and four foreign owned banks make/take more from us in profit than anywhere else in the world with the exception of Canada who are exploiting us into early graves. Can someone answer? : Who’s fault is that?
Clue. “Evil prevails when good people fail to act.”
Speaking of which; How long is that israeli flag going to fly on SH1 in Bluff before someone acts?
Well said Gordon!
Very valid words, Martyn Bradbury.
What is the response by the Party-Greens?
Our best hope lies in cooperating as never before: decoupling the political map from geography. However unrealistic it sounds, we need to look at the world afresh and develop new plans based on geology, geography, and ecology.
Shut the Economic-Growth-Fuck down.
And: ALL wars and military actions are main contributors to the present shit.
ALL (!) …
I look out my window, and what I don’t see is the world burning.
What “sustainability” premised in the notion of man made climate change is really about is the acknowledgement that our energy sources are running out (i.e. aren’t sustainable) and people are going to have to accept much lower standards of living than previously. Consumption is linked to energy, and when the energy is diminishing, consumption necessarily has to fall.
But “climate change” isn’t an anti-establishment position at all. It is a top down elite project. If it was subversive, it wouldn’t be a mainstream topic that gets a lot of coverage. It is being pushed by those at the top because it is the means they are using to get people to accept a lower standard of living without them being blamed and possibly displaced as an elite. After all, the billionaires aren’t going to reduce their material standards one bit, but everyone else will be expected to “save the planet” on their behalf.
Probably true MA E but we will have to get used to having a lower standard of living and learn how to make it palatable. And changes will have to be made. Retired people just can’t sit back and live off their savings, as many won’t have any and a caring society needs some input from everybody, you just can’t opt out and say you’re entitled. And others can’t be allowed to starve on the streets. The gummint and moneyed elite will get more and more twisted and the lower levels have to build strong connections both practical and kindly as we aren’t getting that now from those with access to the money tree. Religion is no help, they have been subverted by extrinsic matters for yonks. Their ideas may hold us together long enough to set up an parallel society that exists to some extent separately. Why aren’t we setting up benevolent societies such as the Manchester Unity, right now?
A friendly society is formed to provide for, by voluntary subscription of members or the aid of donations, the relief or maintenance of members and their families during sickness, old age, or in widowhood.
About friendly societies – New Zealand Companies Office › all-registers › ab…
Friendly Societies Register – New Zealand Companies Office › … Whakamāoritia tēnei whārangi
Find friendly societies registered under the Friendly Societies and Credit Unions Act 1982 and how to manage their registration.
Interesting background –
Samuel Smiles and the Genesis of Self-Help; the Retreat to a Petit Bourgeois Utopia –
R. J. Morris
Deadly Waterspout in Mediterranean Ocean Sinks Superyacht
The Mediterranean Ocean water surface temperature is 3 degrees C higher than usual (up to 30.5 C). This is fuelling more intense storms which can spin off stronger waterspouts.
The superyacht hit was extremely unlucky.
Climate crisis fuelled storm that sank yacht in Sicily, say experts:…
I’m with Martyn on this one.
If you’re a climate change denier, read Peter Brannen’s book ‘The ends of the world’. Note ‘ends’ as it’s happened five times before. It’s in most libraries.
Here’s a bit of the blurb for it:
‘As new groundbreaking research suggests that climate change played a major role in the most extreme catastrophes in the planet’s history, award-winning science journalist Peter Brannen takes us on a wild ride through the planet’s five mass extinctions and, in the process, offers us a glimpse of our increasingly dangerous future.’
Enjoy the read – and the ride – while you can!
Amusing until ‘The Road’. We’re such fools.