WAATEA NEWS COLUMN: National don’t seem to have any idea what 7aa actually is


My biggest fear over the drive to repeal Section 7aa is that the Political Right don’t understand what they are actually repealing.

This exchange above between the Prime Minister and Chloe Swarbrick spells that fear out.

7aa obliges Oranga Tamariki to actually work with Iwi to house mokopuna rather than be taken into a State care system that ends up abusing children in State care at a higher rate than if they were just left in the community!

Removing 7aa allows the State to simply uplift who they like without any consideration whatsoever to the history of abuse Māori have suffered at the hands of that State!

The real reason that the Right are going down this path has little to do with the safety of the children taken into State care and everything to do with using Māori as a political punching bag.

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Because 7aa is identifiably Māori, ACT are pushing for this public health vandalism for political purposes.

National want to use Bag Data to direct social policy, this will see an enormous spike in uplifts with no idea of where those newly uplifted children will be placed.

We have shown that we have learnt NOTHING from the recent Royal Inquiry into state abuse.



  1. It’s patently clear the PM knows nothing of politics. He’s just a hand job brought in to massage National members and supporters. Of that they have the perfect person. Brownlees attempt to hide Luxons inability to answer the question highlights how appalling Luxon is. Thankfully he’s just a one term PM and will go down as our worst.

    • Martyn could have dropped the last 4 words in the headline and made that point also. It’s going to be a painful 2 and a bit years if they last that long.
      It’s a shame that Labour does such a poor job of candidate selection that voting for them is more of a burden than something to be enthusiastic about.

    • Really Gordon!?
      They won the election….polls since the election has them on top
      Jeezzz how many people have 100mil in NZ eh?
      It’s not about money, it’s about policies!
      Labour introduced racist policies with no campaigning, no discussions just implement them, they were booted out!
      National/ACT/NZ first campaigned on what they have implemented, and STILL popular in the polling so far (2yrs till next election the polls mean nothing).
      What say you Gordon?

        • Do not expect a sensible response GW, Bob the fist has difficulty with the English language. He was home schooled and breastfed until he turned 29.

      • This governments separatist policies are on hand for all to see.
        Gutless Seymour couldn’t show up for the kings coronation because his policies are evidence of racism.
        Enjoy your rates rises because of terrible water policies.

  2. I think you might find many people on both sides of this argument have a limited idea of what s7aa provides. In my view it largely repeats what ss4A & 5 already says.

  3. Mr Bradbury. As you will know very well, if in fact the Speaker was “protecting” the Prime Minister on that question he would have been doing exactly what Mallard did routinely to protect Ardern from ever having to answer any questions in intelligible language. As I am sure you also know, the default position for politicians of all stripes is to give an answer while avoiding actually answering the question – Labour did it, National is doing it, it’s the way the game is played.

  4. And it turns out the OT case of ” reverse uplift”  that Chourr stated she was basing her (emotional) manipulation of the public around in order to drop clause 7AA , the case that demonised a couple, turned out to be the children were returned rightfully to these children’s real family who are great NZ citizens fostering kids and vetted by and known to OT.

    Those children are flourishing.


    Who committed the harm Ms Chourr ?

    Dropping 7AA  was not about what was sold to the public as protecting children but really about ACT systematically going piece by piece through all Regulations to dismantle Te Tiriti.

    In a meeting with Chourr, there was no interest in an organisation who actually do the grass roots work but rather a monopolised conversation of her own agenda, her sales talk and enthusiasm in progressing her baby, the bootcamps trial as the solution.

    Roll on the expensive CoC sham of the Ministry of Regulations who employ more than the ministry they cut..

  5. Awesome show last night Bomber on the “Working Group podcast” having Karen Chhour & Barbara Edmonds two mothers of Maori descent nutting and debating issues of importance. I felt that Barbara had the upper hand of the debate using logic and evidence unlike Karen debating with stories and feelings and actually looked weak as her ideology took front and centre of her argument why she’s repealing 7aa just wasn’t a good reason in my opinion.

  6. Maeries are cannon fodder to fire at the feeble minded masses, particularly farmers who are, by definition, the most racist, most ignorant, most kept in the dark, most puffed up, arrogant fools and with less emotional/intellectual scope than a carrot. No disrespect to actual carrots.
    Unfortunately, farmers also provide us with 100% of our food and our economy so from the exploitative natzo perspective keeping farmers away from enlightenment is as essential as breathing.
    Rubbing @ Maori and @ Farmers together to light fires under peace and tranquility is a natzo day to day affair and has been since 1936 and will still be regarded within certain government offices as a daily task even before the Gin and Hookers.
    Farmers. You must rise above the red neck swamp the natzo’s have you submerged within and look around. All is not as it seems and that’s a fucking understatement.

  7. Keeping at-risk children within their whanau if they have to be shifted from their parents’ care is much cheaper for the State than taking them into the State’s care.

    For a cash-strapped, money focused government, keeping Māori kids in their extended whanau is much better for everyone.

  8. I wonder how many, on either side of this argument, understand what s7aa of the Oranga Tamariki Act provides. In my view it largely restates what is already covered elsewhere in the Act; e.g. ss4A & 5. It’s repeal will, in my view, have limited impact on the practical application of the Act; the wellbeing and best interests of tamariki will remain the paramount consideration.

  9. Chloe is creating diversion for her own weakness. She has no credibility asking anyone about what anything does. What do the Greens do? What is their purpose these? Why are they in parliament? How many of their MPs were actually voted in? Why are they supporting an MP involved in migrant exploitation? Why can’t they be decisive and kick her out instead of waiting for a meeting to vote on whether they should kick her out or not…wtf is with that??? Chloe sounds and behaves like the angry teenager that she is, let alone a competent leader that some of you deluded folk wish she was.

  10. Why doesn’t Chloe Swarbrick do something constructive and useful with her time rather than waste her time asking “cute” questions.

  11. What if a Pakeha child had been placed with a Maori whanau and it was later discovered that there was a very suitable family member able to take that child later on. Chhour et. don’t seem to realize that children in their own culture matters it’s who they are “nature v nurture Chhour seems to think she is the only one who wants to protect children are we all monsters in her eyes.


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