Police Association urges PM to strip gun reform portfolio off Nicole McKee
The Police Association wants responsibility for firearms reform taken off ACT Minister Nicole McKee, saying she’s a former gun lobbyist and has excluded police from consultation.
McKee says the groups being consulted were “largely ignored” during previous consultation for firearms reform, and the suggestion police have been deliberately excluded shows “a paranoia ill-befitting of the organisation”.
She says the firearms registry review has not started yet, and the Association will be able to make submissions in later phases of the reforms.
In an open letter to Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, the police union’s president Chris Cahill raised serious concerns about the consultation process for the government’s firearms registry review.
He said the minister had included 17 firearms interest groups in a targeted consultation process for the review, and just other eight groups who may take a differing view.
The association is also not one of them.
“It is our members who are literally in the firing line, combatting the threats posed by criminals all too willing to use firearms. It is police officers and employees who are responsible for administration of the Arms Act and ensuring compliance with this legislation,” Cahill wrote.
“Given our lengthy history in promotion of the safety of our members and the protection of the public, we consider our exclusion raises serious concerns about the integrity of the reviews and the independence of the Associate Minister of Justice, Nicole McKee.”
How do I put this in a polite way.
We are a petty small people who cherish our bigotries while focused on cow udders, Rugby and denying alcoholism.
We are the easily manipulated sleepy Hobbits of Muddle NuZilind and the OECD acknowledges this when they warned us that we are allowing corporate prick consultants to dominate our policy now…
According to an OECD report released today, New Zealand needs to tame its corporate lobbying industry. The Paris-based Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has ranked New Zealand as the fourth-worst country among its 38 members when it comes to regulating vested interests that try to influence policymaking.
The OCED report for this country, Product Market Regulation indicators: How does New Zealand compare?, says that New Zealand is one of the few advanced economies that still doesn’t “have adequate rules that ensure transparency and accountability in the interactions between public officials and interest groups”. They warn that this absence threatens to produce an “unlevel playing field” in which big businesses can dominate and monopolise New Zealand industries, reducing productivity.
The report evaluates all the regulations in economies such as New Zealand to highlight where regulation, or a lack of it, leads to reduced economic competition. The OECD performs this process every five years, using about 1000 questions relating to each country’s regulatory framework. Overall, the quality of New Zealand’s regulations is deemed to be very close to the average in the OECD—the country ranks 20 out of the 38 organisation members.
Regarding lobbying regulations, the OECD measures each country on a scale between 0 to 6, in which 0 means “more transparent” and 6 means “less transparent”. Countries at the top of the scale, like France and Ireland, have excellent lobbying scores – both on 0.86 out of 6, and even the US is near the top, with a very good score of 1.71. New Zealand is at the other end with a score of 4.93 out of 6. The only OECD countries faring worse are Slovakia (5.14), Luxemburg (5.57) and Turkey (5.57).
…this is a point that all the right wing Trolls who scream about Jacinda never ever admit.
You’ll never see any of the ZB Trolls acknowledge that the Right have elected and empowered these corporate consultant pricks so that our policy is their profit margin!
The Right never acknowledge how they have empowered these corporate interests and we have allowed Big Tobacco, Trans National mining Interests and the Real Estate Pimps to run wild over policy against the common good.
That’s fine and dandy because there isn’t anyone strong enough in society to stop them, but gleefully we have the much vaunted Police Association in opposition and for the first time the Right will feel a tad split.
On the one hand, the Right are pro-Police to the point of sexual fetish, but on the other hand they love guns.
For the Police Association to highlight the power of a gun lobbyist like McKee and demand she is dumped from making any more policy is just too gorgeous for words.
I want the Police Association and ACT to fight to the death.
We all do.
This is the Government the Right voted in, corporate consultants and lobbyists who manipulate our anger and prejudice to make themselves more money.
We were once a better people than this.
COLFO that McKee used to head, isn’t a corporate.
It’s the organization that speaks for licensed firearms owners, a gun owners union.
Licensed firearm owners who are not in the armed forces, police , special services or armed guards, or, using fire arms to either cull rabbits, deer, feral cats, or put down the odd sick cow, sheep or pig , are basically children who never grew up.
How childish to want a gun. For what exactly??..shoot at tin cans lined up on a log….duh!!!..
These people have seen way too many American westerns , War, Bond, or Cop movies, and can’t separate fiction from reality!!
The laws need tightening not relaxing. Make it really, really, really hard to get hold of any sort of gun!
I did notice some people representing their countries with pride at the Olympics.
With automatic weapons?
Yes, they were French.
French automatic weapons?
How many rounds per second?
And Tarrant?
Didn’t know Tarrant was at the Olympics, lucky for him, the French know how to deal with terrorists.
You have confirmed you are sick fuck.
Grant, treating licensed firearms owners as children was what the last government did, while no consequences for police who mislicensed a terrorist.
Group punishment for the “deplorables”that did nothing wrong.
Result: more gun crime with the new laws including the register.
How about we listen to people that know what they are doing this time.
Let’s also talk about how police considered 38 patched gang members and hundreds of 501s to be fit and proper as part of the conversation.
Police were happy to exclude us last time, however they will get to submit as part of the democratic processes, unlike us when Ardern rushed through her failed laws.
Oh crybaby Nordmeyer.
We believe in democratic processes, unlike Cahill, GCNZ & Ardern.
Oh crybaby Nordmeyer.
Undemocratic right wing policies are sending kiwis in droves to Australia. Fact.
It’s your Government. It’s what you wanted & now you have it.
Police enforce laws, not write them.
… and that goes doubly for union mouthpieces.
Do you mean McKee? According to KCC that’s what she was.
Sorry, it’s Crybaby Cahill.
He’s such a successful negotiator…
One of the outcomes of the 2019 amendments to the Arms Act 1983 was to destroy what had been a largely positive relationship between LFOs & the NZ Police. Hopefully removing the Police from the management of firearms licencing will help restore this relationship, even if it does significantly cut Police budgets as the funds go elsewhere.
You should get killer t cell to teach you how to write longer comments. Or can you only think in brief which is why you are so keen on semi automatic weapons so you get more chance to hit the target?
Apologies for the name spelling which I think has capital letters to our country boy.
Long comments don’t get published.
Unless you are countryboy.
Like Erik you’ve had too many bullets to the head Bob the countryboy troll.
Yet we constantly beat you with sense & logic.
The only thing your beating is yourself
NSC, sad, just sad.
Gun laws only really effect law-abiding licenced firearms owners, almost no one else, certainly not criminals. 500+ commit suicide per year in NZ, 300+ die on our roads, how many are killed by LFOs? Almost zero every year, so what are you all panicking about? Control, that is all.
well erik it seems the firearms lobby has deep pockets and the miniter is for sale…..is that democracy
other than rambo fantasies what is a practical use for semi autos..don’t say target shooting or hunting we both know that’s horseshit
What firearms Lobby?
You are talking about the freedoms of your fellow citizens.
Sorry Gagarin, we’re no longer in the1800s.
We were once a better people than this. With laxer gun laws.
With better gun laws, it was the NZ Police that let us down.
… and never took responsibility.
… or apologized for their failures.
… or the lives they destroyed.
I thought you were a dumb fuck Eric now I know it. If you thought for a moment you would understand that guns are uneccessary. Just imagine if we had a world without guns or other weapons of mass destruction.
You can go on about gangs as much as you like but if no gun is able to be tagged to a person you multiply the difficulty for authorities to have any semblance of control.
But I would say given the way you rant you probably belong to the aluminum hat anti science and sense team.
I love science, logic & facts.
Will you disarm criminals?
Tom… Citizens, criminals or Governments, who do you disarm first?
Punks that are Act supporters
Does ACT have much of a following in the Punk scene? I’d have thought that would be more of a Labour/Green thing.
And there on show is how little you know
Maybe you’d like this track…
Because I heard you liked Kool-aid.
Of all the lobbies which the National and NZ First parties and their dodgy buddies in the Tim Jago party are following around like dogs begging for treats, the firearms lobby is unquestionably a) the least solely motivated by money b) the least murderous.
Funny, we have no firearms industry to finance a lobby group, instead we have a collection of citizens banding together to protect their sport, recreation & livelihoods, and you have ACT in Government.
So shooting mosque citizens is now a sport? Geez!
You are one screwed up individual to look out for.
ACT is an abomination.
You have odd ideas about what is sport, you are definitely not “fit & proper”.
A) Um, what did I say against that B) those nonces won’t be there long
B: long enough, and possibly much longer than many here would wish.
Shoot strait you BASTARDS.
It used to be corporate consultants and top bureacrats using the revolving door.
Now it’s lobbyists and list mps.
Also china spies.
Question. If a 501 returns to NZ and has no criminal record in NZ can they currently get gun license?
If the Police follow procedures, then no they can’t.
If the public follow procedures( evidence proves otherwise) they don’t need machine guns.
At last we are seeing her real agenda and the ferral Erik is on his high horse .Maybe they are both share holders in Gun city or some other outlet .Both must be shit shots if they need an automatic machine gun to go hunting .Imagine how much meat would be left in a deer after 20 rounds in 29 seconds have been pumped into it .Or are they just interested in sensless killing to make them feel good and tough .
And we’ll see some sensible firearms legislation, written with facts & stakeholder engagement, not feelings & fear.
They will have a significant bias towards gun lobbyists, that much is guaranteed.
Defending a known lobbyists and suggesting sensible neutral legislation is akin to saying Trump definitely won the last election in the USA. It’s simply not credible, no matter how many posts you scribe.
We’ll be getting sensible laws tailored to stakeholder needs.
Yes you will, whilst the rest of NZ get shot at.
By criminals armed by Labour.
Yeah Nah right wing ACT retards.
Oh, and since we have a Government that actually cares, we should get a fair hearing this time.
Evidence that this government cares Erik?
We’re getting the review & sensible legislation we wanted. That’s caring.
If you are the example of sensible, then our country is fucked, with or without guns. That’s me being caring.
If Labour actually cared, you wouldn’t have this Government. Remember that.
It’s the Government you asked for.
Really, how have you access to my voting paper?
Plus, your vote means nothing, it’s the vote multipliers you use that matters.
If you do not know the subject commenting on it can make you look a tad stupid. The police or military, the only 2 mobs in NZ with machine guns, are unlikely to be using them to shoot deer.
Guns, when used correctly, are very good for the environment. Some of mine are doing better work removing pests than Greenpeace.
LFOs have machine guns too. Legally.