MEDIAWATCH: Thomas Coughlan’s ridiculous free market propaganda collides with his John Key fear of race war


Government risks being overwhelmed by race – Thomas Coughlan

Thomas Coughlan is deputy political editor and covers politics from Parliament. He has worked for the Herald since 2021 and has worked in the press gallery since 2018.

Thomas Coughlan is so right wing he could challenge Luke Malpass over at Stuff for Free Marketer of the Year.
Malpass, before he became Stuff’s Political Reporter, was working for Far Right Think Tank the NZ Initiative, Thomas isn’t smart enough to be part of a Think Tank, so the NZ Herald hired him instead.
Coughlan argues this is the time for the Government to economically be claiming ‘I told you so’; despite Nicola Willis fucking up the Ferry deal; despite the electricity price spike being legacy National Party fuckwittery; despite the claim the Reserve Bank will lower the OCR because National’s tax cuts are apparently magical and won’t increase inflation; despite manufacturing a crisis inside Public Health.
Coughlan is part of the same right wing economic Nazgul who infect all opinion and Journalism positions in NZ.
Coughlan is however 100% right for having the same fear as John Key that the race war this hard Right Government are  inducing is counter productive to the wider goal of making money.

Just as the National Conference was about to drown in a white milk vanilla pool of beige mediocrity, Former Prime Minister and honorary western playmate of Xi the Great begged National to dim the burning crosses a tad…

National Party conference: Sir John Key’s call to ‘take the temperature down’ on race relations, verdict on the National coalition with NZ First and Act

Former National Party leader Sir John Key has called on people to “take the temperature down a wee bit” in the debate around race issues, saying it is an area any government needs to “tread carefully” in.

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…you know shit just got real when Uncle Money Bags John Key drops in from Beijing to rein in the cracker redneck settler routine that has taken over the Government.

Because Luxon is the weakest Prime Minister ever in NZ politics, he has no control over NZF and ACT, and none of his skill set as a CEO at a deodorant company, (or the plushy Plane job at a state owned enterprise), gives him the skill set to compete with Seymour and Winston who are master alpha players of the game and who are beating the snot out of him each and every single month!

Christopher Luxon is so weak, he had to sack Melissa Lee to look butch.

This has allowed the extremist agenda of ACT and NZF to dominate policy and tone which is very problematic for John Key and his class of Right Wing Money Bosses.

Key is a ruthless pragmatist who doesn’t give a shit about ideology. He knows that if the peace is kept by providing some crumbs to the underclass then he and his Ring Wing Money Boss class can make money.

Stirring the Left up with such a nakedly anti-Treaty, anti-Māori, anti-Worker, anti-environment, anti-Renter agenda to the point of open hostility is very, very, very bad for business and no one makes money.

He’s begging the Party pulls back because he knows the economic hardship on the way will be acute and enflaming it with such racist bigotry is going to cause enormous damage.

Māori and many, many, many other Kiwis will not allow all the progress that has been made between Māori and Pākeha to be dumped so ACTs Libertarian geeks get to make some technical point of law in a way that they are the only ones interpreting.
This anti-Māori and anti-Treaty agenda is inspiring a backlash and counter backlash that will be impossible to contain once redneck settler crackers come up against Māori who refuse to be second class citizens in their own country.
Key and Coughlan are right to be frightened.


  1. The NZ settler society need to stop using foreigners like indian nationalist to help further the deep divisions between Maori and non Maori. NZ settler society have allowed immigrants for decades migrate to our shores for their own economic gain like Pacific islanders who then adopted pakeha anti-Maori sentiment in the 70s & 80s that still persist today even though it was Maori (Nga Tamatoa) that stood up for them during the “Dawn Raids”

    The fact that colonization has given the usurper imperial access to allow immigrants to come to our ancestral homelands and disrespect maori with impunity is becoming tiresome and contributes the divide in Aotearoa.

    Maori have been resisting assimilation since pakeha arrival. My people have only been welcoming to the NZ settler society only to be rewarded with a deep vein racism that endemic with settler society the world ova.

    Free Aotearoa

  2. Martyn – He is not totally wrong…the anti-immigration protests/riots in the UK do demonstrate the risks of a multicultural society if not properly integrated into wider society…

    • Nathan A surfeit of refugees housed nicely in hotels, and given cell phones and cash, has also impacted negatively on Brits unable to keep warm or even housed, or to keep up with the cost of living, and seeing billions of aid going to Muslim countries, has made Blair’s multi-cultural blather resemble misinformation.

  3. “Māori who refuse to be second class citizens in their own country.” Maori share this country and are as able to a first class citizen as any other race. It is the blind abidance to this an outdated treaty that is the problem for Maori by stopping involvement in a modern, one person one vote,, democratic country.

    But if you want a civil war so be it, lets have it out so that future New Zealanders can prosper as one people.

    Strategically if civil war broke out and the state lost control, the UN could bring in peacekeepers to maintain law and order.

    Australians? Fijians? Americans? Chinese? Wagner troops ex Russia? Indian? French? (pity the French Foreign Legion is tied up in the Ukraine).

    When I attended urban warfare training camps it was not your typical Pakeha “red neck” taking part but many “normal” Pakeha, Asian, SE Asians and Indians learning skills they identified as needing in the future. They also had many training camps in rural warfare as well.

    A civil war would be on two fronts, Land occupation based restricted to Northland and the East Coast from Whakatane to Hastings. Guerilla based elsewhere. Cant see the South Island being involved in physical confrontation nor the West Coast of the North Island.

    See you across the barricades.

      • i think he means fat Young ACT kids playing airsoft and pretending to go full Brenton Tarrant for their masters from the IINZ

    • Gerrit, still making shit up even though you haven”t a fucken clue about our country history. I put to you in an earlier interaction what did europeans call Maori in the 18th & 19th century? Now you’re advocating for a civil war when most of your pakeha brethren’s would tell you to get fucked because its bad for business especially in a recession and they wouldn’t want to live in a banana republic so you might be having a civil war with maori by yourself.?

      And the NZ military has a huge Maori component do you believe they’ll fight for rednecks like you???? Then you make out that there is these asian at a training camp wanting to help out pakeha to murder Maori is what I’ve got from your redneck white supremacist novel?

      Jezz you ever had a psycho examination Gerrit? Your comments depicts you an unstable person that also lacks historic literacy. Maori have shown nothing but compassion and kindness towards pakeha written into our country history books something that you are ignorant of. European exceptionalism is ova Gerrit time to come back to normality and dispose of your fascist ideology down the toilet bowl.

      • You are Maori with this mindset “Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua” You try and intertwine the past into the future. Yet if the past cannot be intertwined into the future (all nicely lined up) you stumble and revert to name calling and cannot see into the future..

        There are times when the past cannot be reconciled and if not careful means no progress into the future.

        Know full well the cost to leave the past not reconciled, did not survive post WW2, Korea, The Cold War, Vietnam world events to let the past control the future but can still plan the future.

        You suggesting that Bradbury means love and fondness by this
        “This anti-Māori and anti-Treaty agenda is inspiring a backlash and counter backlash that will be impossible to contain once redneck settler crackers come up against Māori who refuse to be second class citizens in their own country. Key and Coughlan are right to be frightened.”

        Simply saying that we are not frightened and if the backlash is impossible to contain than so be it.

        What is your interpretation of “backlash impossible to contain”?

        As for what Maori were called in the past. I simply don’t care. It has no correlation to the future.

        • Gerrit, delusional playing the victim card and evidence trumps your feelings which states that “MAORI” are the majority institutionalize are more likely to face homelessness die 7 years earlier than pakeha subjected to systemic racism and Maori will be thrown another bombshell with Maori unemployment hitting 9%.

          The reason I ask you the question of “what european called Maori in the 18th & 19th century” is because of ACTS treaty principle bill and how he has used snippets isolating other treaty paragraphs to push a narrative that devoid of facts. European called Maori “New Zealanders” and that significant because David Seymour is trying to reinterpret a document that was signed 184 years ago and this is the reason history is important finding the facts.

    • “But if you want a civil war so be it, lets have it out so that future New Zealanders can prosper as one people.”

      ‘Civil war’ and ‘prosper as a people’ in the same sentence. FFS.

      The Waitangi Tribunal, Treaty Principals, Right The Wrongs Of The Past, Maori Seats are the reasons why NZ hasn’t had a civil war or indigenous terrorism.

  4. john key. Lest we forget just what it is.
    This is who we are, this is what our politicians are, this is what you get during times of peace. The need for the highest levels of vigilance. Now, look what’s crept in? Look at them? Know them. Watch them closely. Who is luxon? I’d never heard of the short ugly cunt before his skin and teeth started to appear everywhere. Who’s nasty little seymour? Does anyone know who or rather what it is? We know that peters is a lawyer but also a Machiavellian liar if you’ll cast your minds back to the Wine Box Inquiries. Just who the fuck are these creeps? They have no real personality ! They’re like fucking preprogrammed robotic humanoid clones.
    The Guardian
    John key.
    “He would come up behind me when I was at the ordering terminal, tug on my hair and then pretend that his wife, Bronagh, had done it (much to her embarrassment), and she would tell him to stop it. As he rounded the corner behind me he commented ‘that’s a very tantalising ponytail’,” she wrote.

  5. I think it was Labour who experienced backlash as they tried to give more power to Maori through devious methods. Ironically the Maori advanced more under Key as he saw it as important to the country .
    Most of the divide comes from the need by National to accommodate 2 other parties to be ablecto rule .MMP was chosen by the voters so that is how we have to operate .Labour were given an unprecedented majority which they squandered and achieved littlevof note

    • You may be right Trevor.
      But why do the Nats not have the nous to say to Seymour and Peters enough is enough, we do not want to go backwards.
      The view held by many non Maori is that somehow they are advantaged. This is patently not true in many cases such as health and education or employment.
      As a part Maori but white looking I have been fortunate to have not have suffered outright racism. I have however embarrassed a few people by identifying as Maori after they have had a rant.
      The most satisfying was on one occasion one of my staff said he would not employ that black bitch even though she was well qualified. His face was a picture to behold.
      For some reason he resigned a few weeks later. The black bitch took his job.

      • Is it possible to return the remaining 97% to Maori? Either physical land or monitory compensation? Or is this an impossible reconcile that prevents Maori moving forward?

        Many communities after suffering momentous losses that were not reconcilable moved on in far less than 160 years.

        Is the suffering from colonialism an inter generational and forever problem for Maori? At what point and by what conditions will this disappear?

    • Trevor Indeed Labour was devious with its secret te Puapua agenda, but it was John Key who snuck Sharples off to secretly sign up to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People ( UNDRIP) which Clark refused to sign because it poses a direct threat to NZ Sovereignty. Since then I think Labour has ceded this to the unelected cabal of the WHO. They are all as bad as each other, but that
      UNDRIP commitment unleashed discontent and division not necessarily pertinent to New Zealand.

    • Trevor are you still playing contact sport or did you take a frying pan to the head in that kitchen you work in? What was devious about Labours approach? Did Key have a referendum on his co governance models? No, I think it’s more ZB listeners that made a nonexistent distinction

  6. Old saying I throw in for some reason –
    ‘It’s not the cough that carries you off, it’s the coffin they carry you off in!’.


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