I have always been fascinated by Hitler’s rise.
I try and think about how the fuck such evil was allowed to occur, how educated people with values and true moral and ethical character could so blithely turn a blind eye to hateful and evil policies.
I read a lot to try and understand those things because the rise of the Nazi’s is one of the great lessons civilisation needs to carry with it.
A bit like Atlantis, which is funny because Atlantis is part of this blog, alongside Captain America.
But I’m getting ahead of myself.
I believe there are many cultural red flags in terms of genuine comparisons with the rise of Hitler and Trump.
History doesn’t repeat but it rhymes and right now Trump may as well be called Bitler.
I want to look at the similarities between Hitler’s rise and Trump’s rise because I sincerely think a Trump win would usher in an Orange Fascism and would begin an American Midnight that could take the planet down a path we fought World War 2 to prevent and seeing as NZ is part of the Washington Consensus (that none of us consented to) our Government has to answer to te American Government.
The Queen may technically be the head of State in NZ, but we all know it’s really the President of the United States of Western Paranoia who we have ultimately answer to.
So who runs America matters to us.
A lot.
The Nazi’s had a deep sense of the occult as part of their underlying philosophy. Hitler was a protege of Dietrich Eckart who was the Nazi’s spiritual father (Hitler dedicates the first chapter of Mein Kamph to him).
The forming Nazi members had a spiritual connection to beliefs about Atlantis. Many were members of The Thule Society who believed the survivors of Atlantis had their DNA most concentrated in Germany.
And England for some reason.
Atlantis of course was the fictional Island mentioned in Plato’s works Timaeus and Critias as part of an allegory on the hubris of nations.
That it became warped into Nazi cosmology as a justification for horror seems utterly unhinged.
Part of the drive was to delegitimise Science, the way Qanon MAGA anti-vaxxers did recently in America.
MAGA has become a movement of conspiracy and utterly demented reality perspectives where Atlantis probably actually features somewhere.
The Nazi conviction in the Occult alongside their Atlantis fantasies are similar to the depth of belief the Evangelical Vote in America feel. They believe that actively antagonising conflict in Israel will speed up the Rapture and Armageddon as prophesied in the Book of Revelations, so both movements, MAGA and the Nazis are inspired by occultist conspiracy theories.
White Supremacy:
Part of the core belief of the Nazi’s were that these Atlantans were racially superior, Aryan, and that these genes rested with the Germanic People, MAGAs appeal draws heavily from white supremacy and white fragility as well.
The way race will be weaponised in this election highlights how similar the drives are.
The similarities behind Hitler and Trump:
There are many cultural red flags in terms of genuine comparisons with the rise of Hitler and Trump.
Use of Resentment as a Political weapon: Trump understands resentment as well as Hitler did and Trump manipulates it in the same way.
Failed Putsch: Both attempted take overs by violence and both were defeated.
Using Court Trial as propaganda tool: While in jail for the Beerhall putsch, Hitler realised he could use the Court process as a propaganda tool and he was on the front pages of German Newspapers with all his anti-immigrant and anti-Semetic attack lines, in the exact same way Trump has also used those Court cases.
Realising violent over throw can’t work: While in prison, Hitler realised he couldn’t over throw a Democracy by violence, but that you had to get elected. Trump learnt the same lesson
Big Lie and the Other: Both Hitler and Trump use ‘Big Lie’ mind control tactics, Hitler described it, Trump used it with his Election theft claim.
Aquaman + Captain America + Trump as a Cartoonish Criminal President Supervillain:
Which brings me back to Captain America, Nazi Occultism and Aquaman…
The Dark Link Between the Nazis and the Legend of Atlantis
Not everyone in the Nazi Party hierarchy believed in Atlantis, astrology, ice giants or primeval gods. It’s unlikely that Hitler himself was a believer, and attempts to promote such narratives often encountered resistance within the party. However, the desire to ground race theory and occultism by means of scientific methods, to weld the supernatural to the unnatural and thereby forge a new superman, was not limited to a platonic craving for the sublime and with esoteric journeys to jungles and deserts, which today stir more ridicule than fear. Documents submitted in the Nuremberg Trials speak about the bodies of Jews that were slated to be added to the Ahnanerbe’s anthropological collection of skeletons in Strasbourg, and cite a telex sent by Wolfram Sievers asking his superiors what should be done with them in light of the Allies’ advance. (“The collection can be stripped of the flesh and thereby rendered unidentifiable,” he stated. “This, however, would mean that at least part of the whole work had been done for nothing… since it would be impossible to make plaster casts afterward. The skeleton collection as such is inconspicuous.”)
The medical “experiments” performed by the think tank’s staff to ground their theories were not a marginal effort of the war, but one of the most appalling methods for justifying it. The subordination both of magic to the service of science, and mythology to the authority of ideology, played a part in what historian Uriel Tal, in his 2004 book of essays, “Religion, Politics and Ideology in the Third Reich,” calls “political theology,” which rests on the “total revaluation of all values; the apocalyptic condition according to which catastrophe must precede redemption; the struggle between the forces of light and those of darkness.”
But the Nazis did not heed Plato’s ancient warning. The 1,000-year Reich they wished to forge sank, like a mythical island, in the face of the heirs of the ancient democracy of Athens, and their military and technological might was no match for the wrath of the gods embodied by the Allies.
Even as the latter pounded the Nazis at sea, in the air and on land, another force sought to strike them on paper: Aquaman. On a mission from his co-creator, Mort Weisinger, the son of Jewish immigrants from Austria, the superhero made his debut in 1941, rescuing refugees from a German submarine attack, in More Fun Comics #73.
He wasn’t the only superhero to be mobilized for battle by a Jewish artist, of course. Fighting shoulder to shoulder with Aquaman were the super-types who were brought to life by those whom the Nazis classified as subhuman: Superman (created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster), Captain America (by Jacob Kurtzberg, aka Jack Kirby; Hymie, aka Joe, Simon, and Stanley Martin Lieber, aka Stan Lee) and others. The conquest of Atlantis by Nazi occultists resounds with another warning in addition to the one embedded in hubris: the danger of subjugating myth to justify ethos, of coercing the imagination. If we ever forget that, our fate, too, will be to sink like a stone in mighty waters.
…the Cartoonish manner in which Trump embodies a Criminal President Supervillain is part of his appeal.
Trump is a sexist racist homophobic joke made amongst friends who won’t be offended and most importantly won’t snitch on you.
This gallows humour will be used to gloss over the Militarisation of ICE, the massive detention camps and the numerous acts of violence Trump will keep pushing until the laughs are cold and empty.
If Trump wins in November we inch towards an American Midnight with all the charm of the Handmaid’s Tale.
Martyn – Yet Trump gained the nomination via being voted in, while Harris was installed – no voting for her.
Voted in by a bunch of stupid f’ing Republicans. So what?
Wheel – and no one voted for Harris…
Brothers Grim under threat.
More like The Three Billy Goats Gruff with Bob as the troll.
Anybody who calls those that serve “Suckers and Losers” while they dodged service themselves is a Loser and a Weirdo.
Anybody who calls those that serve “Suckers and Losers” while they dodged service themselves is a Loser and a Weirdo.
Pussers Rum – This was disapproved by John Bolter – who was there. John Bolter dislikes Trump…but was there.
then sayin. here breath our world, what a care place to be, without a pin number.
Trump is just a bought and paid for puppet, like all of them and the MAGA crowd are just ordinary people, by and large, whom, like ordinary people everywhere, are tired of the bought and paid for political system that under delivers to the people and over delivers to the big-moneyed crowd. And like ordinary people everywhere, they can be manipulated any which way, meaning rather than concentrating on the key problem at hand – corrupted politics – they can be led a merry dance anywhere, not unlike how the Left has been led down the wokeism path and so on.
Trump is not the problem, he is the symptom (of a broken system) and as long as we remain fixated on him rather than the money behind him, and the entire political system to boot, then we – society – will continue to degenerate.
Need not need know, Egit!s abound.