How the right punch down for political gain
(And how to beat them. Lessons from the UK)
(And how to beat them. Lessons from the UK)
@4:57 minutes
Now the The Daily Mail, really? Though really? That newspaper has done more than almost any other organization to whip up hatred in this country constantly encouraging its readers to angrily blame migrants, Muslims, refugees. Whichever minority they can punch down at It [The Daily Mail] played an absolutely pivotal role in making this far right insurgency possible. indeed…..
Now the The Daily Mail, really? Though really? That newspaper has done more than almost any other organization to whip up hatred in this country constantly encouraging its readers to angrily blame migrants, Muslims, refugees. Whichever minority they can punch down at It [The Daily Mail] played an absolutely pivotal role in making this far right insurgency possible. indeed…..
@2:56 minutes
What’s important now, is a reckoning. We have to hold our politicians and media outlets to account….
What’s important now, is a reckoning. We have to hold our politicians and media outlets to account….
But what about our media and our politicians in Aotearoa NZ who punch down?
Do we here in Aotearoa/NZ also need to hold them to account when they punch down?
Martyn Bradbury says ‘Yes’
“Let us never, never, never forget that the very first editorial in the @nzherald was calling on white New Zealanders to fight Māori…” Martyn Bradbury
That’s what our media does, what about our punching down politicians?
Q: Is Winston Peters an anti-trans bigot?
Q: Is Winston Peters an anti-migrant racist?
Q: Is Winston Peters an anti-Maori racist?
Q: Is Winston Peters an anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist?
Q: Is Winston Peters an anti-Maori racist?
Q: Is Winston Peters an anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist?
A: Winston Peters is, first and foremost, a right wing political opportunist.
Secret briefing papers on New Zealand politicians, collated for Australian politicians, and discovered by an Australian journalist, describe Winston Peters as “an opportunist”
They are not wrong.
From the very beginning of his founding of New Zealand First, lies and disinformation have been Winston Peters his bread and butter that have kept him on the parliamentary gravy train.
Mining a dark vein of Pakeha racism – race baiting Chinese immigrants – pandering to anti-Maori bigotry – courting far-right anti-vax conspiracy theorists. No barrel is too vile or extreme for Winston Peters not to scrape for votes.
Anti-trans bigotry is just the latest far right opportunist lie, in a long unbroken line of far right lies, for this career opportunist.
But the problem is much bigger than Winston Peters. Winston Peters is only doing what British politicians and newspapers that stir up hate against migrants and refugees for electoral and political gain have been doing for years
Why do Right Wing Politicians and the media Down?
Alan Jones Again
@6:32 Minutes
Let’s be clear this country is broken not because of Muslims, not because of migrants, not because of refugees, not because of any other minority who just wants to live, just wants to get by, just wants to be happy. It’s broken because of our economic system which imposes hardship and insecurity on Millions regardless of their ethnicity, their religion, their race. In a country with so much wealth which ends up locked in the bank accounts, often offshore, of a tiny elite. A country which refuses to tax the wealth properly, or even in some cases at all. While saying at the same time, that there isn’t enough money to fix our collapsing public services, or to provide properly for its citizens.
The richest Britons, those who appear on the Sunday Times rich list, with combined fortunes equivalent to the entire economy of Poland.
We are told we can’t have nice thing,s or even just a comfortable life for millions. And so people get angry – and it suits our rulers to shift that anger in all the wrong directions, to say it’s a vulnerable minority to blame, rather than those who have left a rich country with falling living standards and collapsing services and infrastructure.
We’ve got to shift that anger to the tax dodging rich, the poverty paying bosses, the ripoff private landlords and an economic system that puts profit ahead, at the expense of people’s needs.
That’s what politics should be about…..
Let’s be clear this country is broken not because of Muslims, not because of migrants, not because of refugees, not because of any other minority who just wants to live, just wants to get by, just wants to be happy. It’s broken because of our economic system which imposes hardship and insecurity on Millions regardless of their ethnicity, their religion, their race. In a country with so much wealth which ends up locked in the bank accounts, often offshore, of a tiny elite. A country which refuses to tax the wealth properly, or even in some cases at all. While saying at the same time, that there isn’t enough money to fix our collapsing public services, or to provide properly for its citizens.
The richest Britons, those who appear on the Sunday Times rich list, with combined fortunes equivalent to the entire economy of Poland.
We are told we can’t have nice thing,s or even just a comfortable life for millions. And so people get angry – and it suits our rulers to shift that anger in all the wrong directions, to say it’s a vulnerable minority to blame, rather than those who have left a rich country with falling living standards and collapsing services and infrastructure.
We’ve got to shift that anger to the tax dodging rich, the poverty paying bosses, the ripoff private landlords and an economic system that puts profit ahead, at the expense of people’s needs.
That’s what politics should be about…..
The top have been punching down for a long time.
It’s time for the bottom to punch up against the right and their fascist and racist mates.
It’s time for the bottom to punch up against the right and their fascist and racist mates.
I personally vow to punch up against any scapegoating of migrants, especially by the Left.
Pat O’Dea is a staunch unionist and activist
An absurd outburst encouraging violence.
Is that your previous reading of the Daily Mail? Your comment is so poorly presented that it is a possible understanding of it although knowledge of your previous comments allows us to see that you continue to live in ignorance of events unfolding around the world.
Here’s how to achieve the perfect, bloodless Kiwi coup. Go and talk to the 2-3% of NZ’s population who are our farmers, who earn 100% of our economy directly and indirectly while being down trodden and abused and ask ” How about we increase your at-farm-gate income by 1000 % ? All you have to do is nothing. By producing no meat, no wool, no grain, no hay, no vegetables, no wines, nothing. Once that unity of direct action is achieved and ingrained you could go to any dirty little urban kiwi political blow-jobber for any fucking thing farmers would like, need or could play with and have it eagerly delivered.
But of course you won’t. No one will, and so things will get worse and worse because farmers have been surgically removed from all hope and now know only work then die as soon as possible and roger douglas’s neo-liberalism will win as is evident by the urban multi-billionaires, multi-millionaires and the Kiwi banks now owned by the Australians who also happen to be the second most profitable banks in the world. Canada’s banks being the greediest of all and prey upon another highly manipulated weak willed commonwealth country.
I personally vow to inform all climate change collaborator business owner, shareholder and employee alike, they’re all cunts and should be held accountable in a court of law for their crime against humanity and their futures include bankrupting punitive damages and jail time.
I seem to remember you getting annoyed because i mispelled your pseudonym. If people know you they might not take any notice of any umbrage you might take about anything.
And how will you buy groceries or anything else, or take a bus or taxi, after you are trespassed from every store and service for abusing the staff and managers?
Great image Pat. Where did it come from – it looks as if painted on bricks but surely too good for a wall? And doesn’t look like Banksy style. Did you quote Owen Jones and Alan Jones or is one de trop?