Surprised the NZ Herald would allow a white supremacy astro turf organisation buy a wrap around advert to invoke a race war?
You shouldn’t be.
Never, never, never forget that the NZ Herald’s very first editorial was calling on white New Zealanders to go to war with Māori.
It has always been a right hate rag propped up by Real Estate Advertising, it will always be a right wing hate rag propped up by Real Estate Advertising.
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The herald has been a redneck mouth piece for years .They are so entwined with ZB and the toxic shock jocks on there they have no unbiased reporters .
Any thing from the herald is right wing racist anti worker bull shit
I won’t miss the Herald when it’s fails and is closed.
The New Zealand Herald was founded by William Chisholm Wilson, and first published on 13 November 1863, at the start of invading the Waikato region. Wilson had been a partner with John Williamson in the New Zealander rag, but left to start a rival daily newspaper as he saw a business opportunity with Auckland’s rapidly growing european population.
Julius Vogel a Dutch-German Jew one of settler NZ earlier politicians pour money into the newly created news outlet “The Daily Southern Cross” 1868. This individual became synonymous amongst the Maori communities particularly “Te Waipounamu” as the great evil because he played a major role in alienating Maori from their lands and livelihoods to make way for pakeha settlements. This newspaper was sold by Vogel and eventually absorbed becoming the NZ Herald.
The NZ Herald spread Maori hatred more effectively than most news outlet because of the growing pakeha population made it palatable and it still has a role in characterizing maori negatively.
The truth needs to come out about the so-called queens’ chain because we all know it’s not Māori that own it nor is it Māori who prevent public access.
The truth needs to come out about the so-called queens’ chain because we all know it’s not Māori that own it nor is it Māori who prevent public access.
These people might claim to be nationalist- but all they want to do is sell seabed mining licenses to alien foreigners in the US and Canada.
+1 Mohammed Khan.
It’ll be Hobsons’ Choice, not Pledge, once the Great Kiwi sell off is unimpeded by annoying things like basic human rights, treaties etc.
Although some of those pictured above are genuinely stupid enough to believe the pretext.
Just look at the buch of sad cunts in the photo that says it all .Loaded with cash but still sad cunts clearly money cant buy everything or they would be at the beach somewhere .BUt no they would rather destroy nz .
Do you mean the AI chatbot that writes the Herald stories?
Racism is so 2023.
Yes! We need to adopt total segregation in New Zealand because pitting Maori rights vs the dirty Pakeha ideas of equal rights for everyone will of course unify everyone!
Ha! I’ve met david round on a number of occasions. He once told me that he thought I was one of the most intelligent fellows he’d ever met, so there goes the credibility of that one then.
There can be fairness sharing the same space as equal rights but that fairness and equality must take into account certain nuances like who’s concept of fairness and equality are we thinking about. An invasive white species of a special kind of parasitic Tick ? Or the local species who’s culture had evolved here over a thousand or so years giving the indigenous the right to assume sovereignty over their domain? Or some oily, smelly, sailing profiteer who’s arrogant secrecy hid profiteering agenda’s?
As a white farmer I say Maori not only deserve a clear space on the mantle piece of humanity but they deserve far more than that from us, the invasive species who’ve spread like a toxic weed.
Saying, for example, that we should remove the word Aotearoa from the language-narrative and I’ll punch you in the fucking mouth.
There’s a special kind of odour coming off the putrid toxicity of the picture above of the intelecschuls, shills and money-making movers and shakers.
The Natzo’s and their fetid ilk remind me of seeing my first cock fight in Indonesia.
A fellow would take his rooster from its cage and shove it at the opposition rooster and a brawl between the two would ensue earning money from the ignorance of the poor animals. The sleazy cabal of criminals who would have us believe they’re politicians working for us are really just rooster wranglers. They rile and agitate us until we start brawling with each other while they watch on.
That’s why I want Farmers and Maori to join forces ( All 20% of the population of us.) then turn our gaze 180 degrees around and focus on our abusers. Many of them are in the picture above.
The rest of them are sitting in their stinking arse holes around The New Zealand Initiative.
In Reality Land, a land clearly far, far away, the reality is this. Divide, concour, ensure terminal domination then be forced to sell to some rich little silicon vally Bitch with more money that Australia and Aotearoa / New Zealand combined.
Slick Sam Altman. Chatgpt.
OpenAI’s Sam Altman is becoming one of the most powerful people on Earth. We should be very afraid
Sam Altman’s ChatGPT promises to transform the global economy. But it also poses an enormous threat. Here, a scientist who appeared with Altman before the US Senate on AI safety flags up the danger in AI – and in Altman himself