Why hating on Māori Wards is so corrosive, damaging and dangerous – we need MORE democratic infrastructure not less


There are two versions of the Treaty, the Māori version and the English version.

The Māori version enshrines Tino rangatiratanga.

International law states that where a treaty exists between two nations, then the indigenous version must take precedent.

To proceed with ACT’s race baiting, race war inducing Treaty Principles Bill utterly undermines the International Law that spells out the indigenous version takes precedence.

ACT’s proposal ‘sounds’ good…

- Sponsor Promotion -

1. All citizens of New Zealand have the same political rights and duties

2. All political authority comes from the people by democratic means including universal suffrage, regular and free elections with a secret ballot

3. New Zealand is a multi-ethnic liberal democracy where discrimination based on ethnicity is illegal

…until you realise the purpose of the Bill.

The Treaty Principles Bill is a Trojan Horse policy that amputates any obligation by the State to work with Māori.

ACT claims this doesn’t impact the Treaty, but that’s a terribly disingenuous statement, because while it doesn’t impact the Treaty, it impacts the States responsibility to work with Māori.

Enact this Bill and the State doesn’t have to work with Māori at all meaning the Treaty and its obligations become meaningless.

This is being pushed as Māori representation at local Council level is being attacked and dismantled.

I find it hilarious that redneck settler crackers who decry Māori Wards are the same who can’t name 2 Councillors on their actual Council.

The upgrade in democratic infrastructure 3 Waters and Māori Wards represented was a realisation of the Treaty Principles and an extension of the co-Governance frameworks that ACT and National themselves had created!!!

To now use a one person one vote Puritanism to mask naked racism at the mere concept that Māori should be included is insult to injury, especially when we need MORE democratic infrastructure, not less!

We need Universal Student Union Membership back on every Campus to resource and ignite democratic infrastructure amongst young people.

We need Universal Union Membership of every migrant worker to ensure their aren’t being exploited and migration isn’t causing our infrastructure to gridlock by ensuring good wages that are equal to what the domestic population enjoy so domestic workers know they aren’t being displaced.

We need a Māori Parliament to give extra voice to Māori.

We need Fair Pay Agreements to cover every worker.

We need Community resilience infrastructure.

We need adult education at schools, we need more community gardens.

We need more Democratic Infrastructure not less!

The carnage this Government has blitzkrieged in just 10months is unforgivable and their hubris insulting:

  •  Racist attack on local council Māori wards
  • Cancelling Māori Health Authority
  • Manufacturing public health crisis to justify cut backs.
  • Repealing OT legislation forcing interaction with Iwi so they can green lighting a mass new tsunami of uplifts for Social Investment Bog Data investment.
  • Throwing 50 000 beneficiaries off welfare including the disabled and drug addicts.
  • Promising cancer patients 14 new drugs and only funding half of them for twice the price.
  • Cancelling the Ferry’s only to spend more money for less Ferry!
  • Rigging Charter schools
  • Privatisation agenda in social housing
  • Allowing property developers to create urban sprawl ghettos.
  • Giving Chris Bishop, Simeon Brown and Dr Pork Shane Jones the power of Muldoon on meth with the Fast Track Powers!
  • Taking $3billion from climate change funds.
  • Allowing corporate dairy to avoid paying for their pollution.
  • Pushing 17000 kids into poverty to pay for tax cuts we can’t afford.
  • Dumping 3 waters to allow water rates to spike.
  • Military Boot Camps that don’t work.
  • Gutting public transport.
  • Allowing Newshub to fall over so there is less scrutiny of policy.
  • Allowing the donor calls to dictate policy.
  • Bending over backwards for the Tobacco Industry, Mining Industry and Real Estate Pimps
  • Allowing bosses to sack workers and Landlords to kick out renters
  • Getting NZ into Americas latest military adventure in the Red Sea
  • Tough on crime posturing that creates counter productive outcomes
  • Massive cuts to public spending that will become austerity next year.

The damage this hard right, racist, climate denying, beneficiary bashing Government is causing will be intergenerational.

The response must be communal.

Meanwhile the planet is melting, cost of living at 5.4% and economy is plunging.


  1. As a country, we are fortunate to have David Seymour, New Zealand’s greatest Maori, dismantling racist legislation so that all New Zealanders are treated equally.

    Seymour’s dedication to justice and equal rights is a testament to his commitment to making New Zealand a more inclusive country.

    • Hey Zelda where have you sprung from. Seems like you are a clone of Ada and Trevor.
      Have you and your kind never heard of the adage ” keep your enemies close” or ” best to have them in the tent rather than outside”
      If your hero David had half a brain he would work with Maori instead of trying to convince us whities they are coming for the land we stole from them.
      But it’s patently obvious he and Peters and Luxons hit men just want to dominate and suppress those who disagree with them.
      They are so thick they have announced as part of their water update they are going to lower the standards to make it cheaper.
      Just a day after people in Shannon had to buy water because of contamination now put down to cheap brass fittings.
      If you think that these guys are smart I don’t know what to say to you.

    • Fuck off zelda. With that name I can only conclude you’re a Zionist Klingon.
      seymour is a roger douglas clone. He’s also a liar, a psychotic nutjob and should chipped then tied to a fence post. Seymour’s Big Daddy Roger has tanked our economy to hide the crimes of historic parasites still sucking away on our blood sweat and tears. seymour and roger douglas should be in prison. Perhaps you’d care to join them in your sweaty fervor?

    • Fuck off zelda. With that name I can only conclude you’re a Zionist Klingon.
      seymour is a roger douglas clone. He’s also a liar, a psychotic nut job and should chipped then tied to a fence post. Seymour’s Big Daddy Roger has tanked our economy to hide the crimes of historic parasites still sucking away on our blood sweat and tears. seymour and roger douglas should be in prison. Perhaps you’d care to join them in your sweaty pro zionist fervour?
      There are scum like roger douglas and his minion seymour who only want to distance Maori from the Treaty.
      If that happens then we’re all fucked.
      And remember; anyone can have multiple email addresses so anyone can come here and pretend to be a clamouring hoard of self supporting greedy fascists as can be seen by zelda, im right, bob the idiot etc. Different but same-same.
      Maori. For fucks sake hang on to the Treaty. @ Non Maori? Lets help them with that.
      Farmers, you’re our only income so stop fucking around with an oily cadre of exploitative blue fascists and join Maori.

  2. Opposition to the bill shows Maori fragility at it’s core. Maori is fighting a mono culture action in a multi cultural society. The “special” privileges tuned to a single culture is proof that Maori fragility is a fact. No doubt the hue and cry will be “The Treaty”. Well the treat is actually causing Maori fragility. Easily hid behind and to shield having to make “staunch” advancements for the betterment of Maori going into the future.

    But it is promoted by the left as a divide between cultures for political expedience, not for Maori betterment. Best to have Maori held back in subservience to the left (ask what has Labour ever done for Maori) and the scapegoat that prevents Maori to prosper. A prosperous Maori may even vote with right lean hence the need for the left to “control” and enable Maori fragility.

    Maori culture will slide into, and be part off, the multi culture that is New Zealand over the next 200 years. Nothing surer.

    Will it be the dominate culture? No. The dominate culture will be New Zealanders and will have a rich Maori content, but without the “special” privileges that separatist (promoted by the left) try and insist upon and being based on race and the “originality” of being the first settlers.

    • Oh Gerrit, you again pushing your version of “White Fragility”?? reminding of your ignorance that Professor De’Angelo a white woman activated decades of studies to come to her conclusion!! On the other hand you’ve just come on TDB pushing your opinion without academic credentials so not to be taken seriously.

      • Pushing the issue of Maori fragility.

        The fact that you turn this around to being white fragility reinforces that it is Maori fragility that needs a “lesser” entity to lord over. Bit like your argument in a previous post that Maori do grieving better because the huge numbers that turn up at a tangi versu low numbers at a “white” funeral. Pretty nefarious for it means you do not understand European culture.

        You need academic credential proof but offer none for yourself. Kettle, calling the pot?

        Professor De’Angelo (who no longer works in academia) makes the same mistake that you do. Lump ALL white people into the same “fragility” camp.

        Worth a read;


        “Regardless of whether one grows up in Germany, the U.S. or Albania, DiAngelo argues, any person is socialized in a racialized context. New immigrants, she states, although they might not feel white and have stronger ethnic attachments, will have a “white experience externally” as long as they pass as white. It is an astonishing display of arrogance to suggest that racial socialization does not differ by culture, ethnicity and nationality.”

        She is thoroughly debunked and her theories are rubbish used by fragile groups to try and perpetuate a myth.

    • the fact that we are having to have such a bill is clear evidence of the hate that white settlers need to promote so no one remembers they are all living on stolen land and the treaty they signed was never lived upto because they just wanted to create a lot of free land .

    • I would be happy to support you sentiment once Maori have been fully compensated at the current market rate for all the land that was illegally taken from them since Te Tiriti o Waitangi by the Crown.

      Note this doesn’t relate to the ‘token’ settlements already made.

        • Anus, treaty settlements are a thing ever heard of it? The govt has the chequebook and is liable but only pays fuck all for the damage and stolen wealth its accumulated

      • Good point Bob. I’m always amused by pakeha fragility when it comes to the issue of the treaty. All these white settlers to whom property rights and contracts were sacrosanct amongst themselves, but not for Maori.

        It is the same for culture and language, English first in a multicultural English led worlds. Maori as a strap on, nice haka. Seems that is the Nact version of our future, but genies have a habit of escaping the bottle.

        Adrift in the South Pacific I hope to see something very special emerge, and hopefully not the stale grey belligerence that denies our common future.

  3. The NZ public is mostly ignorant to treaty issues regarding international law. Trying to destroy someone’s culture without repercussions because of ones superiority race doesn’t cut it anymore. Maori get bombarded with negative messaging of “We are one now” but singled out maori politically “Maori are practicing apartheid” yet haven’t brought sanctions against apartheid Israel, “Maori are dole bludgers” without discussing historic context. It’s a familiar tactic of spray and walk away because facts are to difficult to comprehend.

    Isn’t this behavior racist?

    • Stephen the Ranger drivers will never understand what you are talking about because they are knuckle draggers who have live off the Maori land their forebears stole 200 years ago .Now they are shitting them selves because the whole world has woken up to what really happened .They have also woken up to the hypocrisy we spout on human rights in NZ .tHEY HAVE ALSO WOKEN UP TO THE FACT WE ARE FAR FROM CLEAN AND GREEN

  4. The participation rate in Local Government elections is pathetically low, even the Supercity turnout has ranged from low to high 30% range in recent years. Community Boards and various Council forums do not attract a lot people either apart from vested interests and those that want something–i.e. grants…

    The Māori Wards issue will see a sharp rise in some areas, I am picking the voter turnout will grow for this nasty divisive issue–“good ’ol boys, lets stick it to the Mareeeees”. That fat bastard Mayor of Kaipara really epitomises the provincial Māori haters who have to be in denial to cope with living on or profiting from stolen or dubiously acquired Māori land.

    • I’m an old pakeha and that Kaipara mayor disgusts me. He doesn’t represent me.
      He reminds me of men in 60s. An old-fashioned, grasping, nobody, desperate for recognition. He made me cringe with embarrassment that we still produce men like that. They consider themselves the salt of the earth, the backbone of NZ.
      Kaipara, a certain Mr. Mitchell’s electorate. They must be all cast in the same mold. Pompous and full of distain for those they owe.
      The mayor knows he’s on the wrong side of history which is why he was squirming around in his seat. Definitely not used to having people disagreeing with him and showing their displeasure.

      • Well said Joy. I know the North well having grown up in the Kaipara, long spell in Auck. and thankfully last 30 in Far North. The younger ones are onto it and the good ’ol boys are on their last gasp.

    • That mayor is a fat boated ranger driving white supremist who was only elected due the anti Maori hate wipped up by the current government implying that DA Maori were going to take water and the beaches both of which is a lie .He had previously been rejected by the voters on 3 elections but this time jumped on the anti Maori band wagon and was elected by the land thieves .

  5. Haaa ‘stolen land’….why not let us know how much land was sold NZ maori leaders or traded for goods?
    You see facts are a pesky thing when you have blinkers.
    Now how is it democracy when a group of non elected natives are put up on a council with the voting and veto rights as the actual democratically elected counsellors??
    Let the district populations tell the council Yes or No!
    If the locals vote YES to a maori ward, then fair enough, democracy in action.
    Locals vote NO, then stop fucking bitching and accept the result and shut up.

    • mob rule – we can see this playing out in New Caledonia with the French minority flying in and legislating more voters to ensure their mob, rules.

  6. As there are no full blood Maori surely when they argue about white settlers they are arguing about a part of themselves.
    If the British had not taken over the land it would have been the French or German who were far less fair than the British.
    All the talk about the Treaty is a bit strange as for years it meant so little it was allowed to rot and be eaten by rats and mice.
    Many of those that signed did so to protect their small tribes from the more powerful ones that turned them I to meals or slaves .
    The British were not fair or honorable in their deals with Maori but were the Maori fair with each other when they were at war .There were some enormous massacres at Kaiapoi and Akaroa .At some time the past has to be forgotten and you move on .Europe did this 500 years ago so perhaps it will happen in time.

    • If you expect Maori of any blood to give up their culture, their customs or their tino rangatiratanga, and acquiesce to “Western” values – I have a patu to sell you.

      • There is nothing in my post that suggest Maori give up their culture or language which is precious. If there was it is not the case. I enjoyed my time working and training Maori youth in kitchen craft. Their
        My gripe is those Maori leaders that tell them they are no good and they need them to get ahead and cannot do it by themselves.They drag the youth down not build them up.

      • TCMT, Trevor suffers from “maorihaterphobia” he/she has nostalgic dreams of european exceptionalism. Just ignore him/her cause he/she can’t fathom nor is prepared that european exceptionalism is ova done its course and the rise of the global south is inevitable creating a multipolar world.

    • Trevor, is another pakeha bigot that lacks historic literacy. Here a question how were the German or French gonna take NZ when the only europeans that had a personal relationship with Maori was with British.

      And what actually was the massacre with your historic knowledge at Kaiapoi and Akaroa and the backstory give details?

      Because the pakeha bigot always sprays and walkaway tactic so as not to be exposed as a ignorant white supremacist that like making shit up.

  7. how dare Maori ask for inclusion in the dominant culture that has usurped theirs. they can piss off – this is ours, we own it now, so you play it our way. Forget who you are, forget your history, forget your language, forget having anything meaningful to say. Get to the back of the bus and sit down, you savages. ;p

    I’d have a lot more respect for the right if they actually said what they meant.

  8. There is nothing in my post that suggest Maori give up their culture or language which is precious. If there was it is not the case. I enjoyed my time working and training Maori youth in kitchen craft. Their
    My gripe is those Maori leaders that tell them they are no good and they need them to get ahead and cannot do it by themselves.They drag the youth down not build them up.

  9. Gerrit, “it like your argument in a previous post that Maori do grieving better because the huge numbers that turn up at a tangi versu low numbers at a white funeral.”

    Neva said such a thing and where your proof? Just lying to win an argument or something shady IMO.

    your link is from a conservative website that pushes right-wing leaning western views its not even controversial and they’re allowed an opinion doesn’t mean they’re correct?

    You claim Maori are fragile and I agree with you but for different reasons also the significance problem with your opinion that it lacks historic context. Maori are fragile because of colonization culturally, physically & economically decimating the Maori world and that legacy is reflected today!!

    Now let me repeat my question I ask on a separate comment to you Gerrit, what name did european call Maori in 18th & 19th century?

    “New Zealanders”

    This is what you claimed with your extensive academic credentials which I have proof unlike yourself claiming something I neva said!

    “Will it be the dominate culture? No. The dominate culture will be New Zealanders and will have a rich Maori content”

    I rest my case

  10. I prefer P.R. for councils but Maori wards if not. You can’t squat over and shit on the heads of a people for 180 years.

  11. If there was a gold medal for a blog having the most vile, hurtful, hateful contributors to the comments section TDB would win hands down. The old maxim “if you wouldn’t say it to his/her face, don’t say it.”comes to mind. Lots of keyboard cowards here I fear


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