WAATEA NEWS COLUMN: The War on Māori continues 


The Grim War on Māori continues this month following the decisions to denigrate the Māori language, dump the Māori Health Authority and cut off Section 7aa from Oranga Tamariki.

This month we see the attack on the Treaty inside legislation, the deeply flawed Military Boot Camps (9 out of the 10 kids are Māori), dumping the Māori Wards and pushing the disastrous Treaty Principles Referendum.

Each week there is a new attack on Māori alongside cutbacks to public services that impact Māori hardest.

That the Right used Māori as a political punching bag during the election is one thing, but to actually go ahead and damage that relationship with such blatant racism is appalling.

Because Chris Luxon is such a weak Prime minister he cant reign in the extremism of ACT or NZF.

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It was important over the weekend that Chris Hipkins called out this anti-Māori and anti-Treaty agenda by the Political right and called for the Government to dump these revenge fantasies against a Māori threat that isn’t there.

The Māori Wards represent an extension and evolution of our democratic infrastructure that makes us stronger when we make those Community decisions.

Labour, the Greens and the Māori Party need to collectively reach across the political divides to present a united front against this race baiting anti-Māori and anti-Treaty agenda because the only way forward is to work together not against each other.




  1. Bash a Maori a day is the mantra of this government so they can cover up their on going failures .Read on stuff this morning that qualified nurses cant get jobs even though they have been encouraged to come here to work .What a fucken joke we are 2000 short and hundreds have been told they can not get a job once they get here.
    Much the same with teachers .I was told a week ago about a NZ trained teacher who was told there was no job here for her when she graduated .She was imeadiatly by AUS the same day as the department said they needed 460 more teachers in north land

    • Why are you all surprised Tipene?
      The coalition parties campaigned on all this stuff, and yet they still won the election, that should show you that the majority wanted it to stop.
      Co-Governance, 3/5/10 waters etc etc
      Labour never campaigned on this, and were punished accordingly.
      To quote a former Labour MP: “We won, you lost, eat that”

      • you remind me of the George Carlin skit about the Average American – I suppose the dumbest half of the population have to have someone to vote for

      • Because the majority were f’ing stupid and misled. A lot will be the same people who basically masturbated to images of John Key, but were too stupid to realise that co governance models and generally more progressive Maori initiatives were happening under his watch. Dicks

  2. When someone is receiving preferential treatment, then gets equal treatment…it’s wayyycist!!!
    This government is bringing the pendulum back to normality after 6 years of Labours Maori caucus running the show pushed it beyond acceptable norms (hence Labour had the largest swing against a governing NZ political party in history), this is reality now guys, the gravy train has stopped.

  3. This government is a bunch of fundamentalist fascists and like Hitler scapegoated Jews, they’re scapegoating Maori – and people like I’m Right are too stupid to see it.


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