Your borrowed Tax Cuts are costing you more than they are saving you


National began by pretending everyone would get $250 per fortnight in tax cuts.

They got caught out and had to admit this would only be for 3000 families and the vast majority would only get $12 per week while beneficiaries got nothing.

Landlords got a $2.9billion tax loop hole and the $12billion for tax cuts was all borrowed.

These pathetic borrowed tax cuts are meaningless when the Public Health Budget is being purposely underfunded to justify cuts.

You are worse off!

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They get $50 a week from the tax cuts, but they’re paying at least $80 more per week – e.g. if they live in Auckland:

    • $50 on public transport for their children
    • $5 for most prescriptions

   · If they own a home, $25 more in rates and insurance
· If they don’t own a home, $31 more in rent and they lose the $5000 – $10,000 First Home Grant

“No matter which way you look at it, this family is worse off. Once their kids get to secondary school and the school lunch programme is pared back to a snack, they’ll be forking out more for lunches too.

“These changes are even more dire for pensioners, who will get just $2.50 a week.

This Governments agenda is to use culture war revenge fantasies to keep you distracted while they privatise public services and assets.



  1. I’ll take it, better than Labour who’s only answer to anything and everything was tax tax tax, spend spend spend. A correction to the PAYE bands was very overdue.

    • “… tax tax, spend spend spend.”??
      Governments first spend money into the economy i.e they, not us, create money.
      Tax is a tool to prevent inflation and assist appropriate distribution by clawing some of it back.

      Ask yourself where money comes from. That’s right – you don’t have a printing press in your basement.
      You first have to have it, before you can tax it.
      Our ‘wealth’ can only ultimately come from whatever funds the government creates and spends into our economy.

      The current idiots in charge, for no reason other than purely ideological, are insisting on slashing govt expenditure when there is no debt crisis whatsoever.
      Our economy will contract severely and everyone will experience pain except for their donors, who of course stand to benefit from these policies.

    • Hohoho no kidding. Well I guess you can kid some people (like justaname et al). At least some of the time. What a dumbbell.

  2. this lot said they would fix the cost of living .Well my rates went up $800 my car insurance went up 60% so my $2.30 tax cut is non event really .Then there is the increase in rego and looming power increases .

    • Did your income go up? Rates are a tax dictated by council to fund local infrastructure. Aren’t you happy that local property taxes have gone up to support better infrastructure at local level,

      • Rate increases also further add to the cost of home ownership and rents.

        Are you happy about that?

        Local councils also need to live within their means.

        Ongoing rate increases above the rate of inflation are unacceptable and unsustainable.

  3. Yes the moves by the Coalition are positive whereas everything proposed by the left is negativity which they thrive on.

    • Yes Bob. Just checked my pay to see I’m $1.60/week better off. Obviously I’m not one of the squeezed middle the current government seems obsessed with, but I’m chalking it up as a huge positive lol.


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