The LIVE Recording of A View from Afar podcast will begin today at 12:45pm August 5, 2024 (NZST) which is Sunday evening, 8:45pm (USEDT).
In this episode of A View from Afar political scientist and former Pentagon Analyst, Paul G. Buchanan and journalist Selwyn Manning will discuss, debate, and assess whether deterrence is still a valid concept in international relations.
Paul and Selwyn will assess whether deterrence has failed in Syria, Ukraine, the Middle East, and failed to stop an intensification of threat in the South China Sea.
And they will consider the questions:
- Is nuclear deterrence dead in the water?
- Or, does a new-generation arms race, based on advanced nuclear weaponry, made more fearsome due to a rapid advance of artificial intelligence-assisted decision-making and target-selection, mixed with hybrid warfare, cause aggressive nations to rethink the consequences should they preemptively initiate conflict?
- And what about the majority of the world, what about small states, small powers, that seek stability and security via multilateralism or a constellation of like-minded nations – how does deterrence impact on their decision-making?
- Do alliances, led by global powers, that rely on deterring adversaries through development of superior weaponry and technology, offer small states more risks than benefits?
- Specifically, is it preferable for many small states to focus on de-escalation and cooperative security rather than bind themselves to collective security agreements that are focused on deterring adversaries?
- And, the big question: How do we as member states in a world where bipolarity and conflict is intensifying, ensure de-escalation occurs without reaching a tipping-point that we cannot return from?
- Is cooperative security, and mutually agreed to weapons and technological controls, the way toward restoring an uneasy peace in the world?
Live Audience:Â Remember, if you are joining us live via the social media platforms, feel free to comment as we can include your comments and questions in this programme.
Paul and Selwyn encourage their live audience to interact while they are live with questions and comments.
To interact during the live recording of this podcast, go to Youtube.com/c/EveningReport/
Remember to subscribe to the channel.
For the on-demand audience, you can also keep the conversation going on this debate by clicking on one of the social media channels below:
- Youtube.com/c/EveningReport/
- Facebook.com/selwyn.manning
- Twitter.com/Selwyn_Manning
RECOGNITION: The MIL Network’s podcast A View from Afar was Nominated as a Top Defence Security Podcast by Threat.Technology – a London-based cyber security news publication. Threat.Technology placed A View from Afar at 9th in its 20 Best Defence Security Podcasts of 2021 category.
You can follow A View from Afar via our affiliate syndicators.

Only since women got the vote.
Selwyn – It is still important in International Affairs…and building trust exercises to reinforce the good work.
I think the first thing to do is to fly to Portugal and take an E. They probably sell them at the airport on arrival. They might have sampler packs! Think about that! OMG!
We live on a gloriously beautiful and bountiful few islands and yet all we can do, all I can do certainly anyway is moan and no wonder but yet fuck would I like a break from my own groove. And I’m down in here because I like to keep abreast, I like to know, I crave information. That, and I crave Brawndo but also peace.
But there are those ain’t they? The fucking humorless and terminally sober who wrench their ugly little faces into sneers as they snoot their cocks. Our ‘politicians’ and the $ 1 corporate-hookers who pretend they’re industry but are really just a drag on humanity. Check this out. All money. No class
The scum bags listed here are unashamedly stealing your time on Earth.
Wouldn’t it be great to instead read this on the Digitronic internettery thin-a -majiggery.
” Zero crime was reported for the whole of 2025! Police and politicians are nowhere to be found although it’s been rumoured that they’re naked and giggling while running about with baby rabbits and kittens avowing to switch to veganism. ”
The reason why drunks and addicts get high isn’t to get high, it’s to avoid fucking reality.
The blatent continuation of beer and circuses for the masses, Keep them hooked on entertainment and access to booze while they Privatise our infrastrectures paid for from hard working taxpayers which equates to: Privatising profitmaking ventures and socialising the costs,
Our disposable incomes are being deliberately eroded by Corporate Business thieves. Allowing Overseas large investors access to New Zealand’s Housing, Building Homes for rentals is nothing short of gross exploitation. People want to pay for home ownership and not become enslaved forever to decadent overseas investors blatant intent of profiteering fom global asset stripping tactics, which are being advanced all around the globe. Enough is enough. Human Resources sharks are illegally bullying senior knowlegable staff to become redundant while the executives running the show wallow in their huge unwarrented salaries. They want to employ kiss ass, low waged workers to help in the deregulation and flat structering that is still being advanced from social programmers from O/S. The experienced workers on salaries for life are being derogatoraly labelled- THe Standing Army!!!! Actually the threat is coming from the Decadant Greedy over the populations needy. Student Loans have made our young people endebted for life unless their hard earned education directs them into meaningful employment. Highly qualified job seekers are sarcastically informed that they are overqualified. The other tactic is not even to bother to reply to the best qualified applicants, Telephone addess to departments are met with recorded music ad infinititum and bounced around or told to email If you resort to emailing you receive a covid automatic unrelated response, this was under Jacinda’s Labour Government, or a request for providing Labour Party funding. The concerned issues never addressed. Jacinda paid the Gangs in Hawkes Bay
two and a half million – apparently to run the drug rehabilitation programmes. They are- Urban Terrorists, Drugs, shootings, break ins and intimidation, laisoning with O/S drug cartels
. They drive Harley Davidsons etc, and because of their growing numbers intimidate the police, THey should be shut down by the SAS and the army as they are posing a real threat to ordinary law abiding folk in New Zealand,