MEDIAWATCH: Last Week Tonight highlights the horror of Israeli Occupation in West Bank


The manner in which Israel’s brutal occupation of the West Bank has been eclipsed by the ethnic cleansing war crime in Gaza was highlighted by a brilliant piece by John Oliver on last Week Tonight..


@lastweektonighthboBen & Jerry’s won’t create peace in the West Bank, and neither will we, but we did at least talk about it for a while on this week’s episode of Textbook: The Comedy Show, if that’s your thing!♬ original sound – Last Week Tonight

…the illegal occupation of the West Bank by Israel has to be part of any solution moving forward.

It’s telling the full clip and segment of his blistering criticism of how appalling the Israeli occupation of the West Bank is has been missing on Youtube.

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The wound of Palestinian occupation must be healed if there is to be any peace and we in the West are enabling that occupation!

There is a price for this sin that I don’t believe we comprehend coming back the other way years from now after this terrible collective violence we are witnessing.


    • What happened 76 years ago that would provoke Arabs to reject it? Must have been some sort of abomination. Enjoy your forever war.

  1. Fascist smug nut job. No wonder he has been wiped out by Greg Gutfeld. This guy would have demanded lebensruam for his fellow socialist Adolf in Poland and the left would have fallen in behind.

  2. Fascist smug nut job John Oliver should be apologising for the mess Britain made. No wonder he is being cancelled , as Greg Gutfeld runs away with late night TV. Oliver would have called the invasion of Poland a justified socialist quest for lebensraum. Oh hang on, that was Stalin.

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