John Key freaks out over race war the political right are fuelling at beige on beige friendly fire National Party Conference


The Prime Minister’s smug certitude when so many Kiwis are doing it hard alongside his inability to keep his Deputy’s inline made National’s Conference a more cynical event than normal.

They played photos of the previous Government to mock Labour as if the only point of a Political Party Conference is juvenile arrogance mixed with a misplaced sense of superiority.

It was white on ideas and whiter still on details.

Luxon complained about math and said he’d do something about math.

Hey kids, what’s 2 tobacco lobbyists minus any ethical morality whatsoever plus this Government equal?

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Cough up your answer and show your working.

Somebody from the audience called on corporal punishment to be brought back to deal with Ram Raids and Mark Mitchell made some joke about that and the Party Conference laughed while everyone who had read the Royal Inquiry into State Abuse died a little bit inside.

Just as the Conference was about to drown in a white milk vanilla pool of beige mediocrity, Former Prime Minister and honorary western playmate of Xi the Great begged National to dim the burning crosses a tad…

National Party conference: Sir John Key’s call to ‘take the temperature down’ on race relations, verdict on the National coalition with NZ First and Act

Former National Party leader Sir John Key has called on people to “take the temperature down a wee bit” in the debate around race issues, saying it is an area any government needs to “tread carefully” in.

Speaking to the NZ Herald at the National Party conference on Saturday, Key delivered his verdict on how the coalition partners were holding up and National’s chances of lifting in the polls.

He also spoke about tensions around Māori issues after moves such as Act’s Treaty Principles Bill, the removal of section 7AA of the Oranga Tamariki Act and National’s move to overrule a court decision on the Marine and Coastal Area Act.

He said many of the issues were not of National’s making, such as Act’s Treaty Principles Bill which Prime Minister Luxon has ruled out supporting beyond the first reading, but it was something the government had to deal with.

“The important thing is that we’re all New Zealanders and I think everybody wants to live in a place where we can respect one another, get along well and foster a better New Zealand. So I’d kind of encourage everyone to maybe take the temperature down a wee bit.”

…you know shit just got real when Uncle Money Bags John Key drops in from Beijing to rein in the cracker redneck settler routine that has taken over the Government.

Because Luxon is the weakest Prime Minister ever in NZ politics, he has no control over NZF and ACT, and none of his skill set as a CEO at a deodorant company, (or the plushy Plane job at a state owned enterprise), gives him the skill set to compete with Seymour and Winston who are master alpha players of the game and who are beating the snot out of him each and every single month!

Christopher Luxon is so weak, he had to sack Melissa Lee to look butch.

This has allowed the extremist agenda of ACT and NZF to dominate policy and tone which is very problematic for John Key and his class of Right Wing Money Bosses.

Key is a ruthless pragmatist who doesn’t give a shit about ideology. He knows that if the peace is kept by providing some crumbs to the underclass then he and his Ring Wing Money Boss class can make money.

Stirring the Left up with such a nakedly anti-Treaty, anti-Māori, anti-Worker, anti-environment, anti-Renter agenda to the point of open hostility is very, very, very bad for business and no one makes money.

He’s begging the Party pulls back because he knows the economic hardship on the way will be acute and enflaming it with such racist bigotry is going to cause enormous damage.

The carnage this Government has blitzkrieged in just 10months is unforgivable and their hubris insulting:

  •  Racist attack on local council Māori wards
  • Cancelling Māori Health Authority
  • Manufacturing public health crisis to justify cut backs.
  • Repealing OT legislation forcing interaction with Iwi so they can green lighting a mass new tsunami of uplifts for Social Investment Bog Data investment.
  • Throwing 50 000 beneficiaries off welfare including the disabled and drug addicts.
  • Promising cancer patients 14 new drugs and only funding half of them for twice the price.
  • Cancelling the Ferry’s only to spend more money for less Ferry!
  • Rigging Charter schools
  • Privatisation agenda in social housing
  • Allowing property developers to create urban sprawl ghettos.
  • Giving Chris Bishop, Simeon Brown and Dr Pork Shane Jones the power of Muldoon on meth with the Fast Track Powers!
  • Taking $3billion from climate change funds.
  • Allowing corporate dairy to avoid paying for their pollution.
  • Pushing 17000 kids into poverty to pay for tax cuts we can’t afford.
  • Dumping 3 waters to allow water rates to spike.
  • Military Boot Camps that don’t work.
  • Gutting public transport.
  • Allowing Newshub to fall over so there is less scrutiny of policy.
  • Allowing the donor calls to dictate policy.
  • Bending over backwards for the Tobacco Industry, Mining Industry and Real Estate Pimps
  • Allowing bosses to sack workers and Landlords to kick out renters
  • Getting NZ into Americas latest military adventure in the Red Sea
  • Tough on crime posturing that creates counter productive outcomes
  • Massive cuts to public spending that will become austerity next year.

The damage this hard right, racist, climate denying, beneficiary bashing Government is causing will be intergenerational.

Meanwhile the planet is melting, cost of living at 5.4% and economy is plunging.



  1. Desperate party calls on the past again .Two failed CEOs of air NZ which has sucked kiwis blind for years .Luxon lost out to Virgin then came home threw a tantrum and sacked all the engineering staff and closed the money making work shops .
    This is the worst government ever ,just look at the change in traffic on state hiway 3 its a good sighn that they have fucked the country .The main street in Piopio is usually chocka from 10 am till 2.30 pm .That no longer is the case with parks now easy to come by a year ago it was imposable with standing room only at the cafe now its take a seat .

  2. Fancy having to get JK to try and knock a bit of sense into Luxon and his pack of egotistical numbnuts.
    Second I am amazed that these same numbnuts think testing every kid twice a year for their maths ability will make any difference at all.
    I would like to know who set what is considered the current standard and will the new standard be identical.
    I don’t think the standard could have been set by Willis or Reti because they certainly can’t make numbers work for them even by changing the formula to suit.
    I have a real living example in my Whanau of why this policy is a crock of shit.
    16 year old Grandson basically evicted from school because he can’t do math or spell for shit.
    Now 19 and a half and 3 months away from completing a building apprenticeship.
    He can do math and can spell when the lessons are relevant rather than esoteric.
    One would think that someone like Luxon and his flunkies would understand that.
    I am sure everyone in the Nats do not have the same level of expertise as the other. Maybe they do and its down to the lowest common denominator.

    • Grandson may have a very mild visual disturbance or very low-grade Irlen syndrome, sensitivity to light especially on a white page.
      Either way, school and expectations would be too much and because no-one really understands what to do, the victims are made to feel useless.
      It’s the system failing, not the child but they have to blame someone.

      I bet he’s a creative thinker and sees things a bit differently, not a clueless follower although not a rebel either.
      He does his own thing very successfully, now that he’s found a niche.
      You are right. Once he saw a practical application it became easier to understand and remember what words and numbers look like. We have family members like this. Turned out to be engineers, without degrees but very well paid all the same.
      The pressure to constantly assess children was hard on teachers too. There wasn’t time for children who didn’t fit the mold.

      Nothing will improve until they put money into finding and helping people like your grandson. They won’t.

  3. You find the same sort of people at a National Party conference as you see at Trump rally’s. We just have to accept NZ has sunk into a similar quagmire of racism, ignorance and greed. This toxic govt must be defeated.

  4. God Key makes me sick.
    He is Chinas man and it suits China very well to have NZ defenseless, beholden to them economically and divided against ourselves by race.

  5. All these terrible actions must be making this co government very unpopular and voters will turn away from them if they agree with your post.
    The last poll told another story and people seem happy with the moves made so far and accept the MMP style of voting we want means concessions have to be made.

  6. When someone as emotionally hollow and morally bankrupt and vacuous as Key, (remember him befriending that young Maori girl, only to use her at Waitangi before dumping her without trace), is brought on stage like some great messiah, to talk shit to the sycophants about things, then you know N.Z. has gone to a very dark place.

    National and the ‘Coalitional of Chaos’ have got nothing to offer….nothing!! You know they are in trouble when all they can talk about is bagging , and lying, about an opposition that turned in one of the best Covid responses in the entire world whilst saving 10’s of thousands of businesses from going under, built more houses than any other government in the past 50 years , and dealt with more than 8 catastrophic 1 in 100 years climate disasters in the space of 6 years

    Of course Luxon was on form with his usual foot ‘n’ mouth disease, saying how bad the Math’s teaching system is in N.Z and how it has catastrophically failed pupils, when it was actually National who introduced that system in the first place, (going against all research and advice at the time).

    Remember Key’s big, supposedly ‘game changing, ‘ education announcement with all the bullshit fanfare, when he was going to have the superstar top performing headmasters from around N.Z go in to help and guide other less performing schools to show them how it was done, (as a precursor to introducing teacher performance pay)…. What happened?…..Here’s a Maths clue……0….
    …sunk without trace.

    And to cap off what can only be termed as a disastrous conference , except for the delusional silver spooners, Luxon, the man who is constantly wanking on about setting ‘targets’, would not giving any targets at all about how long it will take to see a marked improvement in N.Z’s Maths results ….oh! how convenient !!!

  7. Ah…? ” Meanwhile the planet is melting, cost of living at 5.4% and economy is plunging.”
    What economy is that exactly? Tourism? We’re a scant few 5.2 million people of which only 3 million are of voting age and of that, let’s shave off a million people for being either retired or are kids etc or are Natzo’s avoiding not only working but of paying taxes yet are adept at taking advantage of others for their money, but in the nicest, most jovial, back-slappy nudge-nudge winky-winky sort of way. ” Maaaaaaaaate…” Like that.
    Farmers. You’re paying for this. You 2-3% of the population. You’re paying for all of this so don’t you wonder why you’re also not on stage with a bald cunt and a dodgy, tarnished, pony tail fetishist deep-throating a microphone?
    Beck ” Where it’s at. ”

  8. All the time that national is spending on Maori bashing is hiding the elephant in the room .The invasion from asia that Winston used to complain about has happened .NZ will soon be a suburb of India .A couple of years ago the most common sir name of new births registered was Singh.
    Winston was the member of two former governments but failed to do anything to slow the influx so now has turned against his own people .
    This government is driving the anti Maori mantra to allow the take over of NZ by a new lot of colonists .The last 10 years of my time in the work force saw a massive influx into the company I worked in .The new colonists out numbered kiwis by 80%.Now national is embarking on a mission to get them all signed up as members .Soon national will change its name to the Modi national party.

  9. What? John Key channeling Jacinda Adern in the ‘kindness’ stakes? Really? He must be very worried about his protoge’s party.


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