JD Vance promotes white pain while colluding with Billionaire Tech Libertarians


This from the Intercept:

J.D. Vance wants voters to think of him as a rags-to-riches Appalachian kid who believes in small-town values and working-class populism.

But to understand the real J.D. Vance, you have to follow the money — and the money leads directly to Silicon Valley billionaires like Peter Thiel.

Thiel hired Vance at his venture capital firm after Vance graduated from Yale Law School, then poured $15 million into Vance’s successful campaign for the U.S. Senate. He was also among the strongest voices pushing Donald Trump to pick Vance as his running mate.

So why is Peter Thiel so enamored with J.D. Vance? And what do tech moguls expect to get in return for acting as Vance’s political patrons?

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Peter Thiel made his fortune as a co-founder of PayPal and Palantir and an early investor in Facebook. In the Trump era, he has emerged as a major right-wing political funder, spending $35 million in the 2022 midterm election cycle alone.

His political philosophy has been described as “super-nationalistic” and “closer to authoritarianism” than libertarianism. For instance, in 2009, Thiel declared in an essay explaining his political vision that “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.”

But Thiel isn’t the only tech billionaire with close ties to Vance. Other prominent backers include former PayPal COO and Yammer founder David Sacks, venture capitalists Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, and Elon Musk, who called Trump’s selection of Vance an “excellent decision.”

And a second Trump administration would be positioned to provide tremendous benefits to all of these Silicon Valley tycoons through good old-fashioned tax cuts, subsidies, and deregulation.

JD Vance appeals to white pain, white poverty and white grievance in a way that builds Trumps muscular theatre into a political dynasty.

This is Nascar for Brown Shirts, Wrestling for Incels.

The machismo of Trump in a United States of Crisis Masculinity, that punching the air as blood dripped from his face with the American flag in the back ground – I mean I WANT to believe Americans aren’t this shallow, but I fucking know they are.

Thanks to woke social media activists, the white working poor have been enlightened by how much that middle class elite hate them and social media hate algorithms and loneliness does the rest.

Trump politically understands resentment as well as Hitler did and he has understood the resentment of the white working poor who have had their American dream traded in for free market trade deals and neoliberal capitalism.

To date the pain of the white working poor has been murdered by opiate addiction, an addiction that JD Vance hilariously understood and profited from…




…this is the power and the pain that JD Vance understands and channels…

…middle class identity politic activists benefit from the capitalist system, the white working poor are victims of it.

Vance is a client candidate of NZer and Global Libertarian Super Criminal Peter Thiel, he who created the mass surveillance Eye of Mordor Palantir and progresses an anti-democratic agenda to bring about a free market stateless utopia.

Vance sees the state as a betrayer and Thiel’s agenda as a means to punish and break that betrayer and remake American Capitalism in the image of those white working poor who do the actual manual labour.

Trump/Vance represents white poverty, pain and grievance welded onto a Libertarian Billionaire anarchist capitalist class who’ve agreed to amputate America last.

The Democrats better have more than sick childless cat meme burns to win this election.


  1. I think JD Vance was chosen as running mate because he was one of the few people who is more obnoxious than Trump.This way if Trump loses he has him to blame .

  2. Is this what trump meant when he said “You won’t have to vote anymore…”
    This from today’s The Guardian.
    “OpenAI’s Sam Altman is becoming one of the most powerful people on Earth. We should be very afraid”
    We lot have no unions to speak of, we have no money in the bank, we have no societal much less social cohesion, the cost of living is now weaponised and used to control us and the four foreign owned banks asb, bnz, anz and westpac take our money off us as they like making them the second most profitable banks in the world while they artificially inflate our means of survival until ultimately we must acquiesce to the tyranny of them, our abusers. You’d think that our politicians, the ones we trust enough to vote for then to provide them with the means for them to manage our democracy by paying them ridiculous amounts of money while giving them undeserved perks go exactly and precisely in the opposite direction to our best interests by selling us out to a criminal underclass of abusive, boring halfwits.
    In short, and I’m not that short but the rich and soulless have turned us into Hamsters on a wheel and pretty soon, they won’t need to sully their little white fingers to get us to do their bidding, they’ll have ever more evolved robots to do that for them.
    Hear that sound Aotearoa New Zealanders? That’s alarm bells ringing.

  3. I’ve got some respect for Thiel. At least he is technically savvy, apparently he was a super smart maths student. Sort of like the prime minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong who is also a math genius.
    If we could have our societies run by maths and tech geniuses all of society would be better off.

  4. I don’t think there’s much chance of Vance gaining real popularity. He’s a weirdo, and god knows what deviant stuff he was doing for Thiel given he doesn’t exactly fit the twink image of Thiel’s other proteges (like the ‘suicided’ Jeff Thomas).

    Valentina Gomez on the other hand..


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