Protests in 24 centres across the country this weekend will call out the anti-Palestinian racism and cowardly fealty to the US/Israel which drives the Luxon government’s policy on Gaza
Protests in solidarity with Palestine will take place in 24 centres across the country this weekend – from Opononi in the far north to Invercargill in the far south.
The protests will call out the hypocrisy and double standards in the Luxon government policy towards the war on Gaza.
For example last week the government issued a joint statement with Australia and Canada which:
- Condemns Hamas for the October 7th attack on Israel (but refuses to condemn Israel’s 76-year campaign of brutality, persecution and apartheid against Palestinians)
- Condemns Iran’s attack against Israel of April 13-14 (but refuses to even acknowledge the Israeli bombing of the Iranian embassy in Syria which provoked Iran’s action)
- Calls on Iran to “refrain from further destabilizing actions in the Middle East” (but makes no such call on Israel which has been working hard to provoke a wider war)
- Demands that Iran “and its affiliated groups, including Hizballah, cease their attacks” (but no demand for Israel to do the same)
- Condemns the “Houthis’ ongoing reckless acts, including their indiscriminate drone attack in Tel Aviv and ongoing attacks on international shipping” (without any criticism of Israel for its genocidal attacks on Palestinians in Gaza which provoked the Houthi actions)
- Describes Hizballah as a terrorist group when it is not designated as such by the New Zealand government
Needless to say there is no condemnation of Israel for any of its appalling war crimes. The government’s joint statement is a propaganda screed on behalf of a rogue state and its leadership of genocidal war criminals.
Around the country this weekend New Zealanders will be out in their thousands to call out the government and demand action based on the International Court of Justice ruling that Israel is an apartheid state in illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories.
The details of the protests this weekend are on the PSNA Facebook events page here. Basic details are below.
John Minto
National Chair
Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa
North Island
Opononi – Gathering for Palestine
Sunday 4 August
1:30 pm
Outside the Four Square, Opononi
Kerikeri – Rally
Saturday 3 August
9:00 am
Kerikeri roundabout, State highway 10
Whangarei – Rally
No Rally this weekend
Auckland Picket – MFAT
Friday 2 August
12:00 noon
MFAT – 139 Quay St, Auckland
Auckland –Banners around Tamaki Makaurau
Saturday 3 August
10:00 – 1:00 pm
At National AGM – Due Drops Event Center – 770 Great South Road, Manukau, Auckland
Text Steve for details (dependant on wind speeds)
Auckland – Rally and March
Sunday 4 August
2:00 pm
Te Komititanga – Britomart Square
Thames – Monthly Vigil (by The Basket – Social and Environmental Justice – Hauraki)
First Saturday of the month – Saturday 3 August
10:00 am – 12:00 noon
Thames Market, 700 Pollen Street, Thames
Tauranga – Vigil
Sunday 4 August
11:00 am
Vigil outside Tauranga Hospital, Cameron Road
Hamilton – Rally
Saturday 3 August
1:00 pm
Civic Square, Hamilton
Cambridge Rally
Saturday 3 August
11:00 am
Cambridge Town Hall
Gisborne – Farmers Market
Every Saturday at the Farmers Market
Saturday 3 August
9:30 – 11:30 am
Gisborne Farmers Market
Rotorua – Rally
Thursday 1 July
4:00 pm
Rotorua Lakes Council, Haupapa Street (Sir Howard Morrison Corner)
Napier – Rally
Saturday 3 August
11:30 am
Marine Parade Soundshell Roundabout
Hastings – Rally
Sunday 4 August
1:00 pm
Hastings Town Clock – Hastings CBD
Palmerston North – Rally
Sunday 4 August
2:00 pm
The Square, Palmerston North
New Plymouth – Flags on the Bridge
Friday 2 August
4:30 pm
Paynters Ave Bridge
New Plymouth – Rally
Saturday 3 August
1:00 pm
The Landing, 1 Ariki Street, New Plymouth
Whanganui – Rally
Saturday 3 August
11:00 am
Riverside Market, Whanganui
Carterton – Vigil
Every Tuesday
12:00 midday
Memorial Square.
Martinborough – Gathering for Palestine
Every Wednesday
11:00 am
The square at the top of Kitchener St, Martinborough
Masterton – Vigil
Every Sunday
9:30 am
Town Hall Lawn
Featherston – Vigil
Every Saturday
11:00 am
The Squircle (opposite the op shop).
Wellington – Flags (by the Falastin Tea Collective)
Every Friday
7:15 – 8:15 am
Hill Street bridge Overbridge, Wellington
Wellington – Vigil for Palestine (by Aotearoa Healthcare Workers for Palestine)
Every Friday
6:00 pm
In front of Wellington Hospital
49 Riddiford Street, Newtown, Wellington
Wellington – Rally (by the Falastin Tea Collective)
Saturday 3 August
1:00 pm
Te Aro park across from The Opera House (changes weekly)
Please see Instagram account @falastin_tea_collective for updates.
South Island
Nelson – Rally
Saturday 3 August
10:30 am
1903 Square, Upper Trafalgar Street, Nelson
Blenheim – Rally
Saturday 3 August
11:00 am
Blenheim Railway Station
Christchurch – Rally
Saturday 3 August
1:00 pm
Bridge of Remembrance, Cashel Street, Christchurch
No Rally this weekend
Dunedin – Rally
Saturday 3 August
1:00 pm
Otago Museum Reserve to the Octagon, Dunedin
No Rally this weekend
Invercargill – Rally
Sunday 4 August
1:00 pm
Wachner place Invercargill
Go you @ John Minto and your wondrous supporters.
The apartheid state days are numbered! its continued isolation globally makes the zionist state vulnerable. Hezbollah have been targeting the North of the zionist state with hundred of thousands leaving in droves.
John – For the ceasefire, Hamas needs to
1. Release the hostages
2. Hand over the Hamas killers
How hard is that…
Try having a “Hamas! Get out of Gaza” protest, or “Hamas! Stop using Gazans as Human Shields” protest
Netanyahu doesn’t want the hostages thus this is not a hostage issue. And Israel using the pretexts of ‘human shield’ and ‘Hamas’ to slaughter human beings is just that – a bs excuse for genocide. Otherwise, Israel the illegal occupier get out of Palestine the occupied, yeah, this is a fairly typical sentiment among protestors, Nate.
Palestinians are human beings, its unfortunate that we need to remind some people of this, but telling nonetheless as to why genocide is not an issue for some people.
A O – Three things
1. The Gaza Strip population is increasing = NO Genocide…basic logic
2. The families of the hostages would disagree with your statement regarding the Israeli’s Prime Minister motivation towards the hostages
3. While Hamas keeps firing rockets from Refugee camps, Hospitals, and Schools into Israel, Hamas are using Gazans as Human Shields…again, basic logic
In a time of war, in a time of genocide, in a time of absolute massacre – neighborhoods, towns, cities, bombed to rubble – in a time of mass displacement of people, in this time, in this world that Gaza/Palestine is suffering in today….what is the likelihood of a statistical head count Nathan? You can’t hide bullshyt behind the use of the term logic. Why anyone wold think that point would hold any weight whatsoever is beyond me!
Otherwise the families of Israeli hostages have protested and continue to protest against the inaction of Netanyahu, all to no avail. What we have before us today is what Netanyahu wants, Israeli hostages and families of these hostages, be damned. Horrid state of affairs.
And finally, as long as the Hamas smokescreen remains viable, then Israel is free to maim and mass murder as many people as they can. As the world is slowly finding out the real truth behind October 7, then this smokescreen will soon dissipate.
Ignorance at it’s best, Genocide has many criteria including the destruction of culture and identity and is not exclusive to the amount of deaths. It can be reasonably argued that with the destruction of nearly 80% of mosques and universities that it is in fact genocide as it steals away Palestinians chances for a future. More Israeli gaslighting.
Nathan instead of telling John Minto who in his life has organised hundreds of rallies. You who believe that Hamas get out of Gaza should be the rally cry should organise it, why does it always fall to Minto to do this, come on front up get of your arse.
Michal – John protests are not working…perhaps he is focusing on the wrong people – ie IDF, rather than the actual problem – Hamas.
By the way, John’s Rent a mob is turning off Peace Activists across NZ with their refusal to take Hamas to task.
Wow you are really in the know aren’t you.
But your comments are BS and I know that because Palestine Solidarity has doubled its data base since October 8.
Taking Hamas to task more BS. You have clearly never been on a rally in your life but you think you know it all. I have been for 10 months on one a week and I know what has been said at those ones. Including a minutes silence for everyone who has lost their lives, but I suppose I need to spell it out to you: those who were kidnapped and who died and the thousands who have lost their lives in Gaza the thousands.
Have you any idea about the peace movement in Israel and the many people who think the bombing of Gaza is wrong wrong wrong, I am meaning Israelis who live in israel.
Why would we protest against the heroes who are fighting against the zionist pedophiles?
Are these rallies Hama’s only events or are they terrorist-wide?
Will see if I can make it but not sure if it will clash with my Taliban (non) reading group or my cake stand to raise funds for new beheading swords for ISIS . .
Well James, since most terrorists, or certainly the terrorists you have mentioned, are Western creations, chances are better than good that you’ll be mistaken for their money bags man should you ever come in contact with such folk. I’ll assume you’ve got a cake stand franchise of some import.
A O – Who funds Hamas terrorist attacks? Answer: Iran…The West made a mistake 20 years ago with Hamas.
As you already know Nathan, the chief funder behind Hamas was Netanyahu often via Qatari middlemen. And the other terrorist organizations mentioned here, they are all US constructs.
Time to enter the really real world Nathan. It’s a proven fact Hamas was initially funded by Israel as a counterweight against the PLO. Ignorance is bliss.
No, any terrorist sympathiser can attend, and are most welcome. Not the Far Right ones tho.
Ada – Hamas is Far Right …
I don’t know any Hamas supporters. But I do know many Palestinians who cannot live in their own country, 75 years of occupation!
Michal – But you do — John Minto previous posts were for the NZ Government to drop Hamas off the Terrorist list, and openly support Hamas….His post was rubbished by most people.
The political wing of Hamas was not a terrorist group but the military wing was deemed so by our government and they changed that.
which Post was that ‘most people’ do you mean the fake Gaby who really can’t answer any questions and if someone puts something legitimate up, I mean seriously something know by most people this person simply denies it.
Some of the recent polling in the US shows that many people under 30 now support Palestine and the stats are moving in favour of Palestine all the time.
I don’t know whether you have children Nathan but the endless murder of children is horrifying to me.
Michal – Ah, the political vs terrorist arms are different cope out…few people believe this and for good reason.
Wrong, nonce. You enthusiasts of raping and killing Palestinian kids aren’t ‘people’.
Meanwhile “The only Democracy” (TM) in the middle east was busy in the Knesset this week debating the legality and morality of is it OK to rape and sodomize Palestinians with metal poles, cellphones and fire extinguishers, go figure. Also up for debate was it is permissible to shoot Palestinian in the head to prevent prisoner overcrowding.
Every time there is another massacre of helpless civilians i tend to imagine what does a group of 70 men, woman and children look like, exactly how large a group is it?
Oy Vey! never again they say while smiting Palestinians, sickening beyond comprehension.
fingrinn – Palestinians or Hamas Terrorists…which one? Also, while Hamas chooses to fire rockets from places where vulnerable people are, for example, schools, hospitals, refugee centers, they are using Gazans as Human Shields…
No qualms about the IDF headquarters being smack in the middle of Jerusalem and in a civilian area though?
No challenging the numerous videos on YouTube documenting the IDF tying Palestinians to the front of vehicles as human shields?
No context that Gaza is the most populated place on earth and there’s no place to hide?
No qualms about Palestinians being held in detention without trial or charge in the “only democracy in the Middle East?”
Complete silence about Israel sterilizing Ethiopian Jews because they were the wrong colored Jew?
No qualms with Israel controlling the amount of food going into Gaza pre October 7th designed to keep them at barely existing levels?
Nathan, once you understand the truth you will realize you are on the wrong side of history and Israel are gaslighting you and it is possible to hold two opposing views in regards to Israel.
fingrinn – Understanding the truth argument does not let Hamas off the hook for its ongoing war crimes against Gazans…Stop defending Hamas actions within Gaza.
Yeah – not sure your comments about the Knesset are 100% accurate to be honest (and in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if you have to be ‘supervised’ whenever you attempt to use a knife and fork).
Good old deflection, I guess watching the Knesset on YouTube with the stated comments equates to a cartoon for some people, meaning people only want to see what they want to. Intellectual and moral laziness.
Golly no protest planned for my Town.
You could always organize one if you feel your missing out.
Golly where are you, perhaps you should organise one!
The leadership of the Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa should be arrested and treated as terrorists. They need to be permanently detained without trial, and their website should be shut down. They are supporters of Hamas, who call for the destruction of Israel.
The artificial creation that is Israel has never been legitimate,and has lost any semblance of right to exist with genocidal practices. This will result in a tragedy of historic proportions for all involved.
Zelda rather than bitch and moan you’d be better working out what you are personally going to do for displaced people of the region which will include millions of Israelis.
Zelda knows the truth, and your predictions for Israel’s demise are going to get you a big fat disappointment. Israel has won 8 wars to date -started none of them – and is winning this one, too. The only artificial creations are the fake ‘Palestinians’. Israel will be thriving well after you and your hateful cronies are gone.
I guess Lebanon is not to be talked about then Gaby, remind me again how the IDF fared?
Gaby’s chest swells with pride mentioning the 3000 year history of the Jews but what Gaby wont admit is the historical over 5000 year history of Gaza and Ashod and the geographical history of Philistine that covered what is now Israel, Syria, Turkey and Jordan so when Israel claims Palestinians are Jordanians not Palestinians then how can that be so and “A land for a people, for people without a land” is purely bunkum. History clearly shows who was there first by their own admission. The great battle between David and Goliath a Philistine is recorded in the Torah and Bible and Philistine was renamed Palestine by the Romans after the uprising by Jews. History’s dirty little secret. “From the river to the sea” refers to the Jordanian river further backing up the claim which ironically is also the slogan of one of the major Israeli party’s. I’m curious exactly why DNA tests are illegal in Israel Gaby, any insights of why the fear?
You too Gaby, hot air and hate. Get together with Zelda and work out what good you can do for the inevitable flood of refugees, Israelis, Palestinians, Lebanese. “Winning” past wars has resulted in this problem.
It is so boring that you continue saying this sort of bullshit. Hamas has not for many many years called for the destruction of Israel, do your homework just a little better.
Cry more, pedophile. The zionist entity will be completely destroyed, and there will be nowhere for you pedophiles to run.
How’s the knitting going Nathan?
You know the Chinese have brought ‘Hamas & Fatah’ together the other day talks are about unity of both factions to create a Palestinian state.
As for the “human shields” well your proselytize state is the biggest offender to such crimes!!
Its baffling that you support Russia in Ukraine however support apartheid Israel is contradictory imo because these are the same neocons behind both agenda & remember February 2014 Maidan coup after the overthrow of ‘Viktor Yanukovych’ govt your venerated idol ‘Netanyahu’ with other world leaders marched through Kiev in solidarity with overthrowing a pro russian democratically elected govt of Ukraine!,and%20obstruct%20corresponding%20military%20operations.,as%2012%20other%20Palestinian%20groups.
Tipene – How is supporting a group (Hamas) that supports the following
– Death to Queer People
– Death to Women for not obeying Husbands, Fathers, Older Sons
– Death to Gazans who leave Gaza without written permission from Hamas
– Death to former members of Hamas
– Death to Gazans who refuse to obey Hamas
– Death to the State of Israel
Embarrassing Tipene.
We will all pay the price for this terrible war. I still can’t understand why Israel allowed Hamas over its borders on that awful day. Israel is touted as the most security conscious country in the world, their airport security is next level. The conspiracy part of me thinks the unthinkable and the innocents at the music festival were collateral damage to Netanyahu’s desperate attempt to invade Palestine by any means possible and cause this war. If this war was in the opposite direction and Palestine was bombing innocents what would the western governments do they would be in there boots and all with all the fire power of the west. Israel is provoking the bear outside of its attacks on Palestine it appears they want an all out war in the Middle East. We will end up all paying the price for the atrocities of the old German empire and Israel will not stop until they have wiped Palestine off the face of the earth . Anyone who says it’s not genocide is a fool and unfortunately Netanyahu is the man to carry it out.
Not my government – I agree with you – it is a terrible war, and a Peace Treaty is needed as soon as possible.
I disagree with you – the Gaza Strip population is increasing, therefore no Genocide…Hamas has rejected peace proposals from Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, USA…due to the return of the hostages clause…Iran, and Lebanon (via a terrorist group) have attacked Israel…Israel has defended itself.
John, how is that FREE THE HOSTAGES banner coming along?
Clarity is needed are you referring to the Israeli hostages or the over 9000 Palestinians illegality being held against their will without charge, trial or convictions in the ” Middle Easts only democracy” ™
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