Imperialist, colonialist or neo-colonialist powers faced with a popular revolt against their rule will often turn to genocide.
“America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests” Said Henry Kissinger
(What is true of America is true of all imperialists and also true of genocidal imperialist wannabes)
The genocide in Sudan is being fueled by foreign interests that switch sides, as it suits them, or even backs both sides at the same time.
The common aim of these foreign interests, is control of Sudan’s resources and labour power, especially Sudan’s gold production.
The common enemy of these foreign interests, and the local military proxies, RSF and SAF, are the Sudanese people themselves and their aspirations for democracy free from military neo-colonial rule and exploitation.
The people of Sudan and their resources are being exploited by more than one imperialist power, and being preyed upon by not one, but by two, rival neo-colonialist armies.
While the world’s attention has been fixed on the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, what is going on in Sudan should shock the conscience of the world.
@1:31 minutes:
Sudan has now passed Gaza as the worst famine on Earth.
2.5 million people are set to starve by September….
….Sudan is the third largest producer of gold in Africa, the world’s most gold rich continent. At the same time Sudan remains one of the poorest countries in the world. The gold mined by the hard work of the Sudanese people has never enriched the Sudanese people….
….99% of Sudan’s gold is exported to the United Arab Emirates, or UAE, who refine it and then sell it on the international market, making the Emirates and [RSF leader] Hemedti filthy Rich. The Al Gunade Gold company run by Hemedti’s family has become a vast conglomerate covering gold, transport, and construction. But the UAE and Hemedti’s relationship went well beyond just gold. In 2015 the UAE struck a deal with Hemedti to send RSF soldiers to fight in the Saudi-Emirates war on the Houthis in Yemen…..
……A democratic movement by the Sudanese people ousted one of the world’s worst dictators. The problem was, that the military took over the new government.
A transitional military council led by General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan took over as de-facto head of state, with Hemedti as his Deputy.
The protesters refused to leave the streets, they demanded that the RSF be dissolved and the army [SAF] go back to the barracks, and the government be handed over to civilians.
For the military and the RSF this threatened their power and business interests. [President] Al-Basheer was disposable, but the system was not. Al-Burhan and Hemedti began to crack down on the protests….
In other war zones like Ukraine and Syria, Russia and Iran work together to wage war against the people of those two countries.
In Sudan, Russian Wagner forces supported the RSF in exchange for gold. Iran supported the SAF by selling the SAF drones to attack the RSF.
@24:08 minutes:
The Rapid Support Forces have been winning on almost every front throughout the war until January 2024, when Iranian made armed drones helped the SAF halt the progress of the Rapid Support Forces.
Iran wants an ally in Africa and on the Red Sea, and has found one in Al-Burhan.
The [Iranian] drones help pinpoint artillery strikes which forces the RSF to flee from many areas and allowed the Army to deploy forces on the ground. This has allowed the SAF to regain pockets of territory around Khartoum…..
….. For years the Wagner group, Russia’s state funded private military company, has armed and assisted the RSF in exchange for access to Sudan’s gold.
Sudan’s gold helps Russia avoid the effects of the economic sanctions placed on it after Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022. Gold is a global hard currency that Russia can use to prop up the ruble.
Hemedti was in Moscow with a plane full of gold on the day Russia invaded Ukraine.
On the 5th of June 2019, two days after the RSF massacred over 100 protesters in Khartoum, the Wagner affiliated company Merowe Gold, a company with mines in Sudan supported by the RSF, imported 13 tons of riot shield helmets and batons to a company owned by Hermedti’s family.
Shortly after that, Hemedti purchased high-end surveillance and phone hacking equipment from Israeli intelligence which allows him to crack down on any resistance in Khartoum or near his gold mines.
In April 2023 the Wagner group supplied the RSF with surface to air missiles, which have been invaluable in taking out SAF jets.
After Wagner’s leader died, following a short-lived Rebellion against Putin, it appears Russia has changed sides, or at least is now supporting both sides.
In April 2024, Russia pledged recognition and military support, and then began selling gas to Al-Burhan and the SAF. And Al-Burhan has committed to building a Russian naval base in Port Sudan.
But the major player in the Sudan civil war, is the [US backed] United Arab Emirates, who have been using their vast wealth to influence regional politics.
The UAE is a rich Petro State and key American Ally in the region, alongside Saudi Arabia and Egypt, and it hosts about 5,000 American military personnel.
Hemedti keeps the gold flowing out of Sudan and into Dubai – both Hemedti and the UAE and their customers want that gold to keep flowing……
….UAE cargo planes began Landing in Amdjarass a tiny oasis town close to Chad’s border with Sudan. Cargo planes from the Emirates have been Landing there on a near daily basis since June 2023, when the records of these flights were publicly leaked.,,,
,,,,,,weapons are flown into this air strip and then are driven to Zurruq, the main RSF base.
In North Darfur, Hemedti’s fighters have used Emirates supplied anti-tank missiles to target army bases in Khartoum.
In February of 2024 a leaked document confirmed that 100 RSF soldiers were flown to the UAE for training on drones and tanks.
The UAE due to its support and arming of the RSF is complicit in the genocide in Darfur, and any of its allies, such as Saudi Arabia and the US, who continue to support it, are also complicit, The UAE sees Sudan as a useful Red Sea Ally and also as a future cheap source of food and mercenaries. the Emirates have also positioned themselves as fighters against Islamism…
@28:24 minutes
Fear of Islamism became a useful tool for Middle Easter dictators as a way to brutally put down protests against their rule. They weren’t killing democratic protesters, they were fighting Islamists.
Promises to fight Islamists have for decades been used to gain Western military aid aid, and immunity for human rights violations.
Abdullahi Halakhe from refugees International said the UAE has worked more than any other country to stifle the emergence of democracy in the region.
The UAE must never be allowed to send their genocidal RSF mercenary army to Gaza on the behalf of Israel and the US
The Chinese government has hosted a meeting of the factions representing the Palestinian people to sign a ‘Unity Agreement’ to govern Gaza after the war.
In an obvious counter to the Chinese initiative for forming a post-war unity government chosen by the Palestinian people.
The US and Israel met together secretly with their Arab ally the UAE, on how they plan to rule Gaza after the war.
In contrast to the Chinese initiative, no representatives of the Palestinian people were involved in this secret meeting on how they are to be ruled by these three powers.
The plan of the US, Israel, UAE is the appointment, (not election) of an approved Prime Minister to rule Gaza and the Westbank, backed by UAE armed forces.
TIMES OF ISRAEL Israel at War – Day 296
Israel, US, UAE said to have held secret Abu Dhabi meeting on Gaza postwar plan
Axios reports proposal similar to that presented by Gallant in January, after senior UAE official signaled Abu Dhabi could contribute troops to a peacekeeping force
By TOI STAFF 23 July 2024, 4:11 pm
……Two Israeli officials told the Axios news site that the Thursday discussions were hosted by UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed and attended by Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer and US President Joe Biden’s Mideast envoy Brett McGurk.
According to the report, two senior Israeli officials who had been involved in the formulation of plans for the Strip after the war were also in attendance…..
…..The day before the American, Emirati and Israeli officials met, a senior UAE official signaled that Abu Dhabi was prepared to contribute troops to a postwar peacekeeping force in Gaza, making it the first Arab country to publicly buy into the effort being quietly advanced by the Biden administration…..
……Arab states have been reluctant to publicly express their willingness to take part in the initiative, not wanting to be seen as betraying the Palestinian people…..
Pat O’Dea is a staunch unionist and activist
The UAE must never be allowed to send their genocidal RSF mercenary army to Gaza on the behalf of Israel and the US.
They’re aligned with the UAE but there’s no way they’d accept a Russian-Wagner aligned group to fight for them.
Arab states have been reluctant to publicly express their willingness to take part in the initiative, not wanting to be seen as betraying the Palestinian people.
Betraying them? Jordon, Lebanon, Egypt, and Kuwait, have all been screwed by the Palestinians over the decades. Kuwaitis in particular, after years of supporting the Palestinian cause, have not forgotten the glee with which they welcomed Saddam in 1990.
ACTION – PRESSURE. September is close and this urges us to do something now.
The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement supporting people in Sudan who are in need of humanitarian aid. For over 12 months, Sudan has been gripped by conflict between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).2 Hūr 2024
Sudan | British Red Cross
British Red Cross › what-we-do › international
Sudan Emergency Appeal – UN World Food Programme
Urgent Appeal. Without Your Support Thousands Of Families Will Slip
Help Vulnerable Communities in Sudan
Liam Neeson Global Hunger
We Rely On Your Donations. Join Liam Neeson To Save Lives.
Caritas Australia (Catholic) › … Whakamāoritia tēnei whārangi
Millions in Sudan have been affected by ongoing conflict. Donate to Caritas Australia today to help vulnerable communities in Sudan.
Sudan Emergency Appeal
Islamic Relief Worldwide › … Whakamāoritia tēnei whārangi
Islamic Relief has worked in Sudan for 40 years and remains by the sides of families caught up in the crisis. Please support our life-saving work by donating
Grassroots Aid Networks Are a Lifeline Amid Sudan’s … › … Whakamāoritia tēnei whārangi
10 Mei 2024 — They are informal networks of local actors working to help their communities survive, building on a long tradition of mutual aid in Sudan.
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