Chippy and Labour step up for Māori


‘Enough is enough’ – Chris Hipkins blasts government over Māori policies

Labour Party leader Chris Hipkins says the coalition government is unfairly targeting Māori and “enough is enough”.

Hipkins is speaking at a hui at Auckland City Mission’s Home Ground on Saturday.

“We are here after a week in Parliament that, like all other weeks in Parliament under this government, has seen Māori unfairly targeted,” he said in prepared remarks.

He said that the Royal Commission of Inquiry’s report on Abuse in State Care released this week “bring into clear daylight our shameful history of abuse”.

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“Māori were disproportionately targeted. Cut off from their whānau, their whakapapa, their culture and identity, subjected to outright racism. Beaten, starved, raped, and abused.

“We heard all parties acknowledge the findings, speak of their horror at what had occurred, and pledge that it should never be allowed to happen again.

“And then quite literally minutes after the debate on the Royal Commission’s report had ended, the government once again targeted Māori as they reversed legislation that gives Māori a seat at the table on local councils,” he said.

Hipkins said that decision ignored council wishes.

“Councils are asking the government to butt out and leave them be – but the government, powered by disgraceful right-wing lobby groups and the racist coalition agreement, continue to resist and override both councils and Māori.”

The Labour leader also condemned the decision to bring back boot camps for youth offenders.

Nine out of the 10 teenage participants at the first one set to open are Māori.

This is the type of leadership that Politicians in NZ need to be prepared to channel if we are going to step up for an Aotearoa that isn’t so culturally insecure. .

The Right have used Māori as a political punching bag to win the election but this time around will inadvertently start a race war while claiming to be protecting democracy.
When is too much redneck policy too much?
Māori Wards are an extension of our democratic infrastructure by allowing Māori a voice at a community level yet the Right have portrayed this as a bastardisation of Westminster democracy that will see the end of Western Civilisation as we know it.
Why are cracker rednecks so focused on cementing into place 19th century white settler privilege by denigrating the Treaty?
Former Race Relations Conciliator Susan Devoy lamented last year that some culture war boomers are so reactionary and racist that the best we can hope for is that they die off.
Are we really only going to advance race relations when the racist boomers die off?

For a Government that rejects claims they are racist, Settler Privileged,  anti-Māori, anti-Treaty and use Māori as a political punching bag, they sure as Christ pass some pretty racist, Settler Privileged, anti-Māori, anti-Treaty shit while using Māori as a political punching bag!

Right after demanding Pharmac ignore appalling Māori health statistics because white people are fragile, the Racist Ward dismantling occurred…

Māori Wards Bill back in the House

Before a new government rolls out their more proactive policies, they tend to focus their efforts on undoing things enacted under the last guys – returning things to how they were. 

This week, one of those bills is returning to the House from Select Committee for its 2nd reading. The Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Billreverses legislation passed by Labour in 2021 that removed the need for a referendum (the legislation uses the word poll) in establishing Māori wards and constituencies on local councils.  

…the race war inducing Treaty Referendum was reheated…

Opposition mounts ahead of draft Treaty Principles Bill

Community organisers expect an unprecedented level of mobilisation against Act’s Bill, with an ‘intensification of protest’ against ‘anti-Māori attacks’

…ACT have raised $30 000 to start this appallingly race baiting political stunt that will start a level of civil unrest we haven’t seen since the Foreshore and Seabed confiscation.

Oh and the Government decided to reopen the Foreshore and Seabed confiscation…

Overturning Court Of Appeal Decision On Foreshore And Seabed Is Abuse Of Power – PSA

The treacherous actions by this Government to overturn a Court of Appeal decision covering Māori customary rights under Te Tiriti o Waitangi to the foreshore and seabed legislation is a despicable abuse of power.

…the problem for Labour was that Jacinda never explained nor fronted the push in the background for more Democratic Infrastructure for Māori with the Local Wards and 3 Waters, the Left have to be able to actually argue for a Treaty that works together with Māori, the problem is that the Māori Party are so focused on the political stunts and theatre of a Māori Parliament  they are driving voters away from the centre.
There needs to be a clear vision here because if there is not, the Right inject that vacuum with racism.
Chippy needs a clear statement and position on biculturalism while bringing migrant Kiwis and white middle NZ with him.
This is easily done, but the wider Left seem very flat footed in articulating it.


  1. As a boomer I refuse to accept that all boomers are racists .I live in a rural community and have noticed that the 40s and over are the main offenders ,so bet you do some proper surveys before pidgeon holing one age group .The least racist in this community are the under 20s .So unless NZ wakes up there will be 40 more years of the white red neck mantra .

  2. Problem in your call for bi-culturalism is that time has long past as being achievable. There are many many cultures in New Zealand and we should be aiming for a multi-cultural environment.
    The Pakeha V Maori cultural war is over. is is disappearing into the “unsolvable” folder of who cares. It no longer matters to many people, getting on with their lives.

    Now I understand many Maori care to resolve past injustices but it is holding them back (or at standstill) whilst everyone else moves onwards.

    Come to South Auckland and see multiculturalism at work (and it works reasonable well). We have new IWI like groups emerging (eg. Sikhs, Hindu, Samoan, Tongan, etc.) where the groups works for the betterment of their people and the wider community.

    The more we refer to cultural wars between Pakeha and Maori, the more people from all cultures (including Pakeha) simply shrug their shoulders in disinterest and get on with their own cultures within the wider community.

    In 200 years time people will look back at what all the fuss was about. This coming from a member of a tribe who ones occupied a vast stretch of land across Northern Europe (1700 years ago) and now occupy but a small province.

    Change comes and all will wash out in the tide.

    • I lived in South Auckland for a long time. When everyone else in Auckland was wanting to put a wall around it I loved living there. I never got burgled (like I did in Mt Eden) and there was a great community made up even then of many different cultures.

  3. Burning down New Zealand to look after a racial minority by misinterpreting the treaty is what Labour did for 6 years, they weren’t wanted back.

    • The first thing this Government did in it’s first 100 days was to implement it’s racist policies
      The previous Labour government are now wanted back as the people of NZ see how redneck this Government is.
      The treaty has been in place for decades, all of a sudden Mr 7 % and his ill informed and uneducated supporters like yourself want to interpret the treaty somehow differently. You are a joke.

      • „The previous Labour government are now wanted back as the people of NZ see how redneck this Government is“.

        Evidence? I doubt you have any.

      • Nobody of sound mind wants more of the failed Labour Party.
        In 6 years they achieved nothing except to take us backwards.
        Chippy is a joke.

        • Bob and Annus, I seriously hope you have to attend hospital some time soon, Annus for your annal surgery and Bob your lobotomy .
          This idiotic government have underfunded so badly they’ll get your surgeries back the front. Either way it makes no difference.

        • Only those brainwashed and without a thought of their own would support this racist government that has taken us back 40 years in just 10 months, here’s Bob!

    • what a crock of shit .The last government had more balls than this lot because they were prepared to take on the greedy white cunts that have raped and pillaged NZ for 200 years .The people that burnt NZ were my fellow white fuckers who murdered women and children and then stole millions of acres of land which said white cunts are doing their best to fuck up .Look at all the shit that goes into our water ways all over the country and towns .

  4. CHipkins is just playing to his voting base, not converting anyone else to the tririti-led vision the Left hopes for.

  5. Well, that’s nice dears.
    Hand wringing Chip comes out of the wardrobe to go on a pointless attack against his own left foot which gives him the moral high ground below ground level.
    “Māori were disproportionately targeted. Cut off from their whānau, their whakapapa, their culture and identity, subjected to outright racism. Beaten, starved, raped, and abused.”
    As if he gave an actual fuck. His pretence of caring for Maori is as cringe worthy as his wardrobe.
    ” This is the type of leadership that Politicians in NZ need to be prepared to channel if we are going to step up for an Aotearoa that isn’t so culturally insecure.”
    Step up? Who’s going to step anywhere for any reason much less for the Maori bone that’s dug up every time a distraction is required to be chucked at the mindless masses to gnaw on or fight over. A bit like The Daily Blog actually. All yap and no outcome except we now have a rabid right-wing fascism who will sell us to american corporates with a guarantee of a whiny fawning bleating few angry lambs looking at the freezing works as our only planet goes into a death spiral.
    ” He said that the Royal Commission of Inquiry’s report on Abuse in State Care released this week “bring into clear daylight our shameful history of abuse”.
    Did it also bring into clear daylight the 14 multi-billionaires, the 3118 multi-millionaires and the four once were Kiwi but are now Australian banks stealing farmer money at a rate making them the second most profitable banksters in the world?
    “Why are cracker rednecks so focused on cementing into place 19th century white settler privilege by denigrating the Treaty?”
    Who are they? Who are those thus far mythical band of vile redneck crackers you write about? It can’t be farmers because they have no voice, no choice and no money, because the cities have it all and even if they did they’re too buried in debt to sleep and wouldn’t know a consensus of opinion if it ran them down as they sobbed over debt demands at the letter box.
    So again, who are the ‘redneck crackers’ you write about then?
    I call bullshit on Chip and his band of white, Right, fascist, greedy, unapologetic, neo-liberal, deep state dungeon masters.
    Chipster? The Chipenator? Super Chip? If you really want to help @ Maori here’s what you can do.
    Income to $20 K tax free. Kill off traitor douglas’s GST which is, by any other name a poverty tax.
    “GST was introduced on 1 October 1986 by the Minister of Finance, Roger Douglas at a rate of 10% on goods and services. It replaced existing sales taxes for goods and services. In 1989 GST was increased, again an action initiated by the Labour Party with Deputy Prime Minister, Helen Clark and Prime Minister, Geoffrey Palmer taking GST to 12.5%.[4] 21 years on in 2010, GST was raised again by the National Party’s Prime Minister, John Key, taking GST to 15%.[3]”
    A capital gains tax of %99.99 on all house sales that are not the family home.
    Free health, dental and public transport.
    Now take your royal commission of inquiry and ram it up the are holes of the 14 multi-billionaires, the 3118 multi-millionaires and the four now foreign owned banks being the second most profitable in the fucking world next only to Canada.
    @ Martyn Bradbury. @The Daily Blog. ASB Is it? You @ MB and your new bestie the black eyed pea chipster ? Checkmate.

  6. Chippy’s announcements mean nothing, the voting public do not see him as a viable leader anymore.
    Labour need to replace him quickly….I hope they don’t, as he is the gift that keeps on giving to the right, long may he stay as leader!
    Trouble is the ‘talent’ pool is as shallow as a car park puddle to pick from.
    Please….please pick Willie Jackson, the man who has never won an electorate and only been on the list, yes…he will do nicely.

    • IF the talent pool in labour is shallow ,nationals was never ever there was it .Look all these fuckers know is to back everything up and tip it into Cook straight and hope it washes back to 1900 .This is the most untalented government NZ has had ever .The bald prick still thinks he is running a soap sales office .Look at his incompetence at Air NZ ,tried to take over Virgin AUS and lost millions doing so when they told him to FUCK OFF SONNY. Then he had to close down the engineering department that was makeing money and sack the engineers to get the millions back and to deflect from his fuckup .Another manufactured finacial crissis just like he is doing now with health and housing .He needs to remember CEOs DONT LAST LONG WHEN THEY SHOW HIS LEVEL OF INCOMPETENCE

      • The Coalition Government are taking us forward as they move swiftly to remove idiotic Labour policies and replace them with sound,sensible policy.
        New Zealanders can rest easy now the cavalry has arrived.

        • Bob the brainless, clearly what is happening is exactly the opposite that is happening. Everyone knows this. You need to grow up.

    • I don’t believe Labour will take your uneducated advice tighty righty, better to take the advice of a telly tubby as they have more intellect.

  7. Why bother. Once the Waitangi Tribunal has veto rights on all NZ laws we’ll sing Kumbaya together and live happily ever after

  8. Why bother. Once the Waitangi Tribunal has veto rights on all NZ laws we’ll sing Kumbaya together and live happily ever after

  9. ” Labour Party leader Chris Hipkins says the coalition government is unfairly targeting Māori and “enough is enough”.

    Yep fair enough.

    But what about all of the people out here being unfairly targeted by the unregulated capitalist system Bomber. What about them !

    Māori , Pacifica and their poor white brothers by the system Hipkins and his colleagues see no problem with because he and his LINO managerial class don’t give a shit about because their conscience and well renumerated salaries and perks is all that matters. That is LINO stepping up.

    TMP should be pushing this barrow and Hipkins should but won’t spare a thought for all the voters it will need when it puts its case in a general election until he suddenly realizes he needs their oppressed votes then goes on to take their vote for granted.

    I am all for promoting the welfare of our Maori people as long as their other long suffering marginalized whanau are included in a campaign for universal economic , sovereignty and human rights.

    That should be the basis of our 21st century treaty of all of our oppressed people and their rights to live in dignity and not be enslaved by unchecked , corrupt government MPs and their donors who manipulate the laws in our sovereign parliament.

    Step for Maori , Pacifica and Pakeha would be a good starting point and show some strategy and leadership.

    Right Bomber ?

    • Ahh that would be you Bob, that much is clear.
      Hipkins is a professional, you less than an amateur, a child.

  10. A circus clown Bob. Hipkins lost me, when he made so many poor decisions in the last government as the minister of everything.

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