Why NZ is flooded with Meth and how Chinese Grey Zone war is helping


Drug use costs country millions a week – study

Drug use in New Zealand is on the rise and it’s costing the country millions of dollars a week in social harm.

Every region in the country, except Waikato, has recorded above average meth use while the number of people consuming cocaine is up in every district.

Kiwis are getting through 17.5 kilos of methamphetamine a week and 3.3 kilos of cocaine a week, new figures by police show.

Drug use is monitored through wastewater results.

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Detective Inspector Tim Chao, manager of the National Drug Intelligence Bureau told Checkpoint it was hard to pinpoint one precise cause for the rise.

“Global availability as demonstrated by massive international and domestic seizures are likely to be a big factor.”

It is estimated the levels of meth use are costing the country $19.4 million every week.

If we were serious about tackling Organised Crime, we wouldn’t be banning Gang Patches, we would be hiring more Mandarin speaking investigators!

The 501 syndicates have taken over the domestic month market and have flooded NZ with cheaper more pure meth from their South American Cartel links, what has solidified the market has been the use of Chinese shadow banking here in Auckland who are using mirror lending tactics with South American Cartels.

The expose in the Financial Times at how wide spread Chinese shadow banking for criminal organisations has become also notes Auckland in the global chain of this criminal empire.

With the friction points in American/Chinese relations about to hit boiling point if Trump wins, we risk Grey Zone blowback from China that would see Chinese Shadow Banking allowing a tsunami of cheaper and purer Meth to enter NZ.

Nothing National is suggesting by banning Gang Patches or Military Boot Camps is anything more than virtue signalling rhetoric for their frightened electorate.

It’s more important to bash Māori gangs and promise retribution against them than it is it actually deal to the financial structure of Chinese shadow banking that is enabling 501 syndicates to profit from the billion dollar meth trade.

We are easily manipulated muppets.



    • Shadow banking is a term used to describe bank-like activities (mainly lending) that take place outside the traditional banking sector. It is now commonly referred to internationally as non-bank financial intermediation or market-based finance.
      What is shadow banking | Central Bank of Ireland
      Central Bank of Ireland
      https://www.centralbank.ie › consumer-hub › explainers

      (Got it off google. You could too, while the info is offered. Eventually it could all be taken away. Life is very dynamic these days. So get informed. At least you will know something of how and why and the name of what you are hit with!)

  1. The reason why AO/NZ’s flooded with meth is because no one’s heard of Portugal.
    Decriminalize all recreational drugs.
    3.3 kg of coke a week! Wow. Imagine being coked up on the most boring little country on earth?

    • The problem isn’t so much the drugs, it’s people like (evidently) you who are so boring you can’t live without them. Remember, you can never escape yourself no matter how many chemicals you ingest, even though you may desperately want to.

  2. We have a police force of English speakers who can’t handle local boofhead criminals who speak English

    Yet hiring a few mandarin speakers will deal to sophisticated international travel banking? I don’t think so

    Singapore has solved it’s once rampant drug problem. Even without the death penalty, there lessons to be learned here.

  3. Why not smash BOTH the Maori and the Chinese gangs? I think society would be just fine with neither of them.

    • Agree Mary and society would also be just fine without Nact/NZF and the coalition of crap, aye?

    • Another red neck response there .Da Mari are stealing da water ,Da mari are stealing da health ,now DA mari are controling my meth supply .Grow the fuck up and get a life

    • What “Maori gangs”? didn’t know there was a thing? Remember it was pakeha that are responsible for creating today’s gangs like the Mongrel mob, and there’s lots of pakeha individuals in the Black Power, Nomads, Tribesmans, Headhunters etc..

  4. Pretty sure the Ammurrican race war against the Chinese has been going on since that rat Hipkins and his schoolmarm predecessor were in power, and they were just as committed in helping the yanks attack Chinese people as Luxon is.

  5. You’re communications are deteriorating MK. You seem to be breaking up. Can you be more restrained and clinical instead of grubstreet name-calling please.

  6. Martyn – Both Chinese and Maori criminals need to be investigated, and if enough evidence of lawbreaking is found…then refer to the Courts…but, gang patches have no place in modern society.

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