Identity Politics Wins! Why JD Vance as VP is such a generational victory against the Left for Trump


The selection of JD Vance as Trump’s Presidential pick is a terrible win for Identity Politics and a generational shift of power against the Democrats.

The most dangerous aspect of Identity Politics is the millisecond poor white people see themselves as the victim and that is what JD Vance represents, white working poor America turning on the promise of reform from the Democrats that never arrived.

Thanks to woke social media activists, the white working poor have been enlightened by how much that middle class elite hate them and social media hate algorithms and loneliness does the rest.

Trump politically understands resentment as well as Hitler did and he has understood the resentment of the white working poor who have had their American dream traded in for free market trade deals and neoliberal capitalism.

To date the pain of the white working poor has been murdered by opiate addiction, an addiction that JD Vance hilariously understood and profited from…

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…this is the power and the pain that JD Vance understands and channels…

…middle class identity politic activists benefit from the capitalist system, the white working poor are victims of it.

Vance is a client candidate of NZer and Global Libertarian Super Criminal Peter Thiel, he who created the mass surveillance Eye of Mordor Palantir and progresses an anti-democratic agenda to bring about a free market stateless utopia, Vance sees the state as a betrayer and Thiel’s agenda as a means to punish and break that betrayer and remake American Capitalism in the image of those white working poor who do the actual manual labour.

It’s almost like a Nationalised Socialism.

By incessantly demanding identity over class, the Left have sown the seeds for their own destruction because there are numerically far more poor white people than black people.

This is why Trump is winning and Biden is losing…

Poverty and Housing Insecurity

The homelessness and housing crises unfolding today reflect a broader national crisis of economic insecurity. In 2023, after all, approximately 135 million people or more than 40% of the nation, were considered poor or low-income and just one crisis away from becoming homeless. In a dramatic return to pre-pandemic conditions, this included 60% of Latinos (38.9 million), 59% of Native Americans (2.3 million), 55% of Blacks (22.5million), 36% of Asian people (8 million) and 32% of Whites (61.8 million).

Among those tens of millions of Americans, housing insecurity is alarmingly widespread. Before the pandemic, there were approximately 8 to 11 million people who were homeless or on the verge of becoming so, relying on a crumbling shelter system and a growing constellation of informal encampments on America’s streets, or trapped in a rotating series of sleeping places, including cars and couches, or doubled or tripled up in apartments. Worse yet, even those numbers were likely an underestimate: when the pandemic hit in 2020 and millions of people lost their jobs, 30 to 40 million people suddenly found themselves at risk of becoming homeless.

In a nation once known as “the home of the brave” and “the land of the free,” there are untold numbers of brave souls who are without homes or on the verge of homelessness. Today, there is not a single state or county where someone earning the federal minimum wage can afford a two-bedroom apartment.

As reported this May, between 2019 and 2023, rents rose by more than 30% nationally. Despite a number of local and state increases in the minimum wage this year, a living wage adequate to cover housing and other basic needs would often have to be at least twice as high as what those hourly increases add up to. In California, where the minimum wage rose to $16 an hour, single parents would need to earn at least $47 an hour to meet their basic needs, whereas a household with two working adults and two children would need close to $50 an hour. In Alabama, where the minimum wage is just $7.25, a single parent would need an hourly wage more than four times as high to meet basic household needs.

This, of course, means that tens of millions of people of every race, age, and gender identity, in every state and county in the country, are facing multiple forms of deprivation daily and will do so for years to come.

…the neoliberal free market policies that gutted working people’s economic base and replaced it with flipping burgers has borne devastating harvest in American culture.

135 million people or more than 40% of the nation, were considered poor or low-income and just one crisis away from becoming homeless!!!

FFS the American dream is a nightmare for vast swathes of its population!

40% one crisis away from homelessness???

It’s a United States of Poverty, of alienation, of misery of resentment.

Trump has mastered utilising culture war ammunition generated by Identity Politics and Identity Politics becomes most dangerous when white people start seeing themselves as the victim.

The Right have co-opted the victimhood mentality of Identity Politics and twisted it so that white people see themselves not as citizens or as a class, but as an identity that is victimised and under attack.

We should be deeply frightened and deeply concerned at what happens in America this November.

Thanks to the Washington Consensus (that none of us consented to), our Government answers to the American Government so what happens in Washington matters to Wellington.

If Trump wins, if this Criminal President steals the election using culture war emotional manipulations, if this orange fascist wins via the ballot box what he couldn’t with violent over throw, if all that happens and Trump believing he is blessed by God wins, then the American Midnight begins and the planet darkens.


    • @ C. Exactly.
      I can’t speak for the U$A but here, we have no Left left. The politically literal ‘Left’ was murdered by the deviant stealth of a far Right commercial pig torturer 40 years ago.
      What we DO have here though is a cadre of insatiably greedy money fetishists who will be, I promise you, enjoying the misery that their money-cult perversions affords them. The abusive mantra they spout while seeing people living rough as being deserving of their own shortcomings is evident. NOT of their base greed of the influential, non-elected, privateer psychopaths who put them there. They, must keep us in poverty and in isolation so as they can continue to harvest us for their bizarre money fetish needs for wealth of far beyond more than they could ever spend and so consequently we buy lotto and go without so just stop it would ya.

  1. Let’s take a breath here. Vance is the rags to riches success story, and all his own work. A Protestant who converted to Catholicism after reading the works of St Augustine of Hippo, a giant philosopher who breached the gap between paganism and Christianity, may be hard to understand in secular New Zealand, but that reading alone is well beyond the intellectual capacity of most politicians – and many so-called academics. Its focus is on the well-being of all people. How Vance has allegedly profited from opiate addiction is unclear, and I’d hesitate to describe understanding it, as hilarious.

    The current wretched state of the good old US of A has evolved under the Biden administration, and its electioneering consisting of shooting people down rather than engaging with the issues, may or may not be efficacious, but it achieves sfa. White men here feel rather victimised too, and the weaponising of colonialism is another tool in the armoury of the divide-and-rule brigade and used too recklessly to alienate some Maori from mainstream society.

    • You would quite happily have a Christian Theocracy imposed, with LGBT’s being strung up with piano wire. I can see right thru you. You will never be able to convert me. Even by torture.

      • Anyone else worked out whether millsy’s comments are a piss take or she? is actually nuttier than squirrel shit?

      • Millsy Vance’s wife is Hindu, and in many ways Indian Hinduism has been more societally beneficent than other religious streams in being able, historically, to be an umbrella accommodating different belief systems. Behind every successful man is a good woman, but read St Augustine for yourself, juxtapose him with Mrs Vance’s Hinduism, and have yourself a nice cup of miso, and maybe a hot sausage roll, Bishop’s pater permitting.

        • I believe in bodily autonomy, and the freedom to love who you want. People like you have an issue with that because of what some dead Palestinian carpenter tells you.

          • Millstone, you need to get out more and challenge your prejudices. I am a free speech champion but please make it rational so we can follow it. Ok?

        • what the fuck are you talking about. Go ask a muslim Indian how accommodating the Hindu are. Ask the lower castes how they are treated by the elites. Hinduism, like all sects, is a scourge.

          • Yes, there are huge issues in Silicon Valley with employees who belong to lower castes finding their career paths rather stunted.

      • Millsy
        You need to take a big step back mate. You put words in people’s mouths and then assume that is their position. Piano wire? You are very specific in your methods. Your aggressive rhetoric and confronting responses to comments are is borderline psycho. I suggest that you should seek help.

      • He also wants to roll back the sexual revolution, ban abortion and divorce and sex outside of marriage. Like you want to.

        • I gather that Vance may be opposed to abortion post 15 weeks gestation, and that’s not entirely unreasonable, it’s a tough one. If the sexual revolution is alphabet people and pan sexual persons constantly telling everyone else on television about their choices, that’s their business, not mine. Matter of fact, homelessness and hunger and bad things happening to good people impact societally far more than who bonks who.

    • He was never a true Protestant if he converted to Catholicism. While you are unable to understand that allowing pagan customs to enter the church makes it no longer Christian the old saying that national apostasy will be followed by national ruin describes what is about to happen as the USA combines the church with the state for a repeat of the dark ages.

      • Any Protestant who stops being ignorant of Church history and genuinely studies it, must either become Catholic, Orthodox, or a conman. Nobody with a brain remains a Protestant after that.

        • I guess that you are correct in that there is no difference between the Catholic or Orthodox faiths & conmen since they are man-made religions, something like 50 million people were murdered during the Dark Ages because they refused to participate in false worship so you need to expand where you source your genuine knowledge from if you want any credibility.

    • Me too!
      She would have brought moderates and women with her as well as helping to heal the suppurating wound in US politics. I even wrote a message to Trump on X saying just that. She has the right CV having been a governor and has military service. Also, if she subsequently became the President, it would cause Hillary to slash her wrists LOL

      The Democrats deserve everything they get. Theirs is the party of the exploitative billionaire class that want their factories, offices, farms and yes, whore houses full of easily discarded illegals living without benefits on below minimum wage money. Fuck them all.

      You know the Democrats have lost the working class when union reps turn up at the Republican convention. 😉

          • The middle east nations were quite secular places, until the Islamist revolutions in the late 70’s. I see elements of Ayatollah Komeneni’s rhetoric in the MAGA movement.

      • Wait? You mean the Democrats aren’t all knights in shining white armour? Hell next you’ll be getting really crazy and hinting that Biden may have been a bit of a crap POTUS.

    • of course you do, that hindutva cult nutcase is an even more murderous zionist than Vance

    • And here’s me thinking I was alone in thinking the Hotness factor was a valid category for deciding where my vote went.

      Mind you that’s how we end up with the greenies.

  2. “Trump believing he is blessed by God”

    Trump sincerely religious? I’m not sure about that. My impression is that US presidents believe they need to be perceived as religious, because the US is such a god-fearing country.

  3. It’s hilarious. All those knuckle dragging white supremacists just got a VP that has an Indian wife! Oh dear that’s a problem. This guy represents the hope of this white band of victims?

  4. Trump is a man with many, many personal failings, but he is not anti-working class. He is very anti-Woke which drives the Left insane, and adds to his appeal to all the non-Woke.

      • Millsy Vance supports unionisation and raising the minimum wage. He has also changed some of his views on Trump, and politicians having the ability to change their views are hard to come by, as are they who admit when they were wrong; the Greens could benefit from being similar and revisiting waka jumping and Darleen.

        • No, Vance opposes unions and wants them banned. He also opposes sick leave and paid leave. He will impose a sweatshop economy if he had his way.

        • Really? What changed? Was it the Hitler comparison, or the “you are an idiot if you voted for him? These people are such f’ing sell outs it’s unbelievable

    • Do you really want to roll back social progress? Do you really want to chase LGBT’s back into the closet, ban abortion and birth control, ban divorce, make women dress ‘modestly’, ban sex outside of marriage, suspend due process, ban the teaching of evolution, etc? Because that is what Trump and Vance all want to do. And if you support them, you support that policy program. Like Anker did when she voted ACT, she also voted to free the minimum wage for three years.

    • Stop talking horseshit Ada. What does woke even mean? Depending on the issue some people from either side of the political spectrum get incredibly precious on certain issues.

  5. Love that singing chap, hope he’s not meant to be something negative, otherwise as George Galloway says…the US has a choice between two cheeks of the same ass. Politics/democracy is an illusion and given the caliber of the politicians that the “establishment” are giving the people to choose from, they are not even hiding this fact. Their contempt for the people is clear, but unfortunately understandable at the same time, their ability to easily manipulate the masses, thanks to their mainstream media and their political puppets, well, most people would find it hard to feel equal to the easily manipulated after all.

  6. JD Vance, Trump and all their white working class and their supporters are all scabs, who would cross a picketline.

  7. With thousands of people trying daily to get into the United States tells me the USA must be a better option than their own country.
    The appointment of JD Vance further seals a Republican victory.

    • Ol Brain Fart Bob telling it like he has this lone idea that he/she thinks needs expanding upon. @BTF? Stop it. You’re embarrassing yourself.
      The U$A is an idea that seemed like a good one at the time but, thanks to the psychopathy of greed, is now in steep decline. Getting shot in the ear is funny but it would have been funnier if he’d been shot in the *mushroom. ( * You’ll have to ask Steamy Daniels.)

    • With thousands of people daily going to Australia tells me Australia must be a better option than their own country New Zealand.
      The accidental election of this coalition of chaos further seals a Labour victory in 2026.

  8. Should we give that much of a shit about wounded, lonely, white incel men really? They need to own their own inadequacies and heal themselves rather than blast away at school kids and concert goers.

  9. Excellent comment. One of the most insightful chapters in Hillbilly Elegy (Vance’s book) was how whilst a law school a sympathetic tutor took him aside and taught him how to play the unspoken rules of the game, in other words all those little gatekeeper cues and ticks that one needs to understand if they were to progress. His point was that on its own, education, even an ivy league education, is not enough. One needs to be able to play the game as well and it is here where the insiders or the ‘elite’ have the power to exclude.

  10. Trump is slipperier than a jelly wrestler–an expert at drawing out resentment–with no intention of doing anything whatsoever though regarding union rights, minimum wage increases or taxing the wealthy.

    He is personally degenerate but the evangelicals support him because he helps deliver their misogynist anti gay agenda via the bent Supreme Court, and legions of idiot state Judges.

    • Yes, it’s almost as if Trump promised a bunch of things, then actually did them when he was in power. Strange how that makes people who vote for you like you a lot.

  11. … check the connections Vance / Thiel … he also describes himself as ‘Fan of AUKUS’ …

  12. Interesting and insightful article Martyn.
    Not many local NZ media outlets have even figured this out much yet.
    I also valued the readers many comments.
    Thank you.

  13. ” We should be deeply frightened and deeply concerned at what happens in America this November. ”

    Bomber those seeds have been sown here well before Trump.

    No matter where the mighty Americans go we always follow.

    ” Thanks to the Washington Consensus (that none of us consented to), our Government answers to the American Government so what happens in Washington matters to Wellington. ”

    And that is why Helen has strongly opposed the direction this is taking but including the PRC in her observation.

    Lange said in 1996 in his valedictory speech that he was proud to lead a government that NEVER went to Washington to GROVEL…..NEVER went to Washington to grovel after our so called friends the Australians and the British took exception to our anti nuclear legislation enacted and with majority support from the New Zealand people.

    THAT’S an independent foreign policy that allowed us to confront all foreign injustice. But the exception was our own injustices against our own people.

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