Cruelty of this Government will push 13000 more children into poverty


Young job seekers to be case managed by phone – and face sanctions if they don’t pick up

  • The National-led government is overhauling the welfare system, and the Ministry of Social Development is using sanctions against more beneficiaries.
  • It has also changed the way benefits are uprated, by indexing benefits to inflation, which was a National Party manifesto commitment.
  • Officials estimated this move could save the government $669.5 million over the next four years, and bring an extra 7000 children into poverty.

The report actually warns of pushing between 7000 – 13000 children into poverty.

This Government’s borrowing of $14billion for tax cuts we can’t afford alongside a $2.9billion tax loop hole for the richest landlords means between 7000-13000 more kids will be pushed into poverty.

Chris Bishop can’t tell anyone where all the tenants he has just kicked out will now live and if he’s made any children homeless.

We have an unelected technocrat crashing the economy so the wealthy can afford their mortgages while throwing 50 000 beneficiaries, including those with disabilities and drug addicts off welfare by punishing them for missing one phone call from their spiteful WINZ handler while indexing their welfare lower meaning the poorest amongst us will miss out on $600million over 4 years!

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Poverty is a political choice and this hard right racist climate denying beneficiary bashing Government has made its choice, now New Zealand must twist in the wind as the strangulation of our egalitarian state is witnessed during a right wing mob lynching in the town square.

This revolution won’t be televised because there won’t be any media left open.

This cruelty and malice is what we is now, it is who we have mutated into.

It is what we have become.

The rich are laughing at how easy it was to turn us against one another while their interests become all that matter.




  1. It’s more likely to be roaming murderous mobs than a revolution, though perhaps that’s how revolutions often go. Keep crammin’ ’em in until it comes apart at the seams.

  2. Martyn – I have lived within Kainga Ora Communities much of my life, and 99% of the tenants are magic, BUT that 1% stuff it up for everyone…they have got to go…

    • @ N. I’ve lived within neo-liberalism much of my life and it is that which must go. Capitalism without the brakes of unionised workers is autocratic fascism which is exactly what we have and so now anything goes. And it has been. Our wealth, our health, our self respect, our communities and increasing numbers of educated, motivated younger people who would otherwise be here to go on to positively benefit the futures of us all are leaving for our primary industry competitors, Australia. But instead of us planning on putting the brakes on neo-liberalism we get this. This sadly enduring creepy, freak show of fawning neo-liberal cultists enabled by politically motivated greed-psycho’s and that must come to an end in a terminal and enduring way.
      “Cruelty of this Government will push 13000 more children into poverty” If that does indeed happen then [that] is on us. If we good people fail to act then we’re as complicit as the perps of unnecessary hardship simply to support 14 multi-billionaires, 3118 multi-millionaires each with a post-tax wealth starting at $50 million ( Which means our IRD now belongs to them.) and the four now foreign owned banks which earn $180.00 a second after tax 24/7/365 while AO/NZ has hundreds of thousands of kids living in poverty leading into an artificially inflated money laundering scam AKA the ‘housing market’.
      Neo-liberalism is now so embedded within our societies that I could liken it to cancer. We really need to cut it out then go after the carcinogens who poison us which is roger douglas and his filthy few who infected old Labour then did good ol Lange in. We need to go back in time to the beginning of their crimes that now bedevil us to show, to prove, that those who now struggle are not to blame and that their struggles were and are entirely avoidable.

  3. Dont have to go far to witness homeless and poverty now.I live in a small rural area ,a homeless person was very rare not so long ago and was soon helped by the community now they are becoming more and more common b y the day as they filter out of the cities to smal rural places .At the local camp ground I see more families living in cars and the lucky ones that have a van or even maybe a caravan.The local council closed one camp ground because they did not like seeing the growing number of people that were of no fixed abode .I note Otorohanga has closed theirs as well for the same reason ,but are using the excuse it is needed for a car park .End result more poverty and homeless kids not getting an education .Get a job you say, well we are embarking on making as many people as we can jobless so the wealthy can buy up more of thr homes these people need .They then charge 650 a week knowing that these people cant afford such places .

  4. I note that build to rent cannot be for older people without a house of their own or for low income families

    “Kiwi’s annual results presentation out last month showed Resido apartments started at 43sq m for a studio, available at $625/week up to a 111sq m three-bedroom two-bathroom place with a 22sq m balcony for $1235/week.

    Prices have taken aback some in the industry, saying the rates were more like a hotel than affordable rental accommodation.

    The prices do not include car parks but Sylvia Park has a train station, bus hub and is at the confluence of two motorways.”

  5. It can’t be cruelty if this government doesn’t care and we know they don’t as has been proven multiple times. The right believe in oppressive policies.

  6. what the called ‘middle class’ don’t get is the poors pips are well and truly sqeeking…’s your assets that are next…the problem with cannibalism is it’s not sustainable(you run out of tribal members) and neither is cannibal capitalism…corprate landlords want your property, agro monopolies are coming after your farm
    …so just think on which side your bread is buttered…put aside your vengeful hatred of those ‘below’ you and look to what actually threatens you

  7. Cop: how come you robbed this Dairy?

    Guy: one day I didn’t have credit on my phone and they cancelled my benefit.

    Cop. Did you go and see them?

    Guy. I was driving there and you guys impounded my car no rego, no license.

    Cop. Why don’t you have a drivers license?

    Guy. Mum and Dad didn’t have enough money for proper lessons.

    Cop. So you robbed this Dairy owner?

    Guy. Yep

    Cop. Why don’t you have a job?

    Guy. Never went to school.

    Luxon. Let’s give more money to my landlord mates.

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