The Australian Signals Directorate released a new joint advisorywith its Five Eyes partners, including New Zealand, on China’s state-sponsored cyber group, APT40.
So China almost has the same spying powers that America has over us?
Luxon is more pro America than Winston, and Winston almost loves America as much as himself.
Because the National Party is riddled with Chinese spy’s and Chinese Business interests, Luxon has to over compensate and literally sign us up to any NATO and American adventure.
We are selling our Independent Foreign Policy for 3 magic beans from the American Military Industrial Complex.
The madness of John Key’s ‘All our cows in one Beijing Paddock’ strategy saw massive dairy intensification and debt in NZ and this has enslaved us to China.
The irony of National Party activists who are utterly dependent on China accusing Labour of communism is the most hilarious confusion because it’s our Dairy Farmers and the National Party who have trapped us under the Chinese Communist Party!
Gordon Campbell continues to be the best blogger in NZ and has broken down what extra money we will need to invest in Defence if we are to hit the magic 2%…
Counting the Cost
How much would spending 2% of GDP on Defence actually cost us? Since New Zealand’s GDP is currently worth $NZ410 billion, that May Budget figure of $4.949 million amounts to only 1.21% of that target figure. Kicking Defence spending up to a 2% ratio of a GDP worth $410 billion would amount to $8.2 billion. Meaning: given the climate of austerity for everything else, if David Seymour and Peters can get National to commit to devoting 2% of our GDP to Defence, this will entail a massive shift in taxpayer priorities.
Even under more conservative estimates of the size of the gap between current spending and the 2% targeted amount, this would still involve shifting at least $2-3 billion more into Defence spending in each and every year. For perspective: the amount involved would probably exceed the $2.4 billion contingency fund set aside in this year’s Budget to meet all of our national or regional emergencies.
Yet in all likelihood, it wouldn’t end there. Here’s a relatively recent guesstimate of the cost of re-equipping Defence with its current shopping list of self-conceived “needs:”
The increase in capital expenditure across the three services will be not less than $5 billion.However, this expense will be spread over a decade, so the increase in capital is $500 million per year. The 2022 budget continued defence expenditure at 1.5 percent of GDP, made up of approximately $3 billion in operating costs and $1.5 billion in capital costs.
These are ridiculously large numbers, even before you include the borrowing costs. We could well be talking about an extra $5-6 billion in capital expenditure alone in a context where – judging by recent past performance – the subsequent operational costs have been running at double the capital costs.
…I believe that we are heading towards a far more dangerous geopolitical destabilisation driven mostly by climate change and that our need to increase spending on military is unavoidable, especially if we want to remain an Independent Foreign Policy.
Gordon makes the point that this extra military spending will come from the taxpayer under a crippling austerity package thanks to tax cuts next year…
Try not to freak out, but taxpayers could be looking down the barrel of a circa $9 billion commitment in extra Defence spending over the next decade. That’s before we add in (a) any extra costs generated by joining the second pillar of AUKUS and (b) the cost of replacing those breakdown-prone prime ministerial 757s and (c) the extra cost of fixing the inadequate runways and sub-standard accommodation at Ohakea for the crews operating those new P-8 Poseidon anti-submarine aircraft.
For a useful comparison: the alleged “ blowout” in cost for the ferries project that was deemed unacceptable, and that drove Finance Minister Nicole Willis to cancel the project, came to only $1.47 billion. ( i.e. little more than half what we’ve spent so far on the Poseidons.) When Luxon returns from Washington babbling about the dire state of the world, and the alleged need to make “tough decisions” about Defence, this is the scale of spending he’s talking about. The opportunity cost to New Zealanders in the coming years, if extra billions of dollars are ploughed into Defence budgets, is heart-breaking.
…If we are serious about an Independent Foreign Policy, we have to accept it is going to cost us a lot more.
I believe that the climate crisis means we need a vastly larger military to cope with civil disasters and if we are attempting to distance ourselves from China and America, we need to make a decision to dramatically lift what we spend on the military for purely defensive capacity.
How would we go about defending the realm of NZ and all our economic exclusive zone?
Currently we spend 1.3% of GDP on our entire military, to defend the full realm of NZ and pursue an independent foreign policy, I argue we need to push that up to 3%.
Note – NZ should only build up its military to defend our full territory (NZ islands, EEZ, Ross Dependency, Tokelau, Cook Islands and Niue). Any upgrade of our military is for purely defensive purposes, not for military adventure or invasions.
We can’t pull away from America and China and pretend there is no cost to being Independent.
With the climate crisis looming, we need that debate now.
We also have the geopolitics of it.
With China building a forward military base that could cut America off…
A Chinese politics specialist has called the deal between the Solomon Islands and China a “game-changer” saying New Zealand could be cut-off US military support.
…the real danger here is the Chinese Fishing Militia that will use it as a base to raid deep into fisheries.
We need to protect our fisheries.
If you are going to recognise the problem, the solution has to be legitimate.
I maintain we must have an independent foreign policy and that our stance must be friend to all, enemy to none, but we will urgently need to protect what is ours and acknowledge how the climate crisis will demand more civil emergency infrastructure and assets.
We need a complete review of our defence force and massive increase in spending.
Tax the rich to build our fortress.
As for the new extension to our latest American adventure in the Red Sea…
NZ Defence Force deployment in Red Sea extended
New Zealand’s Defence Force deployment in the Red Sea will be extended, the Government has announced.
Defence Minister Judith Collins and Foreign Minister Winston Peters made the announcement today, saying the Defence Force will extend its contribution to the US-led coalition aimed at upholding maritime security in the region.
Collins said the decision reflected the “continued need to partner and act in line with New Zealand’s values”.
…Let’s be very clear what we’ve signed up to. In the words of one of the best analysts in NZ, Dr Paul Buchanan…
…that’s right.
We are in the “kill chain” now. That’s what our NZDF deployment will be doing.
We are helping select targets for America to bomb.
We may as well be pulling the fucking trigger ourselves, so don’t you dare flinch when hear ‘kill chain’, don’t you dare pretend we won’t be killing people and destroying shit.
Again – want to keep sea lanes open, but bombing the Houthis isn’t the fucking solution!
REMEMBER: We claim we are doing this to support the Rules based Order, yet Israel is committing an active ethnic cleansing war crime and we aren’t doing jack shit about that!
REMEMBER: The Houthis are attacking Red Sea shipping lanes BECAUSE Israel is committing a current ethnic cleansing war crime! If we want the shipping lanes open, we should be demanding an immediate Israeli ceasefire!
REMEMBER: Bombing the poorest country in the Middle East is not a fucking solution, it’s an act of war!
Aside from the moral crime, the whole strategy is counter productive bullshit!
The Washington fucking Post isn’t a card carrying member of the Communist Party, and their assessment is that the current bombing campaign we have just enabled and signed up to will actually only strengthen the Houthi…
Analysts contend that this new phase of hostilities may strengthen the Houthis, rather than weaken them. The aftermath of the Oct. 7 terrorist attack on southern Israel by Palestinian militant group Hamas has seen Israel conduct an operation unprecedented in its scale and ferocity, reducing much of Gaza to rubble, killing more than 23,000 people and immiserating Gaza’s population. The Houthis are part of the so-called “axis of resistance,” a network of Iran-aligned militant groups around the Middle East. While militias like Lebanon’s Hezbollah seem to want to avoid a direct escalation with Israel, the Houthis thrust themselves into the spotlight by taking up the mantle of the Palestinian cause. They insist their actions in the Red Sea will stop when Israel ceases its bombardments.
…so we are bombing a poor country and using tactics that will only strengthen the group we are attacking?
Well that’s all splendid isn’t folks?
This entire adventure is an escalation in a region that desperately needs de-escalation and because Luxon is so weak, we have war dogs like Judith Collins and bloody Winston Peters (who loves America almost as much as he loves himself!), signing us up to a conflict where we are on the side of evil!
You heard me!
This expose by the BBC hilariously came out at the same time as our decision to sign up to it. The special investigation shows how our side in this conflict have conducted illegal political assassinations FFS…
UAE has funded political assassinations in Yemen, BBC finds
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has funded politically motivated assassinations in Yemen, a BBC investigation has found.
Training provided by American mercenaries – hired by the UAE in 2015 – has then been used by Emiratis to instruct locals, sparking a surge in targeted killings, a whistleblower says.
The findings come as conflict in Yemen has returned to the international spotlight following attacks on ships in the Red Sea.
The UAE government has denied the allegations in our investigation – that it had assassinated those without links to terrorism – saying they were “false and without merit”.
The killing spree in Yemen – more than 100 assassinations in a three-year period – is just one element of an ongoing bitter internecine conflict pitting several international powers against each other in the Middle East’s poorest country.
The deadly atmosphere has discouraged the permanent return of Yemen’s internationally recognised government. This, it could be argued, has indirectly helped to embolden the Iran-backed Houthis. Washington has announced that it will now re-designate the group as “global terrorists”.
…that’s right!
Just when you couldn’t start feeling more sick about what this new hard right racist Government has signed us up to, ‘our side’ has been conducting a wave of political assassinations that hilariously have only made the Houthis more powerful.
What the fuck are we doing getting involved in this orgy of malice?
Obscenely the NZ mainstream media have done sweet fuck all in holding these war numpties to fucking account here!
It’s more important to shame Golriz for shoplifting than hold this Government to account over why the fuck they have signed us up to a new American war!
I get everyone still feels like they are on holiday and the C Teams are running the newsrooms, but sweet fuck everyone, Judith and Winston just led us into a fucking war and no one seems to be paying any attention.
What happens if we wrongly target something?
What happens if us targeting something escalates this conflict?
What happens if we kill civilians?
See we all need answers now because Judith and Winston signed us up and we need to know what the hell the exit strategy looks like.
I love you all, I really do, but sweet Jesus we are an easily led and easily distracted people!
Lets encourage the murder of women and children ,mean while the world either burns or gets washed away .What a fucken joke ,we give 16 million to Ukraine which wont even buy a single missile .What the hell is Luxon doing strutting around a blabbering on as though he ,and only he ,is NATO.
Martyn – NZ must keep out of NATO…
Featherston II 😉
This whole Rules Based Order justification really is a piece of shit. I haven’t worked out if the people who say it actually believe in their hearts it is true or if they are just very good at keeping a straight face.
Our enemy China accepts our exports without tariff. Our very very very good friends the USA and also Japan, Canada, Britain, the EU all place tariffs and other restrictions on what should be the free trade of goods. The world really is fucked up.
When the shit really hits the fan so, that what’s going on now in Gaza and Ukraine just looks like a friendly little pissing competition, I don’t think that being under anyone’s umbrella is going to save us. I don’t think 2% or 3% gdp is going to save us. We might be thankful that Act gave us back our semis. I’m hoping they reappear quicker than Sudafed on a chemists shelf. I know that won’t save us either but what the hell.
> What happens [when] we kill civilians?
Pretty simple, same thing as in the Operation Burnham massacre… senior public servants and political veterans just cover it up and pretend nothing happened.
You can call it a genocide Martyn it OK because its the truth
The collective ‘we’ are the way ‘we’ are because ‘we’, are terminally lied to by the Kiwi ‘thems’ who steal our primary industry money. You know we ‘we’? The Primary ones? We’re the ones who drive tractors and shoulder vast debt-to-control ratio fiscal mechanisms while you hate on us while we feed you food and cash down your thankless throats for almost nothing while ‘you’ lounge in swanky cafe’s dahlings pretending you matter when in reality-land you don’t matter at all, and that’s what matters you dumb cunts.
The charade that is anglo-pacific little boys measuring up each others tiny little cocks is because it’s a fucking distraction. While weird wee people float about with their explosive small-cock compensation rockets we must cower and cringe and pretend we don’t see you, you sad little men.
No one’s going to bomb anyone. It’s posturing and prancing. Beer and circuses to placate or terrorise we, the masses of people who must either resist or go along with the rich persons little sand-pit games to further the compensatory effect of the money-bulges, not balls in their wee, “but mommy’s just put them on”, shit stained undies. If I could, I’d go back two thousand years and mandate castration for everyone without an imagination and a sense of humour because what you’re seeing is a slow-burn carnage brought upon us by unimaginative fools with vast fortunes and the fawning, dutifully following, wee, tiny, itsy bitsy little pink wriggling penis people.
More locally; why else to do you think it’s mandated that we must enrol but can stay in bed in polling day? Why else do you think [they] threw our Unions under a privatised bus? Why else do you think [they] got clean away with all but giving away OUR stuff and things to privateer pirates who’s only talents lie in their ability to print money for themselves off our already taxes paid for infrastructure while we must work ever harder to pay for the services that we provided via taxes? Why else does one have to travel for hours in some cases to see a GP or a dentist? Why else do you think our prisons and hospitals are under funded and under staffed? Why else do you think our lazy, careless, cowardly youth are running bubbling and snivelling to Australia, our primary industry competitors? Everything we think of as ours is no longer that. We’re a scant few million on a beautiful and resource rich few islands miles away from canoe-bound floating fuckwits and our expertise is in food and *wool fibre growing then exporting it and given we’re in the southern hemisphere we have a jump-start on the rest of the fucking world and yet, while we’re broke-arse fucked there are 14 multi-billionaires, 3118 multi-millionaires each with a net minimum of $50 million and four now foreign owned retail banks thieving more in net profits than any other banking IN THE WORLD except Canada at a rate of $180.00 a second 24/7/365.
All the pouting and prancing in frilly little uniforms while solemn gollum’s walk ominously about giving them the once-over is a pathetic charade to make sure we see them as Gods when in reality, after about a week without food the Gods start to look funny and it’s at about then that the military bling and the dark suits and shiny shoes become irrelevant as their stomachs make more noise that their foul little hissing gob holes.
Farmers. This is where you’re up. YOU, have the power, it’s just that you don’t know it yet.
Take a year off. According to most town and city people, and all politicians, you’re an annoyance at best as can be seen by the sad photo above so you might as well take a twelve month holiday. Nothing goes off your farm. Nothing comes on. No tractors driven slowly, no pathetic gimmicks that plays you into the hands of your abusers. Just do nothing. Put the rams in a house paddock, open the gates now go back to bed. I promise you, there’ll soon be fancy cars speeding down the road towards you.
Here’s what you do then. Yes, I know what to do. Here it is. You will tell the fancy car people that you’ll go back to production only after a very, very, very, very public royal commission of inquiry into our primary industry and where that primary industry money’s been going spanning the last 88 years. It’d be about then that those fancy city people in them fancy cars had wished they’d bought spare toilet paper.
@ MB. Thank you for the great tractor picture. Very inspirational.
* Wool. Are you wearing woollen clothing for the winter? Try a simple woollen singlet under whatever beautiful designer garment you will almost certainly be wearing of an evening. That way, you’re little pink titties won’t snap-freeze between the restaurant and the Audi dahlings. How was the lamb or beef by the way? Nummy num-nums was it?
Well, savour that flavour because there’s no more until a year from now. But hey! You can eat your labrispoodle or the fashionably hairless **Sphincter Cat so no need to pluck! Now, there’s a time saver for ya!
* Wool is deftly mechanically nibbled off the animal known commonly as the ‘sheep’. A docile, edible animal with no top teeth who’s only defence is to run like fuck, but not for long. Interestingly, only long enough to get as far away from the herd as possible before the predator runs it down then eats it alive while, the rest of the sheep, AKA herd, has grouped together to run like fuck but not that far so if there are other hungry predators, someone must leave the flock to sacrifice themselves for the common good.
That’s why, when mustering sheep in the yards or pushing them through a gate, one or two will always try to make a run for it. They’re not trying to make their escape, they’re sacrificing themselves for the greater good. True story.
Long live ‘ Killer T- Cell ‘ . Enjoyed that immensely. You rock mate !
The Luxie guy is so full of shite he couldn’t coordinate a bathtub battle with his rubber duckies !
On the bullshit radar today, he says…
“Giorgia Meloni, we were sitting together at dinner, it was great. I told her about the mobile phone ban and I think she’s gone and done it today, which is great,” he said in San Francisco on Friday (NZT Saturday).
FFS would someone tell the guy Italy had school class phone bans since 2007 !
These Houthis? Never met any around here.
The only point to me for the NZ military to be in the Red Sea is to attack Israel.
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