Palestinian death toll in Gaza passes 38,000 as Israel approves three new illegal settlements and over 5,000 more illegal homes in the occupied West Bank…


Israel continues to slaughter Palestinians in Gaza and drive them off their land while approving three more illegal Israeli settlements and thousands of new illegal homes in the occupied West Bank. 

Predictably our government remains stoney silent about any of this while New Zealanders take to the streets in their thousands week after week – in 25 centres across the country this weekend.


John Minto

National Chair

- Sponsor Promotion -

Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa

North Island

Opononi – Gathering for Palestine

Sunday 7 July

1:30 pm

Outside the Four Square, Opononi



Every first Saturday of the month

Saturday 6 July

9:00 am

Kerikeri roundabout, State highway 10


Whangarei – Rally

Saturday 6 July

10:00 am

Whangārei Town Basin in front of Hundertwasser Building


Auckland Picket – US Consulate

Friday 5 July

12:00 noon

23 Customs Street East, Auckland CBD


Waiheke Island Market – Auckland

Every Saturday

8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Ostend Market, Waiheke Island


Auckland –Banners around Tamaki Makaurau

Saturday 6 July

10:00 – 1:00 pm

Te Whitinga Pedestrian Bridge – Just south of the Waterview Tunnel

Backup – Cnr Stoddard and Mt Albert Roads

Text Steve for details (dependant on wind speeds)


Auckland – Rally

Sunday 7 July

2:00 pm

Te Komititanga – Britomart Square


Tauranga – Rally

Sunday 7 July

11:00 am -12: 00 noon

Papamoa shopping center – corner of Domain Rd & Gravatt Rd


Hamilton – Rally

Saturday 6 July

1:00 pm

Civic Square, Hamilton


Cambridge Rally

Saturday 6 July

11:00 am

Cambridge Town Hall


Rotorua – Rally

Thursday 4 July

4:00 pm

Rotorua Lakes Council, Haupapa Street (Sir Howard Morrison Corner)


Napier – Rally

Saturday 6 July

11:30 am

Marine Parade Soundshell Roundabout


Hastings – Rally

Sunday 7 July

2:00 pm

Hastings Town Clock – Hastings CBD


Palmerston North – Rally

Sunday 7 July

2:00 pm

The Square, Palmerston North


New Plymouth – Flags on the Bridge

Friday 5 July

Check the local Facebook page to see if this is on this week.


New Plymouth – Rally

Saturday 6 July

1:00 pm

The Landing, 1 Ariki Street, New Plymouth


Whanganui – Rally

Saturday 6 July

11:00 am

Riverside Market, Whanganui



Every Tuesday

12:00 midday

Memorial Square.


Martinborough – Gathering for Palestine

Every Wednesday

11:00 am

The square at the top of Kitchener St, Martinborough



Every Sunday

9:30 am

Town Hall Lawn



Every Saturday

11:00 am

The Squircle (opposite the op shop).


Wellington – Flags (by the Falastin Tea Collective)

Every Friday

7:15 – 8:15 am

Hill Street bridge Overbridge, Wellington


Wellington – Rally (by the Falastin Tea Collective)

Saturday 6 July

1:00 pm

Corner of Taranaki Street and Courtenay Place outside Burger Fuel. Please see Instagram account @falastin_tea_collective for updates.



South Island

Nelson – Rally

Saturday 6 July

10:30 am

1903 Square, Upper Trafalgar Street, Nelson



Saturday 6 July

11:00 am

Blenheim Railway Station


Christchurch – Rally

Saturday 6 July

1:00 pm

Bridge of Remembrance, Cashel Street, Christchurch


Timaru – Market Stall

Saturday 6th July

9:00 am – 12:00 noon

Timaru Market, George Street


Dunedin – Rally

Saturday 6 July

1:00 pm

Otago Museum Reserve to the Octagon, Dunedin


No Rally this weekend


Invercargill – Rally

Sunday 7 July

1:00 pm

Wachner place Invercargill


  1. Can John explain what the tens of thousands of rockets launched by the Palestinians were intended to do, if not kill tens of thousands of Israelis?

    The reason the discrepancy in numbers (if they are to be believed) is certainly not through lack of trying. The Palestinians certainly have wanted to kill more Israelis, they just haven’t been successful at it.

    • Tens of thousands of enhanced fireworks, aka, rockets, has led to zero Israeli deaths prior to Oct 7 2023. Interesting that, huh! Meanwhile Israel is committing genocide and no amount of deflection will hide this horrific fact.

      • Not an argument. What was the intention of those rockets, if not to kill Israelis?

        If someone tries to shoot you, but you’re saved because you’re wearing a bulletproof vest, just because they didn’t kill you, you’d still try to disarm them, wouldn’t you?

        • I suppose you think that going to a gun fight with a water pistol is fair as well? The pathetic excuses you keep making only reveals what a sick mind you have.

    • It’s called defending your homeland against psychotic invading rapists who illegally occupy it, BG. Zionists like you wouldn’t understand.

      • Glad you agree that the intention of the Palestinian rockets is kill as many Israelis (both Jewish and Muslims) as possible. At least we agree on that.

        • The legitimate inhabitants of Palestine living in ’48 are not ‘israelis’. They’re 1948 Palestinians.

    • I doubt whether Minto would deny that the intention is to kill Israelis.

      Israel belongs to the Palestinians and for 75 years they have been done over by the West. We are all complicit in this.

      Well of course they don’t have quite the firepower that Israel does which is supplied by the US.

      When the UN rapporteur was here earlier this year she said that Israel has no right to defend itself because it is an occupying force.

    • It was a slave revolt, a ghetto uprising. Israel is invoking biblical stories, exclusive genetics and the great real estate agent in the sky to justify stealing someone’s land using the methods of Nazi Germany.

      • A slave revolt? Funded by billions of dollars of aid money, featuring fleets of hilux utes with gun carriers, motorcycles, paragliders, all somehow smuggled in to the ‘open air prison’? With pre-planned mass rape, burning people alive, kidnapping? All from a piece of fertile land – well, it was when Israel had it – that was handed to them supposedly in return for peace. Who are you trying to fool? Surrender the hamas criminals, release the hostages, war ends. Simple.

    • We hear this a lot from the Zionists: pointing to the alleged horrors the Palestinians “intend” to do (but have no practical ability to actually do) to the Israelis, as a tactic to distract from the horrors the Israelis intend to do but, and here’s the difference, actually do to the Palestinians. Comparing the morality of a hypothetical with the morality of actuality completely obfuscates the situation.

      As for these alleged “tens of thousands of rockets launched by the Palestinians” at Israel – they’ve obviously had f-all effect, certainly not in comparison to the tens of thousands of bombs the IDF have dropped on Gaza in the last few months.

      • Or perhaps Israel loves its children and citizens so much it built a huge counter measure (the iron dome) to protect them, while the Palestinians spend zero on the protection of their children and every cent they have to wipe Israel off the map?

        Yes Israel is wealthier, but it that their fault? What has the Palestinian leaders done with the billions of dollars of aid they’ve received?

      • Are you really that blind? Or just blinded by hate? Gaza has been firing rockets into Israeli civilians since it elected hamas. Right now there are tens of thousands of Israeli homes damaged or destroyed – but you don’t give a #$% about that huh? Easier to stick your head in the sand and just deny it ever happened. And with so much evidence readily available too. You know what there’s no evidence for? Hamas’s supposed casualty figures. The Israeli magic bullets that turn mid-air to seek out the nearest women and children? When virtually every ‘civilian’ house is full of munitions (usually under the chikdrens’ bed) or shafts to the hamas terror tunnels? The world is getting sick of the lies.

  2. To the victor go the spoils. Israel will never again risk a terrorist base on its flanks. The Arabs should have accepted Partition in 1947, as the Jews did, and built a state focused on living in peace with their talented neighbours. What a different outcome that would have been for the region and its people. Instead, the ‘Palestinians’ have launched one genocidal war after another and have paid the price.

    • Israel was born out of Jewish terrorism (the Irgun, Stern Gang et al), be it against Arabs the British or anyone else who stood in their way. Jews don’t have a universal moral standard, it is simply “is it good for the Jews?” That’s they can break any of the moral precepts most non-Jews ascribe to, because they don’t give a shit except anyone except themselves. Sure, they’ll feign solidarity with non-Jews if it helps them reach their goals, but it’s completely superficial and self-serving.

      Jews are always telling us how smart they are (even though much of their success is due to nepotism and helping each other get ahead), so they must have realised that the Zionist project, right from outset, of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine would necessarily entail huge ethnic cleansing, murder and mayhem, and an inevitable Arab backlash and resistance.

      Then they come out as the victims when all of this transpires. To use a Yiddish phrase, the chutzpah of playin the victim in all of this is incredible, even if it is typical.

      • What moral standards were the Palestinians Arabs using in their massacres of Palestinian Jews and British officials in Mandatory Palestine Mary Ann?

        • Actually I think there was more than just the Nazis wanting the Jews out of Europe. Boats with Jewish, would be refugees, were being refused the ability to disembark in a number of ports including the US. It was nothing to do with the f’ing Palestinians.

    • You keep telling lies but that doesn’t make them true. Israel has never let the Palestinians live in peace and Israel constantly took Palestine land which naturally caused a reaction which the paid for media reported as Arab bad, Jew good. It is enough to fool the selfish majority of society but they will answer to a higher judgement.

      • But why then did Egypt and Jordan not grant Gaza and the West Bank self rule from ’48 to ’67 when they had respectively occupied and annexed the two territories? Or more importantly why did the Arab world not unite to persuade the Palestinians Arabs to accept the partition they had rejected in ’47? It is disingenous to claim that Israel “took” land in those years.

    • Moshe Dayan admitted the horror of the Israeli conquest for the indigenous people in ’56. You admit you hold Palestine by sword-right. Every other conceit has been sheared away now. Israel is an assault on the idea of the West having ideals. You can hold out as long as the Crusaders but the support from the West will dribble away now, like for them.

      Pappe, Finkelstein, Peled, Mate and Shlaim can give you the reality of your dreamland. All Jews of course, being a ‘talented’ people as you say. Oh, I missed out Chomsky, the great one. You are a brilliant people.

      When you’ve taken in these greats you will be able to re-fashion your last sentence with the correct subject.

      You and Nathan make fools of yourselves here by your wrongness. No one believes you for an instant.

        • We decided not to allow conquest after WW ll — you know, that horror. I believe there was a genocide then, not to mention 27 million dead in the Soviet Union. We decided to do things by a rules-based order. Israel slipped by by our immense sympathy for Jews. Don’t take our humanist sympathy and turn it into another hateful oppression.

  3. Has New Zealand joined these sanctions yet?
    Mounting International Sanctions Against Powerful Israeli Settler Group Could Be Earth-shattering
    The Amana organization has ties with all the banks in Israel and with thousands of settlers who live in its homes. An extension of the sanctions imposed by Canada could spell an earthquake in the settlement movement

  4. Reading the comments it’s scary that anybody who is of sound mind, and presumably not a psychopath would justify actions leading to 35000 deaths. It appears that this evil is well embedded.


    If I must die,
    you must live
    to tell my story
    to sell my things
    to buy a piece of cloth
    and some strings,
    (make it white with a long tail)
    so that a child, somewhere in Gaza
    while looking heaven in the eye
    awaiting his dad who left in a blaze—
    and bid no one farewell
    not even to his flesh
    not even to himself—
    sees the kite, my kite you made, flying up above
    and thinks for a moment an angel is there
    bringing back love
    If I must die
    let it bring hope
    let it be a tale

    فال بد أن تعيش أنت
    رفعت العرعير
    إذا كان لا بد أن أموت
    فال بد أن تعيش أنت
    لتروي حكايتي
    لتبيع أشيائي
    وتشتري قطعة قماش
    (فلتكن بيضاء وبذيل طويل)
    كي يبصر طفل في مكان ما من ّغّزة
    وهو يح ّّدق في السماء
    منتظرًاً أباه الذي رحل فجأة
    دون أن يودع أحدًاً
    وال حتى لحمه
    أو ذاته
    يبصر الطائرة الورقّية
    طائرتي الورقية التي صنعَتها أنت
    تحّلق في الأعالي
    ويظ ّّن للحظة أن هناك مالكًاً
    يعيد الحب
    إذا كان لا بد أن أموت
    فليأ ِِت موتي باألمل
    فليصبح حكاية
    ترجمة سنان أنطون

    Translation by Sinan Antoon

    ….He [Refaat] was assassinated on December 6 by the Israeli army. The only weapon in his Gaza apartment was an EXPO marker. If the Israeli soldiers were to raid his house, he said, he would throw it at them, while crying, “We are helpless.”
    ….I don’t know how Refaat died, whether he was reading a John Donne poem or editing a poem of his own. I don’t know what became of his body after the bombing of his house, whether his glasses got smashed, whether his soft fingers were clinging to a pen or a flower he asked the world community to send to Gaza.

    A Tribute to Refaat Alareer by Mosab Abu Toha January 2, 2024

    • All comments have stopped!

      Even the Zionist trolls like Gaby have been stunned to silence. Because of the power of his words, Rafaat Alareer knew the Israelis had to kill him. Like so many others targetted by the IDF Rafaat Alareer’ brother and nephews were also killed in the same blast that struck his home. Four months later Rafaat’s daughter and new born baby were also killed by the Israelis.
      How would trolls like Gaby defend or explain these murders?
      What would they say? What would be their excuse? That Rafaat’s daughter and grandchild weren’t killed because of their relation to him, but were killed as part of the general ongoing extermination?
      I wonder, will we ever hear from Gaby again?
      Or has Rafaat Alareer silenced Gaby with his words for good?

      From Wikipedia the online encyclopedia

      He taught literature and creative writing at the Islamic University of Gaza and co-founded the organization We Are Not Numbers, which matched experienced authors with young writers in Gaza, and promoted the power of storytelling as a means of Palestinian resistance against the Israeli occupation.[4]
      On 6 December 2023, Alareer was killed by an Israeli airstrike in northern Gaza, along with his brother, sister, and four of his nephews, during the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip. The Euro-Med Monitor released a statement saying that Alareer was apparently deliberately targeted, “surgically bombed out of the entire building”, and came after weeks of “death threats that Refaat received online and by phone from Israeli accounts.”[5] On 26 April 2024, his eldest daughter and his newborn grandchild were killed by an Israeli airstrike on their Gaza City home.[6]

      94 professors had been killed in Gaza, and every single one of Gaza’s 12 universities have been systematically leveled to the ground through aerial bombardment, tank fire and in controlled demolitions.

      You tube videos taken by Israelis of their deliberate demolition of Gaza universities goes viral

      • Gaby and Nathan are back at it, but in different posts. Not an honest/ intelligent bone in their bodies. They disprove Israel’s case, so, long may they continue.

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