AdministrationCTFMost Recent BlogsThe Daily Gallery Political Caption Competition By The Daily Blog - July 5, 2024 7 132 FacebookTwitterWhatsAppLinkedinEmailPrintTelegram How the text message conversation between Bishop and English really went down for the $500 000 to do a hit job on Kianga Ora
English, “ Ecce ! I’m a Samoan chieftain who’s a dab hand at nepotism and making crappy pizzas.” Bishop, “ Let them eat crayfish”.
English, “ Ecce ! I’m a Samoan chieftain who’s a dab hand at nepotism and making crappy pizzas.”
Bishop, “ Let them eat crayfish”.
Bishop I’m a self-serving hypocrite.
English Me too.
The Dynamic Duo,indeed another one.
Hand job and a blow job then Tug
Bishop grooming young girls and Bob the first young boys.
Just two more corrupt arseholes.
Get your hand out of your pocket, Bishop.
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