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Will Christopher Luxon and Winston Peters face justice at the International Criminal Court?


Late last week Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa sent the government a “letter of demand” over its complicity with Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza.

With this letter we signalled our intention to pursue legal accountability for the government, and key government ministers, for their roles in failing to uphold New Zealand’s legal responsibilities under the Genocide Convention which requires the government to take action to “prevent and punish the crime of genocide”.

The letter, with more detail on the background to it, can be viewed here

Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa

Endorsing our letter of demand to the government

On 20 June 2024 Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa has issued the government a “letter of demand” for complicity with Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza (a copy of the letter is below)

We are seeking endorsements for the letter from individuals and organisations. We hope you will endorse the letter, encourage friends and family to add their names also and help spread the word on social media.

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If you wish to endorse this letter add your details below.


The letter of demand signals our intent with the support of members of the Palestinian community to pursue legal accountability for the lack of actions taken by the government, and key government ministers, in their roles. PSNA is deeply concerned about New Zealand failing to uphold our legal responsibilities under the Genocide Convention which requires the government to take actions that “prevent and punish the crime of genocide”.

New Zealand is a signatory to the Genocide Convention and we also have wider responsibilities under international humanitarian law – in particular the Fourth Geneva Convention – which deals with responsibility for civilians living under military occupation.

“From the outset the government has failed to take even the most basic steps to pressure Israel to end its genocidal war against Palestinians” says PSNA National Chair John Minto. “We haven’t condemned Israeli actions nor the industrial-scale slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza.”

We believe it is time to take meaningful steps to hold Israel to account. The letter lists the areas where our government has failed to act in upholding its legal responsibilities. To ensure our government understands that New Zealanders want them to be taking more meaningful steps, PSNA will be releasing the letter publicly at 1.00 pm on Thursday 20 June 2024. We are inviting organisations and individuals to support the demands listed in the letter below.

PSNA intends to take further steps failing to get a meaningful response from this government and the relevant Ministers by 18th July 2024.

The letter has been issued to:

  • Prime Minister Luxon

  • Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Peters

  • Attorney General Collins

  • Minister for Immigration Stanford

  • Minister for Regulation Seymour

  • Minister of State for Trade Grigg

  • Minister for Women Grigg

  • Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs McClay

  • Associate Minister of Immigration Costello

  • Associate Minister of Defense Penk

Remember to help us spread the word to family and friends by email, social media posts etc

John Minto
National Chair
Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa


  1. Before all the naysayers pipe up and say, ‘Anything New Zealand does will not make any difference.’

    Genocide is not a game.

    If the Luxon administration recalled our team from the Paris Olympics because of the inclusion of representatives of a regime facing charges of genocide at the World Court, it would put a spot light on the IOC’s hypocrisy for banning Russia from the Paris Olympics for the invasion of Ukraine, despite numerous war crimes and atrocities committed by the Russian aggressors, it would be hard to make case that Russia is carrying out an intentional genocide in Ukraine, and no country not even Ukraine has taken a case to the World Court on those grounds.

    If the Luxon administration pulled our team from the Paris Olympics it would make international headlines and probably begin a stampede of other nations out of these “Genocide Games”

    The Genocide Olympics


  2. Good on you @ John Minto. luxon and hideous ‘Smells of Roger Douglas’ peters are murderous criminals on the six figure salaries we must pay them. It’s interesting that no one in our MSM has the balls or brain power to roll up their sleeves or underwear on this one.
    I think AO/NZ should close down then deport the Israeli Embassy myself.
    Here’s the address. We could go there and tell them to fuck off couldn’t we. We could drive them to the nearest landfill then pelt them with rotten rubbish until their kids die of hunger. We could locate the staff’s homes and houses and demolish them so they could live well in the rubble with their starving, rubbish pelted children. We could push them down to the water front then shoot them until their bodies can be seen floating about in the harbour. Might even get to mow down one or two live ones in our pathetic, limping, listing, leaning old ferries.
    Embassy of Israel
    36 Brandon Street
    Wellington Central
    Wellington 6146

  3. Short answer – NO.

    Because adults don’t have the idiotic belief that ‘silence is complicity’.

    • The filthy liar Peters has repeatedly told lies about the Palestinian military. He is guilty of incitement to genocide.

  4. It’s a shame all this effort won’t be for people at home. Solving other people’s problems is an easier option.

  5. There should be a global group set up to locate and bring to justice those that committed this genocide, like the Jewish people did using the Simon Wiesenthal Centre for Nazi hunting.

    • What a clown world comment jonzie!! The fight is not only military it’s also diplomatic, journalistic, reporting, protesting etc… The world you live in is one dimensional delusional BS and indicative of a supporter of white supremacy which apartheid Israel is founded upon.

      • Jonzie lives on planet Key, drinks Trumps kool aid and believes Shrek Luxon will take him to the promised land.

      • The white people still own the main industries in SA they haven’t lost their wealth in fact they’ve become wealthier because apartheid was abolished

  6. Nah comrade, leave it to our former Glorious Leader in her new go grrrrl, cutting-edge position of schooling humanity’s leaders on kindness. Off the blocks with the Taliban, on to Putin, a little remonstrance with Xi, a demo to the resurging austere religious scholars about the proper meaning of peace (religion of) and then the heavy hit on Netanyahu who must of course learn that self-defence is genocide. Yeah, we need an female international perspective here as properly befits Kiwi exceptionalism.

    • Cry more, zionist. Afghanistan is a real country. ‘Israel’ isn’t. It never will be.

        • Hilarious how you zionists always bring up bacha bazi, a practice that the Taliban always opposed and that your filthy collaborationist puppets in the ‘democratic’ Afghan collaborationist regime practiced, through opposing which the Taliban was able to recruit many soldiers to liberate Afghanistan from you filth.

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