Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, ministers announce new measures to combat youth crime
The coalition Government is introducing a new Young Serious Offender declaration, Children’s Minister Karen Chhour announced today.
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has joined Chhour and Police Minister Mark Mitchell at a press conference.
Luxon said today’s announcements were about making New Zealand a tougher place for people who commit crimes.
What the fuck?
Police will have the power to arrest a young person without a warrant???
We are allowing cops to arrest 14 year old children without a warrant for breaches and sending them to boot camps that don’t work & calling that progress are we?
You all know Military Boot Camps don’t work.
You know that, I know that, National knows that, and Oranga Tamariki should be ashamed.
Let’s be 100% clear here.
If you are Right Wing you don’t care Military Boot Camps don’t work, all you care about is that kids you despise get the bash from some brutal Full Metal Jacket level Boot Camp fantasy!
Admit it, you known this doesn’t work, you just want revenge and a sense these kids are frightened and yelled at.
You know it’s all counter productive but this is redneck vengeance being passed as social policy to make right wing voters feel a sense of power in their powerless lives.
There is no science based research that proves these things work and that’s fine by the Right because it’s not about facts, it’s about right wing revenge.
Right wing ‘feelings; have replaced Left wing ‘feelings’ as policy and we are all worse off!
What processes are in place for young people forceed through this to complain about abuse?
Remember the youth prison where staff were organising fight clubs and filming them?
Turns out those staff were given 2 weeks training to work with these kids.
We have $14billion for borrowed tax cuts and $2.9billion for the richest landlords but we have poorly funded military boot camps that are set up to pacify angry right wing feelings.
This is what we is now, a knuckle dragging cracker settler redneck nation who endorse culture war revenge fantasies over actual social policy.
We are all Aratere now.
Under Labour the kids were ignored so they started rampaging and filming themselves and the police were told to be kind .
The statistics does not support your theories. What actually happened was the National Party of Aotearoa New Zealand, privatised, government responsibilities.
Trevor suffers from its ancestors perceived exceptionalism where they were sanctioned to fuck ova any brown P.O.C if they even gave any hint of hurting their feelings. Trevor neglects this historic past for the way he perceives the world today.
Trevor is an early prototype troll bot, circuit board soldering quickly become dry joints.
I’m not sure teaching youth offenders to clean up behind themselves and how to run better is the cure all to theft and home envisions Luxon thinks it is. If we know anything about New Zealand Prisons in the 21st century it just makes them better crims.
Minister Karen got her ass kicked by Jack tame on Q & A about cancelling the 7AA and the unproven bootcamps. She didn’t understand the word “empirical evidence” but decided to continue her rant about how her feelings felt that this was the right decision to take even though contrary to “empirical evidence”. This right-wing govt don’t care about evidence they’re playing to the culture war generated by hate algorithm facilitated by big money.
We must have been watching different channels as I thought she came across as someone who knows what she is talking about and cares.
The boot camps will only work if the young offenders are returned to a group that cares.Sadly this may not be the family .They had their chance and failed.
Trevor. Boot Camps may work even better if fourteen year olds know that something unpleasant is in store if they break the law. These aren’t just kids shoplifting chewing gum, they’re ram raiders, car thieves,and physically violent thugs, sometimes organised by older crims.
Agree – she is a lightweight who should reconnect with her marae and whenua for an education and stop listening to the “voices”. I can se it in their numpty eyes – Luxon’s are always dreaming about OfFred. Chours are dreaming of not having been abused. sad specimens for running a country. At least Ardern’s eye’s shone with confidence. As do Swarbricks and Penks. Why can’t we just get an AI to pick our representatives based on confidence?
Hitler also had tremendous confidence!
Happy parents equal happy kids. Impoverished parents living in poverty while the rapacious greed of 14 multi-billionaires, 3118 multi-millionaires each with a starting price of $50 million net while four *foreign owned banks literally con $180.00 a second 24/7/365 out of us, including the now poverty stricken don’t, indeed can’t parent kids in a loving, confident and secure manner. Luxon is an ugly little moron with an inherent cruelty no doubt born of the perverse adoration of an invisible flying tyrant believed to be giving the feeble minded, like Luxon, an open door into the homes of the same in the name of God. The three dangerous morons in co-governance are deliberately impoverishing then blaming the children of the poor for when they devolve into loveless monsters.
Luxon, peters and hideous seymour should be removed from parliament by what ever means necessary then chipped, gagged then chained to a fence post.
Luxon, Seymour and Peters are evil little men with clear and present mommy issues who should never, ever be allowed to be politicians. They need to go and urgently and we should make that happen immediately.
I’m serious. They need to go. Now. Today. This, all of this, is an outrage and it’s a clear and graphic alarm calling all good people to get rid of these hideous, awful people from our government and our politic.
Here’s my idea. Everyone who has a mind of their own, who can understand just how dangerous evil fucking luxon, seymour and peters are should pick a week day then on that day we all go on strike. We’d need temporary governance until a new election was organised and we stay on strike. We strike until there’s a royal commission of inquiry established to better understand why this nightmare is enduring.
Now. Instead of whinging and whining and sniping like sour little malcontents we take control and we make shit happen because this is dangerously fucking outrageous. I can honesty say that I never thought I’d see the evil madness, the ignorant brutalities being expressed by our elected governance.
I wonder if the rich who bought Luxon, seymour and peters then placed them there are having second thoughts. And let this be the last time lobbyists are allowed past the front door of OUR parliament buildings.
Kia ora.
Couldn’t agree more.
Go hard ‘ Countryboy ‘
If there is support after boot camp, it will be different from the old corrective training. The offenders finished their sentences and were left to fend for themselves.
Weren’t they actually abused in training not after. The boys homes were rife with psychopaths who artfully hid their psychopathy and sexual deviance. They were government homes too and run by the government. No doubt the 10 children picked for the experiment will be treated as they should, lab rats so to speak,ripe for intervention with the best of care because we will be watching for a while then as always we won’t care what goes on behind closed doors as long as we are not impacted. Will there be an independent review of the experiment or will it be David Seymour and his reckons. By the way boot camps and abuse in care report the same week thats how we roll and thats how we don’t care about youth
Those 14 year olds drive cars into shops, smash up mall shops and assault people. So fuck’em. Arrest them and dish out severe public flogging. Even have a Twitter account that shows the flogging. Saves us prison costs.
They’re doing this to firearms license holders based on “reckons”. Now it’s off to boot camp because I reckon you’re a bad bugger, you terrible 14 yo – just be thankful it’s it’s not death row. You’re next Jonzie.
Can we flog the pedos many of them priest and while we are at it lets flog the exclusive brethren. And the while collar crims they could do with a good flogging.
Those 14 year olds drive cars into shops, smash up mall shops and assault people. So fuck’em. Arrest them and dish out severe public flogging. Even have a Twitter account that shows the flogging. Saves us prison costs.
So a 14 year old boy be taken off without a reason? Why? Because the entire system is too busy to even print a warrant and give a reason?
Dont worry we are going to post an extra 63 police over THE NEXT TWO YEARS ,to fix this so called crime wave .Yes crime has risen over the last 10 year and so has the population increased by 20% in the same time .As a % of population crime has probably dropped per 1000 people in that time .We hear from the skin head gang leader and his god squad daily how bad NZ is ,but I just read on stuff a bout a mall having to go into lock down in Adelaide .Last I looked Adelaide was not in NZ but in the lucky country where everything is all cream and peaches .We are part of the world wide trend that is driven by poverty .And no amount of laws will change a fucken thing as the economy shrinks by 19% over the next 25 years .
So the intent is to arrest children and ship them off to a quasi-military camp to teach them how to be better organised and to plan things better (military style), as well as training them in self sufficiency (probably including “self defence classes), and then turn trained individuals back into society.
Great call!!! So instead of disorganised bored kids on spur of the moment hijinks, we’re going to get organised disciplined gangs that plan real crimes.
If this isn’t the height of idiocy, I can’t think of anything else that qualifies. Still, given the current IQ level of the ministers in charge, I suppose this Forrest Gump level of intelligence is par for the course.
The good news is that it won’t survive the first court challenge and will be struck down as contravening the BOR.
New Zealand courts cannot strike down legislation because we don’t have superior law like a written constitution. Courts can make a declaration but that’s a toothless tiger because Parliament can ignore it.
Tell that to Rob Muldoon who’s legislation got effectively struck down by the courts because of Magna Carta. Tell that to the former mayor of New Plymouth who’s anti-gang patch legislation got struck down by the courts because of the BOR. Sorry pal, but the reality is that the BOR is effective in NZ.
Richard, you are taking about regulations and bylaws which are not Acts of parliament. Regulations and bylaws can be struck down in judicial review if they go outside the empowering Act. It is basic public law that Courts cannot strike down Acts of parliament. Only parliament can repeal its own legislation. So Pal, do a bit of research next time.
We must have been watching different channels as I thought she came across as someone who knows what she is talking about and cares.
The boot camps will only work if the young offenders are returned to a group that cares.Sadly this may not be the family .They had their chance and failed.
A few on here are ignoring the community integration post military academy that was not there for the failed 1990s corrective training. This integration might be the only decent input these young people ever get.
Time to take the rose coloured spectacles off. The reason the LSV worked was because it was followed up with employment introductions and a structured aftermath. This abortion does not. Military training usually adds valuable skills to an enlisted, in the form of training for skill sets that are transferable to post military careers. This does not. It’s a bullshit right wing put up job that resonates with rednecks and ignorant lazy buggers who know nothing about what motivates teenagers. If they really cared about these people, they’d put the money into apprenticeships. They don’t, so they haven’t. And ignoramuses applaud like stupid lapdogs.
Richard Caves. 100% re apprenticeships. New Zealand also used to have technical colleges for non-academically inclined secondary school students.
In many countries 14 year olds are part of the paid work force, and not all unwillingly. Its a bit schizophrenic now, referring to them as children one moment, and then wanting to give them a vote the vote the next.
Yes I agree.
Last time a NZDF trained ex squaddie went haywire the police shot him .
He was 20. MAORI. Caleb Henry. 2013.
On Tolley’s watch
Is that the idea? Similar to the Vanguard academies Train them to fitness & dumb obedience to fight wars that arent defence and if they dont sign up to be body fodder or survive the abuse and go awol, shoot them?
His name was
Land of the long white labour camp.
Ever since they introduced this tired old wrong policy I laugh every time I hear about it, so not completely wrong. I have a dull job. Thanks dickhead Luxon. My arse knows more than you, seymour and the transport minister, if he has a name.
Fucking luxon. The scum bag owns 7 houses and plans to get tough on 14 year olds.
‘Cunt’ hardly cuts the mustard.
The Guardian.
First Dog on The Moon.
And when the war that Ben Morgan has been detailing the preparations for breaks out, which it will, our military leaders and politicians will have a large reserve of young people drilled to obey they can send as cannon fodder ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
mmm… military training… the lumpenproletariat will one day truly rule the roost… at least you’ll have your property values… winning.
The original gangsters in NZ who started The Mongrels and Black Power had grown up (smashed up) in Epuni and Kohitere boys homes. How is a boot camp fundamentally different?
I surmise the idea of boot camps comes from the whole generation that served in the second world war and the idea a stint in the army is a good discipline thing for the community. A boot camp for the baddest boys is entirely different. It’s not a cross section of society. However the warmongers are looking to change that. Biden is reintroducing the draft (possibly including women) in prep for the China war.
Arresting a 14 year old without a warrant might have saved a 16 year old from getting stabbed to death at the Dunedin bus hub a few weeks ago.
Hen “ … might have saved a 16 year old from getting stabbed to death at the Dunedin bus hub a few weeks ago.” True. Looks like Commissioner Coster has seen the light about putting more policemen back on the beat the way they used to be. That’s assuming that they don’t just stand by doing nothing like they did at Albert Park, and for which, IMO, New Zealand is owed an apology, or at least an explanation.
Abolishing community cop shops with neighbourhood police people who knew their patches and were often very involved with them, also looks like a mistake worth revisiting. Time for the Minister of Police to revisit paying them decently too, instead of training them for export to Australia.
Can we flog the pedos many of them priest and while we are at it lets flog the exclusive brethren. And the while collar crims they could do with a good flogging.
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