Auckland: More cops on beat to fight rising CBD crime welcome news for business owners
Auckland business owners in the central business district are welcoming new police initiatives to put more cops on the beat in the face of rising crime.
But central city business group Heart of the City said the desire for many in the community was to see the return of a downtown police station to help crack down on violence and antisocial behaviour.
Police Commissioner Andrew Coster yesterday announced that community police teams will be established in major cities with additional police staffing across New Zealand targeting anti-social behaviour and crime.
The announcement about the establishment of Community Beat Teams and launch of Operation Safer Streets in Auckland came as some business operators warned crime is out of control.
The truth about the reason the NZ Police shut their Central Auckland Station on Fort Street NEVER gets examined b y the lazy mainstream media.
The NZ Police shut their Central Auckland Station on Fort Street because it was a surveillance centre for CCTV, it wasn’t an actual functioning Police station and because so many people kept knocking on the doors begging for help, the Police shut the whole station down because they kept getting distracted by victims pleading for aid.
That’s actually true, so the latest bullshit announcement by this spend thrift Government who want to amputate the State to add more Police patrols is window dressing nonsense.
Here’s what no one ever tells you sleepy hobbits.
We have 208 Police officers per 100 000.
Compare that with 227 in England, 264 in Australia, 318 in Scotland, 349 in Germany, 422 in France, hell even Fiji at 227 has more Police per 100 000 than we do!
No one points out how many fewer Police we actually have compared to other countries!
We don’t have the capacity to create a functioning State that lives up to our expectations in a liberal progressive democracy because we won’t tax the rich to fund that infrastructure!
The obligation of the Government is to regulate Capitalism so that we the people benefit from the competitive dynamics of competition!
The disgusting right myth is that NZ is an over taxed, over regulated economy when that is total bullshit!
Max Rashbrooke highlighted the horror of NZs under regulated market…
The bad news is that, to investigate 200,000-300,000 terrible rentals, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) has employed a frontline inspectorate numbering … 37. Each inspector will have to check somewhere between 5000 and 8000 rentals.
…there is only 37 inspectors of rental properties for 300 000 terrible rentals?
Similar poorly funded regulation is apparent in the 82 labour inspectorates who are supposed to police hundreds of thousands of migrant worker exploitations!
There are 14 Billionaires in NZ + 3118 ultra-high net worth individuals with over $50million each, why not start start with them, then move onto the Banks, then the Property Speculators, the Climate Change polluters and big industry to pay their fair share before making workers pay more tax!
Tax. The. Rich.
We have underfunded every public service and then don’t understand why shit falls over.
Well it seems National have done nothing to reduce violent crime in our country.
They are simply full of rhetoric and no substance, but those of us with common sense knew that already.
A pilot costing $5M for 10 youth. The pilot model involves three months in residence, nine months in the community.
A new Young Serious Offender category to be created, with the option of being sent to a military-style academy. To qualify a youth would “have had two offences punishable by imprisonment of 10 years or more proven in court [and] are assessed as being likely to reoffend, with previous interventions having proven unsuccessful.”
So, for half-a-million dollars per youth, future young offenders with multiple 10-year-imprisionment offences might get to go to a bootcamp that sees them back in the community after three months?
The aim of government should be to tax less and spend wisely.The mistakes Labour was they spent unwisely and also failed to tax so we are now in a financial mess.
Trevor your idol govt borrowed more money for their rich donors and uneconomical landlords than labour borrowed for the covid outbreak simple
The aim of any government is to protect its people. Canceling the Picton ferries could almost have seen a catastrophe at sea the likes we’ve only ever seen once before.
I note you put money at the forefront of everything Trevor, even lives.
National has shown the waste on tax cuts and every expert agrees it was a stupid thing to do. The catastrophic results of their financial mismanagement will cost lives. Labour doesn’t have that on their conscience.
this lot will be deputizing security guards soon, in the name of “costs”. vigilante hit squads, private security.
Trevor exhibiting classic symptoms of early troll bot circuit board dry joints, high resistance, noise, and intermittent conductivity.
“The aim of government should be to tax less and spend wisely.”
This governments aim and action is to take from the poor and give to the rich.
The aim of the government ought to be to provide world class health, education, economic development, R&D, transport, crime reduction, no wars, a fair go for all!
Last honest attempt at that was the Kirk government.
Funding the fallout, (thus saving 20,000 lives), from a 1 in 100 year worldwide pandemic and eight significant 1 in 50 year climate disasters , (all within the space of 5 years), plus building a record number of state houses since the 1950s because of National’s rampant, irresponsible, open the doors wide open, immigration and international housing investment policy, is not spending unwisely.
It’s called dealing with all the crap that gets thrown at you in a responsible mature way!!
Unfortunately N.Z., with some exceptions ,is fundamentally, a basic, immature, non critical thinking, bogun infused country, hence the voting in of the clueless amateurs. N.Z will pay dearly for that knee jerk reaction!!
Hold your horses here for a minute .This government said they would increase the police force by 500 in the first 2 years .But now they can only come up with 63 over the next two years .What a fucken joke .The gang leader and his god bothering 2 faced followers have completly missed the mark here .Not supprised tho because they are only interested in fund raising for their masters
Open the other eye and read the facts .The 63 are going into 3 CBD areas to have more police on the ground where crime has been allowed to run riot over the last few years. They are on track to get the promised 500 but it may not get there.
they are on track to no where .All that will happen is 63 cops over 2 years ,yes 2 YEARS ,will be transfered from rural areas to the burbs because there will never be 500 extra cops because that many have left or retired already
what we need is beat cops who know their beat and the people on it…area policing by car has been an unmitigated disaster
Trev or knows all about beating
clearly Coster is a national party rent a cop no wonder the last government struggled to make head way as this fucker would have been dragging his knuckles all the way
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