Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.
The Editor doesn’t moderate this blog, 3 volunteers do, they are very lenient to provide you a free speech space but if it’s just deranged abuse or putting words in bloggers mouths to have a pointless argument, we don’t bother publishing.
All in all, TDB gives punters a very, very, very wide space to comment in but we won’t bother with out right lies or gleeful malice. We leave that to the Herald comment section.
EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist abuse, homophobic abuse, racist abuse, anti-muslim abuse, transphobic abuse, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.
Today’s peek behind the curtain
AI Deception: How Tech Companies Are Fooling Us
Transport Minister Simeon Brown told a Budget scrutiny select committee on Thursday afternoon it was “unacceptable” that NZTA did not know these costs.
It was “one of the reasons why we’ve been in a situation where traffic management expenditure has become, in many cases, the number one cost of doing business on our roads”, in the way it impacted on the wide range of uses of roads.,,,
Who is behind this move and enabled Simeon in the tongue-lashing chamber to look good and manly in a Capability Brown sort of way? It seems practical and informed and purposeful. Is there actually someone the opposite of inert, slimy and big-headed involved with pollies and bureaucats out there? Speak up – show the flag – but just don’t stand up; put your head too far above the parapet, or a seasoned NZr will shoot you – sniping is what we are good at.
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