The Working Group with David Parker + Matthew Hooton + Damien Grant

It’s Shakespearean vaudeville politics


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Streaming live from the palatial new podcast studios at Mediaworks, we are live on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, The Daily Blog and ROVA .

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Panelists tonight: Labour MP Intellectual Genius David Parker, NZ Herald columnist Matthew Hooton and Stuff columnist Damien Grant.

Issue 1 – Is this Government a one term Government?

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Issue 2 – How bad will the NZ Economic Recession be?

and Issue 3 tonight – Latest Chinese revelations & who is the bigger threat to NZ? Beijing or Washington?

It’s Shakespearean vaudeville politics

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The podcast broadcasts live 7.30pm Tuesdays from the new podcast studios at  Mediaworks on TwitterFacebook, YouTube, The Daily BlogApple Podcasts, Spotify & Rova 


  1. Darn it was good.
    Hooton and Parker are such a great duo.
    Different personalities, political viewpoints and it just works.
    Both great intellects.

    Well done Bomber

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