Government urged to abandon RIMPAC 2024 – the genocidal state of Israel is taking part


New Zealand must immediately withdraw from the 2024 US-led RIMPAC military exercises due to take place from June 26th  to August 2nd around Hawaii.

Israel is listed as a participating country.

“We are calling on our government to withdraw from the exercise because of Israel’s ongoing industrial-scale slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza” says PSNA National Chair John Minto. “Why would we want to join with a lawless, rogue state which has demonstrated the complete suite of war crimes over the past eight months”

“It’s hard to believe the government hasn’t withdrawn already”.

RIMPAC with Israel aligns New Zealand with a pariah state and its genocidal enabler, the US. Every day Israel displays flagrant disregard for international law and international humanitarian law.

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Israel has dropped more bombs on Gaza in eight months than were dropped on London, Hamburg and Dresden during the full six years of the Second World War. Israel is dropping these bombs on one of the most densely populated communities in the world.

Tens of thousands of people – the majority being women and children – have been indiscriminately killed.

Taking part in a military event alongside Israel will leave an indelible stain on this country. It will be a powerful symbol of New Zealand complicity with Israeli war crimes. It’s not on!

The killing fields of Gaza are in our faces everyday as are Israel’s flagrant abuses of the Genocide Convention and the rulings of the International Court of Justice.

Our government has been making only piteous noises in criticism of Israel.

Withdrawing from RIMPAC would be a signal of solidarity with the victims of Israeli genocide and show that New Zealand takes seriously its responsibility to PREVENT genocide under the Genocide Convention.


  1. This government has sold us out. They are working for outside interests and fully complicit in genocide!

  2. You didn’t notice the glaze of 1 mm shallowness over Luxon’s eyes? First described in full in Steve Braunias’s depiction of John Key. They don’t know their arses from their anuses — and it helps, them, at least. Can’t see any truth coming from them.

    And the foul ‘Chippy’ on the other side.

    Why authoritarianism grows.

  3. The significant lesson the IDF will bring to the share with their partners in RIMPAC.

    The death toll from the Israeli bombing campaign in Gaza is approaching the death toll from the the atomic bombing of Nagasaki.

    Ever since the end of the Cold War the superpowers have been practicing and training to explore novel ways to fight a global war against each other without resorting to nuclear weapons.
    This is the value of the Israeli experience to the RIMPAC military forces.

    atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    World War II [1945]

    Written and fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica
    Last Updated: Jun 18, 2024 • Article History

    Tens of thousands of people were killed in the initial explosions (an estimated 70,000 in Hiroshima and 40,000 in Nagasaki), and many more later succumbed to burns, injuries, and radiation poisoning.

    Of course many more were killed by radiation poisoning, however the Israelis may achieve the same effect through disease and famine by systematically destroying all medical facilities, all water and sewerage treatment, all agriculture and blocking food aid.

    The value of the Israeli expertise in killing such large numbers of civilians with out resorting to nuclear weapons will not be lost on the other RIMPAC members.

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