GUEST BLOG: Bryan Bruce – Auckland March For Nature Podcast

Featuring three stimulating conversations I had with protesters at the Auckland March For Nature and Against The Fast Track Bill.


Bryan Bruce Investigates Podcast 9/6/24 by Bryan Bruce

Featuring three stimulating conversations I had with protesters at the Auckland March For Nature and Against The Fast Track Bill.

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I have decided to start filming for a documentary about how our democracy is being systematically eroded in the interests of Big Money and Overseas Corporates.

So with my DOP Cameraman Conan Fitzpatrick I set off very early on Saturday morning for Thames to join The Coromandel Watchdog of Hauraki group on their protest bus heading for Auckland.

This podcast contains little sound bites of three stimulating conversations I had with former Green Party MP Catherine Delahunty, Coromandel Watchdog organiser Augusta Maccasey-Pickard and later, in Aotea Square amongst the 20,000 plus portesters, with Martyn Bomber Bradbury who produces The Daily Blog.



Bryan Bruce is one of New Zealand’s most important and respected documentary makers. His work is available on