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Streaming live from the palatial new podcast studios at Mediaworks, we are live on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, The Daily Blog and ROVA .
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Panelists tonight: NZ Herald Columnist Simon Wilson, Left wing Jedi Sue Bradford and the Libertarian Cheerleader Damien Grant.
Issue 1 – How compromised is Bill English and National over Kianga Ora reforms?
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Issue 2 – 1 weekend, 3 political parties, 4 speeches – who won?
and Issue 3 – OCR, Economy and next weeks budget – predictions
It’s Shakespearean vaudeville politics
TEXT: Working to 3598 for all updates
The podcast broadcasts live 7.30pm Tuesdays from the new podcast studios at Mediaworks on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, The Daily Blog, Apple Podcasts, Spotify & Rova
I made a mutli- coloured batch of playdough for $20 for the ingredients.
Hypothesized is that I can get 20 hours of play out of this dough.
@ $24 per hour of baby sitting that’s $480 of occupying kids for just $20. Right ?
After costs = $460.
So according to Bill English’s Company – Impact Lab- For every $1 my social investment return is $23.
That was ALL CRYSTAL BALL GAZING because it is a scattergun, piecemeal, approach on what Social Investment should NOT be. The longer term costs are not calculated, just guesswork at throwing dollars into an isolated gimmick for the now.
NO ONE knows if little Jimmy went on to cook Meth and the $$$$ of harm to wider society but hey, for the short term, he was occupied for a few hours.
Nek Minit – To cover up the blunder here’s a megaprison. Yeehah !
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