Submissions On The Local Government (Electoral Legislation And Māori Wards And Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill – Justice Committee


The Justice Committee is now calling for public submissions on the Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill.

The bill is due to be reported back to the House on 21 June 2024. The committee intends to hold public hearings on this bill in the week beginning 4 June 2024.

The committee has agreed to invite local government, including councils and other groups, to make oral submissions on the bill. Exact dates and times for hearings will be confirmed after the close of written submissions on Wednesday 29 May.

The chairperson of the Justice Committee, James Meager, said “we welcome the public’s views on this bill, and looking forward to engaging with the public of the proposed changes.”

The bill proposes to reinstate the right to a local referendum on the establishment or ongoing use of Māori wards and Māori constituencies. This includes requiring a poll, at the next local body elections, on any Māori wards and Māori constituencies established without a poll.

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Tell the Justice Committee what you think

Make a submission on the bill by midnight on Wednesday 29 May 2024.

For more details about the bill: