Charter Schools Not A Serious Solution – Green Party


We need serious investment and solutions into our education system, not a vanity project from David Seymour.

“Education is not a business and should not be treated as such. Funneling millions into what is essentially a pet project for David Seymour, at a time when teachers are crying out for more resourcing for our public schools, is morally bankrupt and incredibly irresponsible,” says Green Party Education spokesperson Lawrence Xu-Nan.

“Today’s announcement is another classic case of the Government favouring ideology over evidence. The evidence is clear that kids learn best when schools are at the centre of community support. Charter schools are a distraction – with multiple reports and reviews highlighting the lack of accountability these institutions have.

“The education of our children is a public good and is something that should not be tampered with for private gain. Handing this responsibility to the private sector showcases serious neglect and highlights the prioritisation of profit over people that is spearheading the direction of this Government.

“History paints a very lacklustre picture of the performance of charter schools. Teachers, unions and educational experts have made it abundantly clear that they are an option not worth pursuing.

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“This is ultimately a distraction from the core issues we must confront.

“The solutions for these are at our fingertips, all that is lacking is the political will to address the core drivers behind our educational decline, which are poverty and under-resourcing.

“We know what we need to do to improve educational outcomes for our kids – it’s not giving money to the private sector to provide schooling, it’s improving our public system and ending poverty to ensure all children have what they need to thrive,” says Lawrence Xu-Nan.