We are living with Right Wing myths and culture war revenge fantasies as social policy.
Science doesn’t matter because ‘Right Wing Feelings’ now dominate all legislation.
Charter Schools DON’T work. They don’t. They take the best students from Public Education and hide the true cost of that. Charter Schools are merely a trojan horse to attack public education, it’s as simple as that.
Military Boot Camps don’t work, but voters frightened by TV Media Crime Porn coverage don’t give a fuck if they don’t work. They want to make the teenage Māori kid who scares the bejesus out of them suffer, and Military Boot Camps are perfect for that.
Likewise Mark Mitchell’s recently announced War on Crime – it doesn’t fucking work!
The redneck electorate who voted in this hard right racist climate denying beneficiary bashing Government don’t care that their feelings are counterproductive and stupid, and this was always the danger of allowing ‘feelings’ to dominate the political discourse.
The woke led with their intersectionist Critical Race/Critical Gender lived experience ‘feelings’ from 2016 and the Right are now leading with their ‘feelings’.
Fuck your feelings.
Objectivity, reason, logic – these are all now heteronormative white cis male privileges so have been dumped by the Woke Left to decolonise their movements, the problem is the Right have seized upon the culture war ammunition the Woke gifted them and are now ramming through even more stupid policy.
We are implementing draconian kneejerk bullshit right wing myths that will make things worse, not better and the right wing spite electorate are so drunk on power they refuse to acknowledge any of that.
We’ve had our post Covid bitterness at Jacinda having the temerity to save 20 000 lives manipulated into voting for ACT, National and NZ First for the interests of their rich prick donors.
We are a very easily led people.
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Saw David Seymour on the news at a military academy type place. Kids in uniform lining up parade ground style. He looked like he was either having an orgasm or pissing himself like an excited puppy.
That was Vanguard
It’s a roaring success with underprivileged kids from bad areas queuing up to get in. Whilst the applicants are self-selecting at least it gets them out of an environment where they are dragged down by the drop-kicks.
Live in Helensville and a few local parents have sent their kids to Vanguard with apparently great results – one kid that I know of is now in training to be a pilot with the RNZAF.
Was it reminding him of his juvenile fantasies of joining the Hitler Jugend and having a ride on a Tiger tank?
More like reminding him of his Tim Jago-esque fantasies about having a bunch of vulnerable juveniles under his control.
Maybe it all started when little Dave was a kid and was making prisons with his Duplo and locking the characters up.
One day he asked, ” Why don’t I have any friends?”
Instead of telling little Dave he was anti-social, that he shouldn’t take ALL the other kids’ toys and call them his own ‘private property’, the adults instead patted him on the head too much and replied, ” Oh little Dave , it’s because you’re neurodivergent.”
All Charter schools do is teach religion and creationism, and impose zero tolerance environments for students where they can be suspended for sneezing.
They’re also sovereign citizen hot houses.
The whole point of them is to enable inter-generational destruction of secular public education and with it any ethos of social responsibility and cohesion. The concept of The Commons is to be wiped from existence.
Good. About time.
You’re a nut @ jonzie. Just being helpful.
You are such a dick.
Not necessariy. They a re not only for Religious groups. However, they are heinous! I have some considerable experience with the model. There is no oversight of aacademics or Pegagogy. There is no rigorous checking of staff who do not have to be qualified in anything. They are open to being infiltrated by heinous humand – similar to former ACT Party persons.
My kids had ‘qualified’ teachers in state schools that couldn’t spell or add up or control the class. No joke, some of them were pedagogic tragics, pathetic. So there goes your ideological union sponsored argument. Teacher qualification standards are pretty low in NZ. Be honest, it’s all about the unions and total control. Fuck the kids who succeed in charter schools, ay.
Do kids succeed in charter schools? Prove it.
What literacy standards are they measured by, Christian values?
So many private schools have their teachers go to prison for Pedophilia. Give me union enrolled teachers anyday over uncontrolled tutors.
Jonzie has a complaint about teachers being under-qualified and his/her solution is to support measures to remove the need for any qualifications at all.
Trump-level stable genius.
Mine didn’t.i think you are bullshitter.
What does Rishi Sunak, Javier Milei and David Seymour have in common?
Atlas Network
Did hugging criminals work? Gun laws attacking the law-abiding work? No? Didn’t think so.
If you think we have “hugged criminals”, I’ve got a bridge I’d love to sell you. And gun laws do work – science pretty much shows that.
Can you give me an example of where criminals we’re hugged as part of their rehab? If you can’t then you’re full of shit.
Worked better than it does now Rambo.
Being serious about the Atlas agenda it appears that Nationals funders actually intend that the completion of the Reagan Thatcher Douglas agenda be pushed through. ACT will of course be blamed but National are actively compliant.
This is the complete reversal of the social contract between the ruling classes and the masses. We are back to where Western socialism originated. The idea of welfare is being replaced by brutal selective charity.
Spot on Nick J
Who benefits and who loses?
This is why these ‘policies’ are in vogue – that and the election funders (donators) what a return on their investment.
Martyn – Charter Schools have a poor track record internationally of shutting down, and throwing students out of those schools…so, that’s a big ‘NO’ from me.
Yes, Nathan they throw the ones out that got kicked out of mainstream the ones that were failing yet that was the initial justification for using charter schools. Of course, parents like them why wouldn’t you, less students, more teachers time and more money and resources put into them, it’s a facade.
covid is pa – Correct.
‘Charter Schools DON’T work. They don’t. They take the best students from Public Education and hide the true cost of that. Charter Schools are merely a trojan horse to attack public education, it’s as simple as that.’
State education sucks. Piss poor results, truancy endemic, ideologically loaded curriculum, attachment to fads that dont work, classes filled with the unmotivated morons because the establishment refuses to accept that some kids are simply brighter than other kids. Given an alternative, who in their right would send their kids to a state school? And all this after 6 years of Labour with Hipkins as minister of Education before he became leader. Absolutely fucking useless. All I can say is thank God they lost.
Absolutely correct Hen.
Handing over control of schools to private companies and church groups is not the answer.
Look at the UK they did that, and now creationism is being taught, and also LGBT students are actively targeted.
Agree entirely.
NZ is fast heading out of the first world, into the second, and perhaps ultimately the 3rd. Post modernism will be the final sword blow to formerly successful Western societies, as well as a prioritisation of happiness over hard work and discipline.
State education sucks. Piss poor results, truancy endemic, ideologically loaded curriculum, attachment to fads that dont work
Lets break this down – poor results (sure this is true), truancy (also true but the hangover from Covid so a bit of a grasp), ideologically loaded curriculum (sorry what? example might help), fads (oh – like Charter schools and needing to legislate no phones in schools when schools were already managing this) … the biggest problem with State education is that it has been underfunded for a long time (to enable people to suggest privatisation will help – which it won’t) to the point where it is close to breaking – the current lot should help with this because they offer nothing new that will help.
Your faith in the incumbents will not help with improving public education in NZ – proper funding in an ongoing way just might.
Post of the week.
Truth is lefties hate anything that is not under state control. Weird because they are the first to scream for freedom.
“Truth is lefties hate anything that is not under state control.”
Is that so you generalising halfwit. You’re one thing that certainly separates Left from Right. The Right are dumb as fuck.
Jonzie which post are you talking about? The only truth is Seymour is taking tax money to hand out to the private sector. ( they probably donated to his band of f wits) instead just funding education properly.
Funny how the right suck from the state more than the left.
NZ has the most decentralised education system in the world. Schools in NZ are self governing and autonomous, and BOT’s are able to run their schools as they see fit, and the curriculum is still very flexible.
would you rather kids were indoctrinated (the fact that you agree with any ideology doesn’t make it not indoctrination….it’s just your shade of brainwashing)
to be taught by religious kiddie fiddlers
yes there are problems with educational fashions but replacing them with another educational fad isn’t the answer
@ MB you write:
“We’ve had our post Covid bitterness at Jacinda having the temerity to save 20 000 lives … ”
See? My twisted mind has another view of that.
Adern pushed labour off a cliff by handing it to chippy who then tossed it down to luxon and his psycho cronies to maul with impunity. It’s very important to remember that post rogers neo-liberal conquest then destruction of our politics we only have neo-liberal politics, which of course, isn’t politics at all. It’s a crime wave.
We have a few very, very wealthy narcissistic psychopaths rubbing their glands all over luxon and he in turn is all a-blush with the heat coming coming from that.
luxon’s tribe are doing outrageous things to us and hipkins is invisible. He’ll be standing lazily in the shadows watching the carnage as he banks our $296,007.00. P.A.
We have no governance. We’ve all fallen through the cracks the pro natzo Mafia have prised open to catch us up in. We’re in deeper shit that many of you might think.
We need Crown intervention urgently if for no other reason than to make the bastards earn their fucking keep.
I’m hopeful Labour keep Chippy as leader,he’s the right’s not so secret weapon.
I wonder of the contradiction of why Charter Schools are exempt from mobile phone bans, registered teachers, and compulsory 3 R’s that have been the focus of National’s education policies?
Let alone the folly of allowing Destiny to run schools at public expense, and public schools that fail to meet standards to be converted into Charter schools where there are no standards!
Like most of the current failures in our country: poverty, State Housing; education; health; infrastructure and roads; it is lack of money that is the source of the problem. And until our Government, any Government, rebalances our tax system away from lining the richest pockets it will continue.
Live in Helensville and a few local parents have sent their kids to Vanguard with apparently great results – one kid that I know of is now in training to be a pilot with the RNZAF.
This is us under Nact and NZ First…
They looked like soldiers so regimental reminds me of when I was at primary school in Blenheim in the 1970s. These are small school with small classes, so their teachers are able to spend quality time with them. Also, we can’t have one rule for mainstream and another for Charter schools it’s not right nor is it fair. Secondly funding was much greater per child with less kids also not right and not fair. Thirdly the political reason for this change isn’t all about better educational outcomes they (Act) are about breaking down collectivism and shifting to privatisation. Education needs to remain a public good and our government has a responsibility to ensure all children have equal opportunity to get a good education that is why we pay taxes.
They looked like soldiers so regimental reminds me of when I was at primary school in Blenheim in the 1970s. These are small school with small classes, so their teachers are able to spend quality time with them. Also, we can’t have one rule for mainstream and another for Charter schools it’s not right nor is it fair. Secondly funding was much greater per child with less kids also not right and not fair. Thirdly the political reason for this change isn’t all about better educational outcomes they (Act) are about breaking down collectivism and shifting to privatisation. Education needs to remain a public good and our government has a responsibility to ensure all children have equal opportunity to get a good education that is why we pay taxes.
They look like soldiers so regimental reminds me of when I was at primary school in Blenheim in the 1970s. These are small school with small classes, so their teachers are able to spend quality time with them. Also, we can’t have one rule for mainstream and another for Charter schools it’s not right nor is it fair. Secondly funding was much greater per child with less kids also not right and not fair. Thirdly the political reason for this change isn’t all about better educational outcomes they (Act) are about breaking down collectivism and shifting to privatisation. Education needs to remain a public good and our government has a responsibility to ensure all children have equal opportunity to get a good education that is why we pay taxes.
You may be right and thinks will not improve but 6 years of Labour kid glove treatment of offenders both gang members and young people it is worth trying another approach.
Schools have failed to prepare young people for the work force .They seem to enforce rights instead of responsibility so let’s try another approach .You cannot compare with overseas model as we are setting our own style and values.
If the intervention fails we will know at the ballot box in 2026 but at least they tried
No one, no one was manipulated into voting for this mob, no one. This is all the result of Labour pissing off a large section of its voter base and not doing enough to win them back thereafter.
So, the equation is easy. Whatever this mob implements Labour vows to overturn – using a combination of strong, accurate, concise messaging and by keeping the public well informed as to why these polices will not work….remembering of course, that these polices have both been tried and have had a track record of failure there after as a result.
In short, this is all easy peasy stuff if we actually have a Labour party worth its bloody salt! And if we don’t, then hey, step on up the next party willing to actually serve the people!
They look like soldiers so regimental reminds me of when I was at primary school in Blenheim in the 1970s. These are small school with small classes, so their teachers are able to spend quality time with them. Also, we can’t have one rule for mainstream and another for Charter schools it’s not right nor is it fair. Secondly funding was much greater per child with less kids also not right and not fair. Thirdly the political reason for this change isn’t all about better educational outcomes they (Act) are about breaking down collectivism and shifting to privatisation. Education needs to remain a public good and our government has a responsibility to ensure all children have equal opportunity to get a good education that is why we pay taxes.
If Seymour has millions of dollars up his sleeve, he needs to show us he’s serious about education by using it to improve existing public schools.
Assess children for Irlen Syndrome among other educational difficulties.
Do the easy fixes to improve results for Irlen children. It might be ‘scientifically questionable’ but how come the solutions work.
I have seen this personally. If a child is bright and interested, has a good vocabulary, attends school regularly and does well at many things, just not school work, they may have Irlen syndrome. In other words when all the obvious problems have been ruled out, look at Irlen Syndrome.
You don’t need millions of dollars. You need someone with some training in each school and a varied supply of transparent coloured A4 plastic sheets for children to choose from. It doesn’t cost much to try. Much cheaper than the unproved experiment Mr. Seymour wants to inflict on us.
Children are at school for 10 -12 years. His proposal might well see some children failing to get any kind of formal education in the 3Rs if all they have to do is prove attendance and an arbitrary standard not based on the rest of the present school curriculum. That’s their school years gone and wasted for some silly experiment which is mainly for teaching propaganda and making people less likely to question, not more questioning, observant and thinking logically.
Many very bright children are stymied by their inability to learn to read. They are dazzled by white paper covered with black writing. The words move, float, join together and separate leaving large gaps, words can be fuzzy, or have letters half missing. A coloured filter can make print become clear.
Google Irlen Syndrome symptoms. It is a sensitivity to light not an intelligence or ‘learning problem’ as we normally think of them.
It affects a lot of people but is poorly understood. Educational ‘experts’ appear to have been reluctant to consider it. The solution can be so simple and cheap it seems too good to be true. So why not experiment with that before experimenting with peoples’ lives.
Also google Lucy Lawless’ article from the NZ Herald, ‘Seeing the World Differently’. Aug. 2014.
It’s an ‘eye-opener’.
Luxie’s pre budget speech was really quite bizzare. Propaganda doesn’t begin to describe it. It was like he’s living in a different reality, spinning and spinning.
It was a deluded , ” I have a dream…”. devoid of the reality of the impacts of his random, scatterbrain policies and the wider mass damage across the globe of his NACTZi ideologies.
Having disparaged and prevented young voices from being heard (and cut funding) he then goes on to talk about HIS narcissistic utopia that, thank the Lord, he has already started to create for young people in 2040.
He’ll be 69 !
Did he listen to any of the global youth panels of recent weeks…?
They are smart, connected across the globe , talking about all the propaganda they have been born into; millions of young people in huge movement far smarter than any generation before in terms of global issues.
Discussed on TDB before has been various topics about which party has or hasn’t delivered. There’s a powerful block of unheard people in this debate, the ONES who have to live in this sci-fi, MAD MAX world.
(;yes, it’s already here, Sudan’s people can tell you and so can the millions and milliond of displaced citizens globally)
These young people of the world now have the voting block AND they definitely DO NOT WANT the NACTZis OR Labour solutions.
They’ve stated that they have had enough.
That living from paycheck to paycheck leaves them tired of today’s governments who leave them such little hope on environmental issues, peace, food and energy sustainability, safety, housing etc for ALL their global young counterparts.
They’re united and connected instantly in massive, real, influential social groups. The disconnected Winnies, little Daves and deluded Luxies, Bidens, Trumps, Suniks et al ARE NOT part of their 2040 dreams but their nightmares.
Chippy has failed every portfolio held,yet he still heads the Labour Party,beyond stupid.
We now have a Government delivering their promises.
“Chippy has failed every portfolio held,…” Prove it big mouth. Which portfolio/s? You’re full of shit. Just like all right wing half wits, you spout logical fallacy gibberish then hope to Christ everyone’s as dumb as you are to not see through it. Toxic, Tedious, Tories. You’re all the same. Scoring praise for the work of others then you bank the money other people earn then you expect thanks and recognition in return. To call you parasites would be an insult to fleas.
Post of the year countryboy.
We now have a government delivery one disaster after another.
So has Luxon. Oh wait! I forgot. He’s never held a portfolio!
Yet he still heads the National Coalition of Clowns. Beyond stupid and absolutely pathetic.
Anyone who thinks what’s going on at present will work, doesn’t understand the problem, BF.
lets just do the honest thing and bring back grammer schools with exam entry rather than how much mater and pater can pay for tarquins place….I know the ‘educationalists’ will be up in arms about deviding children but look how many 40s-70s brits benefitted from a system based on smarts rather than wealth
and yes I know the exams where weighted towards middle class kids but the aforementioned ‘educationalists’ should be able to work that one out
also why is tax subsidising fee paying private education for the already pampered middle class?—anyone?
+ 1 Mr. Gagarin. Bring back grammar schools.
LOL, tell that to the thousands of kids who failed the 11 plus exam and were dumped into the secondary moderns, which were basicially sinks for those at the bottom.
I always worry when I agree with you Millsy but while I was lucky enough to pass 11 plus it destroyed 1 of my mates as his family blamed him for failing .
Example question Which is the odd one out. Cat dog radio. Correct answer was cat as it did not need a license but the truth is there are many other answers . Shows how stupid the system was
millsey not a valid argument why not ask why there are no jobs/prospects for those below the line
you will note that I emphasised an exam rather than a class basis.
Sorry gagarin but going by your spelling mistakes you had a less than successful education.
ohhhh loooook everrioboody bob the last spotttted a typo what a kleever boy…must get out the hair shirt and nettles to punish myself
and trev anecdote based policy always fails
My kids just went through one of the most proggy high schools in the country where it’s decile 4 in a decile 10 neighbourhood – many of the locals go to private schools. it’s full of woke, trans rights, extinction rebellion and human rights activism with a bit of bogan thrown in for good measure. We have thrown a few parties for them and the kids, by and large, are well adjusted and on to it. Couldn’t be happier with their education, peer groups and prospects.
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