Greens Welcome Cross-party Approach To Climate Adaptation


The Green Party is welcoming Climate Change Minister Simon Watts’ continuation of Hon. James Shaw’s cross-party work on climate adaptation, now in the form of a Finance and Expenditure Committee Inquiry.

“Just over a year ago our North Island was hammered by deadly and devastating climate-change charge weather events. Many are still grappling with the clean-up, insurance issues and infrastructure gaps. These are the consequences of a warming planet and we must do everything we can to both mitigate climate changing emissions and adapt. Good policy does both,” says Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick.

“We are ready and willing to work with all political parties interested in making this happen. We commend Minister Watts for picking up the mantle from Hon. James Shaw to progress critical climate adaptation work in a cross-party manner.

“We encourage everyone and their communities, hapū and iwi to get involved with the Inquiry to have their say.

“Let’s get on with this critical work for people and planet,” says Chlöe Swarbrick.

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A Notice of Motion in Parliament to empower the Finance and Expenditure Committee to conduct an inquiry on climate adaptation has been agreed on by all parties. The inquiry’s purpose is to develop and recommend objectives and principles for the design of a climate adaptation framework for New Zealand.