We hate young people in New Zealand.
I think it started in our colonial days when child mortality rates were so high an estimated 53 000 died between 1860 and 1899.
Maybe we didn’t value life when it died so easily here.
Now we hate ’em. The poverty and damage our neoliberal revolution has wrought upon us means we have huge under funded social infrastructure that doesn’t give a fuck.
We get angry at teens ram raiding and climbing onto youth prison roofs but we refuse to ask what backgrounds and how underfunded those youth prisons are.
We never once asked in NZ why those kids were on the Youth Prison roof, we only bitched about KFC being used to coax them down.
It turned out the ‘staff’ were arranging and filming fight clubs at the Youth Prison.
Cue total silence and just crickets chirping from middle NuZilind who had a week earlier been bitterly complaint that KFC was used to bring them down from the roof.
We just love to hate on young people.
This was all going through my mind as I waited and waited and waited for a follow up piece to the staggering news that more kids are being abused in State Care…
Oranga Tamariki report shows more children harmed in its care
Oranga Tamariki says it is “horrendous and absolutely unacceptable” that more children than ever are being harmed under its watch.
The Ministry for Children’s Safety in Care report shows 9 per cent of children in its care were harmed in the year ending June 2023, including neglect and physical and sexual abuse.
…almost 10% of. children in its care are being abused and nothing from the wider media.
There was the new Minister for Children Karen Chhour nodding and saying ‘not good enough’ but it’s the same shit sandwich served with the same shit sauce.
We only care about teens when they do wrong and we never look at the underfunded rotting scab that our social strives have become.
We refuse point blank to tax the richest amongst us to properly fund these vital public services.
It’s easier to hate the teenagers instead.
Almost 10% of kids in State Care abused, well done NuZilind.
Well. Done.
This is what we is now, this is what we have mutated into.
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Yes. I will never forget Nat MP Bill English writing off all our young guys as unemployable druggies to justify importing cheap exploitable immigrant workers – and have a low wage economy. It was untrue, but even were it remotely true, it was a shockingly defeatist mindset which did nothing whatsoever to better the lot of the generation which he deplores and to stop an indefensible waste of human potential. English was meant to be a politician, not some street corner hustler, calling cheap shots. The low wage economy espoused by privileged Bill and his ilk, carries a huge responsibility for many of the social ills it engenders. Thanks for nothing, Bill.
They should have used a sniper from the SAS to remove them from the roof instead of KFC. When 2 or 3 had fallen from the roof, the rest would have scampered down.
This would have sent a strong warning to other youth offenders, that we don’t negotiate with criminals!
And you would offer to do the shooting? Yeah right.
It’s terrorists.we don’t negotiate with terrorists
Zelda – so we should have them shot for standing on the roof? Hmmm….
What about quartering them, alive of course on the 6 o’clock news.
Does that satisfy?
Zelda. Why on earth shoot kids protesting ? Why not listen ? The police do have trained negotiators, and if KFC is part of the deal, then why not ? You’re too vicious.
I doubt whether Chhour will make any difference at all. The big issue is of course poverty, poverty drives all the appalling stats that we have.
I remember seeing Chhour on the debate??? on TV her knowledge of anything Maori is frankly scary.
https://natlib.govt.nz/events/unfreedom-forest-a-history-of-new-zealands-prison-plantations-february-15-2024 Events follow
There was a depression once and people were starving. Prisoners would be better off working on a prison farm, planting trees or whatever than stuck in cells going mad. The point is not the planting of trees under coercion, it is whether they were fed and treated properly. Ordinary men had to line up to soup kitchens and go where they were sent, some worked in snow with inadequate footwear. Times have been tough so don’t get too precious.
We found out how to do things better, then when we were getting along at a level that needed improvement, Treasury brought Roger Douglas and his hood some magic beans that went to his head like a drug. He opened the trapdoor and we walked right onto the shonky borer-ridden floor underneath. Now our condition is tragic, as we know better and have the means but are too mean to care about the rest of society having a share in the cake; we whack off the biggest bit we can for ourselves and group, and those who don’t fit can throw a fit. Don’t touch them, don’t look at them we think and pull our children away so they can go off on their fancy bikes, motorised scooters or to their sport or dancing class.
grey your 1st para explains why the ‘welfare state’ exists please write to your local nat mp and inform them will you…ta
Thank you!
Here’s an idea. I’m full of them so I can spare a couple. Do not mention shit or bulls.
How about instead of looking back to go ” Oh well, never mind. Neo-liberalism did this to us so lets just move on and make do while hopefully fixing things.” How about instead we go ” So. Neo-liberalism did this to us, right? So let’s go back to who, when, how and why neo-liberalism and make the scum who dropped neo-liberalism on us to pay back that which they owe us and then they go to prison because what they did in effect was con us into forfeiting the democratic steerage of our AO/NZ in preference for their confident trickery which was nothing more than insider trading grifters with law skirting lawyers by their side and Machiavellian business parasites to use greed to swerve our over paid over fed, over privileged useless-cunt politicians onto to the dark side.
Fuck the kids! Who cares about them, they don’t earn money we could help ourselves to. Fuck the all but penniless eccentric and creative people, they just make our societies shine, who needs them? Fuck doctors, fuck teachers, fuck safe and secure homes for kids, fuck that! That costs money. Doesn’t make me money to buy me that multi-million dollar apartment I need which has that view of an ugly and a bit shit bridge and that pointy stick stuck through that UFO found hovering above that casino.
roger douglas and his sad gang of soft-core limp-dick user-pays criminals knew what they were doing and they knew the outcome of that. They thought they could asset strip our AO/NZ and in so doing strip us of our mana and our strength of unity then die rich years later. The fuckers never saw the internet coming, they never saw websites like TDB coming and I can guarantee you, they never saw me coming. I have a grudge nothing can buy to make me go away.
Fabulous Martyn Bradbury writes : ” This is what we is now, this is what we have mutated into.”
Yes, he’s correct in that. I say then, lets go back and de-mutate what they’ve done to us. Let’s see if our neo-liberal brain-children can multi-task. Let’s see if they can run while screaming.
National is the incubator of the neo-liberalism that plagues us. Roger douglas was a two term finance minister parasite up Old Labour who went in there to destabilise our politic, and our economy by association simply to make money. You have an opinion on that graeme hart? How’s them 12, give or take, billions working out for ya then? Don brash, governor of the reserve bankster was an ACT acolyte that gave back-passage birth to ACT’s david fucking seymour.
I write; Fuck moving on, never mind, better luck next time. Fuck that! I want justice! And perhaps, if I can, just a wee bit of vengeance. I have pliers and rubber gloves, care to join me?
No they never saw you coming Country Boy. If they did in 1984 maybe they would have another think .
it’s not that kiwis just hate kids….kiwis hate all other fuckin kiwis
I don’t hate you gagarin. Hope I haven’t trod on your toes too much.
figure of speech grey but yes the tall poppy syndrome and despising those below you do go hand in hand
A survey in UK on how many classes in society there are came up with seven.
Are we the same? It’s a good read, and nice colours to break up the sober details.
We never once asked in NZ why those kids were on the Youth Prison roof, we only bitched about KFC being used to coax them down.
It turned out the ‘staff’ were arranging and filming fight clubs at the Youth Prison.
Cue total silence and just crickets chirping from middle NuZilind who had a week earlier been bitterly complaint that KFC was used to bring them down from the roof.
Perhaps the problem is as you say – we hate young people. We don’t ensure they have happy homes and secure lives or even a home at all. We have stopped them being smacked but being whacked with eviscerating words that make a kid burn inside, and hate outwards, also makes them hate inwards. The feeling of being no good even worthless is driven in with no physical signs. It may be that the kids liked the fight clubs and the staff were providing them with sport like Ultimates that they were used to, if they wanted it. It may be all that the malignant private company is prepared to do for the most recalcitrant.
Maybe’s – I don’t know, but things aren’t as plain as middle class, even low income/no income people think. It ain’t easy to turn a boat around in open seas. In a closed-off, narrow, shitty lifestyle with people who have no love for themselves never had any, and none to pass on, well that is a task.
People don’t understand how hard life is for many. Two cases of recent years of free op shops closing because of the stuff that is dumped there and they can’t cope. Society should be providing the extra help for them – councils probably – working with the helpers and taking the stuff away. That rubbish is from people who for some reason haven’t managed to get the rubbish out to the kerb. Or they can’t get the rubbish out of their minds that disturbs them so much. They might have to try and get their bond back so get a mate of a mate to dump the stuff, tidy up and get some money back for the next set of demands they need to fill. Middle class Op shops complain because they have to dump stuff at their own cost. Why isn’t there a reasonable response of support for the charity’s needs and respect for the good they do which would cost council if they didn’t do it, when there is knowledge of their difficulties? It is an example of how class society grows inhuman, hates people in trouble. You have to have an interesting fatal illness before you can stir any response from the comfortable people.
We need to help people in simple ways, who have ended up struggling and can’t get out of it. They have been bred to be having knock after knock over the years, to make sad decisions. The style of civic management we have ‘enjoyed’ for so many years is not what they can attain or need now. Despite yelling into wilfully deaf ears all that comes is strutting shits who think they are great, and condemn and despise those on the bottom who have been flattened. Many such people get into welfare. They know how to treat the losers efficiently. Insects are more conditioned to aid each other, we have too many brains to get caught up with that malarkey.
Boomers hate everyone that doesn’t agree with their rules based order. This is mainly the young.
hold on im a boomer and have great respect for my grand kids who have a hard life .They are in a sole parent family where the parent has educated themself and works in the health industry.They have bought their own house and paid back the 50k of student loans .The two children have received excellent awards every year at the schools they have attended .There is no way I hate the parent or the kids but I despise the politians for the last 40 years and the current lot are just selfish arseholes that will send the whole country to the wall
if boomers are soooo fuckin bad explain why a large number of pensioners are poverty striken or on the streets green bus?
answers on a postcard to the usual address
These kids are in the shit they are because of the state- welfare dependency, drug and alcohol reliance and low educational outcomes. More Marxism is not going to solve these problems.
You will never solve any national social problems, or through your agency given to contractors, because you checked your mind and childish wisdom in at the door of some comfort hall, and forgot to pick them up. The troubled just didn’t get the chance to grow their wisdom to your level but followed the same pattern. You are brothers under the skin.
That makes no sense, apologies if your language is other than English.
It is; I try for erudite English, with a bit of Maori in if I can find the right expression. You?
Problem is that you lefties believe young people are adults and you treat them as such and afford them rights and privileges accordingly. But you don’t assign them any of the responsibilities and consequences that come with being adult. For eg. commit adult crimes and you go to adult prison. Young people simply have no boundaries any more. They roam the landscape like wild dogs.
Jonzie, this is our society our new culture they have known nothing else and this was brought about by your generation. Sure was easy back in the 60’s compared to this.
And here’s another fucked up example:
A young abused maori girl had a happy loving foster home in Hawkes Bay with a ‘white’ family. But ‘state employees’ called case managers destroyed that dream because the white couple…here we go…”couldn’t provide for her cultural needs”. That just shows how fucked up the system is. That girl will probably have a miserable life compared to what she had in care. But hey, her cultural needs are being met. Or are they? This is what we is…a fucked up woke nation pandering to the wrong values.
We remember that. It was near the beginning of the ‘sensitivity and fairness’ witchhunt. So it isn’t part of what I think of as mainstream cultural and family nurturing methods. But people who have become too irritated and stressed by bad laws and practices tend to come out in fevers and boils. To throw a jug of cool water over them, which is sort of needed, would be too strong a recuperative treatment. What to do? Wait for them to swing the pendulum too far the other way and destroy every bit of co-operation and method from the past that works?
It’s called Critical Race Theory, Jonzie.
hold on im a boomer and have great respect for my grand kids who have a hard life .They are in a sole parent family where the parent has educated themself and works in the health industry.They have bought their own house and paid back the 50k of student loans .The two children have received excellent awards every year at the schools they have attended .There is no way I hate the parent or the kids but I despise the politians for the last 40 years and the current lot are just selfish arseholes that will send the whole country to the wall
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