SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: Trick question, they are both the same climate dinosaurs who don’t know they are extinct yet
Political Caption Competition
SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: Trick question, they are both the same climate dinosaurs who don't know they are extinct yet
Shane Jones went on The Platform thinking it was a porn show.
And along came Shane Porn Jones,
Sly watching Jones
Ha ha, I remember that song. Ray Stevens????
We show our age Moose. And who can forget The Streak? Looks like Ray is still alive and still writing.
What a pic of Jones! Pomposity incarnate.
That’s a fair caption. ‘Two Pompous Old Men’.
Leave Jonesy alone, he’s an h…t trier. Hope the gaps fill in correctly.
Presenting two of the World’s greatest Climate Scientists …Mr. Cliff and Mr. Lemming
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