Public Education Should Be The Focus Of Government Investment – PPTA


“Charter Schools are an expensive distraction from the important work of public education in Aotearoa” says PPTA Acting-President Chris Abercrombie

“The vast majority of students in Aotearoa are in the public education system and this is where investment should be made.”

In 2018 when charter schools were disestablished there were 808,439 students enrolled in the public system and around 1500 enrolled in charter schools.

“The focus on the government needs to be on ensuring we have a robust and equitable public education system. Our kura are at the very heart of our communities, and we must ensure that we build and develop the amazing work and ongoing possibility that exists within this system.”

“All schools are focused on students achieving their best, it is vital that the government also understands that supporting the whole young person is key to maximising their potential.”

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“We will be looking at the coalition agreement in detail once it is released to see what commitments have been made to support public secondary education and what vision there is for secondary education for our rangatahi.”