The Daily Blog Open Mic – 17th November 2023


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

The Editor doesn’t moderate this blog,  3 volunteers do, they are very lenient to provide you a free speech space but if it’s just deranged abuse or putting words in bloggers mouths to have a pointless argument, we don’t bother publishing.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. Aucklands Downtown Carpark Wars! This shits just got reels!

    Local wealthy Auckland developer throws a spanner in the works by putting in a higher bid for the site! Hehehe!!

    Eke Panukus chairman will be doing some head scratching I guess now that his preferred buyer might pullout??

    More money for Auckland council and ratepayers is good right? Hehehe!!

    That $13.2b hole of debt this council has racked up is becoming unserviceable.

    • Auckland Councilors got an education in development and the further damage to the environment by demolishing the car park building downtown. Also, they’ve been stitched up by no one other than Eke Panuku again and the chairman Paul Majurey who it looks like has cut a deal with fewer conditions as per the original contract proposal with Precinct developers. Aue!!

    • After the beans were spilt at Thursday’s Auckland Transport & Infrastructure committee meeting. Eke Panuku has been outed as giving a developer a sweetheart deal to buy the downtown city carparks cheap at the expense of Auckland ratepayers.

      Potentially, Aucklanders could be missing out on no less than $50m-$100m for the development of the Twin Towers as well as adding 500+ truckloads of material from having to dig up all of the development footprint which will have to be dumped at landfill. It’s all the toxic stuff that was thrown into the ground as reclaimed land 100+ years ago.

      All this has been enabled by Eke Panuku cutting a deal that is also different to the original conditions placed on the contract which the plan no longer meets anymore. Meaning that Eke Panuku was going to try and sneak it past the Councilors in a Governance meeting at probably 5 minutes to 5pm one day.

      All the labour, gween, brown councillors were all good with this! They’re illiterate both financially and in literacy & comprehension.

    The director of the Gaza Strip’s main hospital raided by Israeli soldiers says the facility has now run out of oxygen and water, and patients “are screaming from thirst”.

    Muhammad Abu Salmiya said the conditions were “tragic” in Al-Shifa, where there were more than 650 patients, 500 medical staff and 5000 displaced people.
    Israeli tanks were surrounding the hospital in Gaza City, he said, with drones buzzing overhead and Israeli soldiers still moving around inside, as their search of the complex lasted a second day.

    For fucks sake isn’t there a person in Wellington with an active brain and sense of responsibility to humanity and the country’s commitment to civilisation. What did my father die for in WW2 if not to prevent this sort of thing creeping up in the world and knifing NZ in the back. It’s foul and someone in charge needs to do something to ensure aid gets through.

    One thing is that after this the Jewish people can stop claiming wrongdoing and guilt and compassion for the dastardly deeds done against them in the 1930s and before. They won’t get a hearing. And they are going against their own people’s wisdom – so many of the thoughtful creative people speaking for the fine things in humanity, for understanding of our obsessions and drives have been Jewish. The creatives in the arts expressing and revealing the world in their work have been dominated by the Jewish.

    Now the poisoned chalice of Palestine has driven them mad. Was too much lost in WW2 to ever cope with and lay to rest for ever the shameful memories of viciousness against them; but is it to arise afresh in each generation. Then the formation of warriors from their military training. Stop the horror and the mass cruelty being displayed. It punishes the world, now more revenge than defensive, security-oriented; it damages the Jewish spirit in the process. The outcome is negative now.

    And the formation of the Red Cross starting in 1860’s comes to mind. Can we never stop this cruelty that descends on the minds of a few who have power to threaten people under them to force action and obedience in inhuman behaviour, and shuts off our normal moral controls we have tried to impose on ourselves?
    The Red Cross is an international humanitarian network founded in 1863 in Switzerland, with chapters worldwide that provide assistance to victims of disasters, armed conflict and health crises. The Red Cross’s roots date to 1859, when businessman Henry Dunant witnessed the bloody aftermath of the Battle of Solferino in Italy, in which there was little medical support for injured soldiers. Dunant went on to advocate for the establishment of national relief organizations made up of trained volunteers who could offer assistance to war-wounded soldiers, regardless of which side of the fighting they were on.

    • “For fucks sake isn’t there a person in Wellington with an active brain and sense of responsibility to humanity and the country’s commitment to civilisation ?
      They’re becoming increasingly hard to find @ Grey.

      Seems to me, we’re getting what we deserve – but then I come from having the luxury of zero debt and an abhorrence of neo-liberalism.
      By the way. If you get the chance, have a read of “Techno Feudalism – What Killed Capitalism” by Yanis Varoufakis. You better hurry though if you’re intending to borrow it from a library. Libraries might disappear before too long.

      And btw. (BTW, That’s an acronym for “by the way” in this space, going forward). What’s happened to the Trotter? He was always all over the place, but has He thrown a hissy fit over the Muddle East?

      • Good reminder OWT. I will get out one of the 6 books by Varoufakis in the library – and try for the Techno one. I am impressed by the scope of his understanding as well as knowledge. When I have finished one I will get some feedback from you as to points he raises – that is if you will exchange thoughts and have time. Just reading the summaries on the library’s listings gives erudite stuff. I like this one from Is Capitalism Broken from something called the Munk Series. Summary
        “‘We need to organise politically to defend the weak, empower the many and prepare the ground for reversing the absurdities of capitalism.’ – Yanis Va…

        And one title ‘Talking to my Daughter about the Economy: a Brief History about Capitalism’ which could be as important as learning about sex, the best way to manage and embrace it when one is young. Two mighty forces in the world!

        And don’t let’s get too hard on CTrotter; I see him trying to explore the role of principles as he sees them, now and affecting the future, in what seems to me, his devil’s advocate explorations.

  3. I think it is time to think of the cliche ‘What about the children’ seriously.

    It is necessary to offer an amnesty to the father as he needs help to cope with life, (don’t all thinking people need that now), and he is a mixed up individual who is too far gone to work out something relatively sensible. And all the time the children are being traumatised – possibly having to do his thinking for him, it is too hard a boot camp survival program for them. They shouldn’t just be left to cope.

    And we don’t want the tough love or whatever that Oranga Tamariki dish out. We are tending towards a post Neanderthal society, as I have read theories that they weren’t the dummies they have been portrayed. Perhaps we are a more vicious cunning breed that took over. Don’t let us go back and prove that it all was a waste of time as we thought to work at being civilised.

    If we didn’t have monoculture, there would be other types of trees for other purposes. Are there be other alternatives now after Juken closes? It would be good husbandry of the country;s forestry assets. Perhaps NZ itself can now use the pine for new simple housing for us simpletons who only want to stay in motels when we are on holiday, if we ever afford holidays.

  5. I seem to have been thinking hard lately. Am listening to music from Farinelli, the castrato from old Italy, 1700s. Its from a fascinating film made about him, and his resultant wonderful voice. Women from wealthy families were fascinated by him as unusual, and those who were sexually capable couldn’t result in pregnancy. I think he was like a singing bird in a cage. However he was a wonderful singer and had a wealthy patron so got on with it, and lived well at what he was a master at. In the film they had to use two singers to cover his musical range.

    That was a sanctioned attack on a child, and possibly instigated by his family who may have been poor; it seems his music teacher died in poverty. The poorer we get in NZ the less chances we have to have a good life and real choices; the opposite talked about at the time of The Change.

    ,,,In the 1720s and 1730s, at the height of the craze for these voices, it has been estimated that upwards of 4,000 boys were castrated annually in the service of art.[15] Many came from poor homes and were castrated by their parents in the hope that their child might be successful and lift them from poverty (this was the case with Senesino). There are, though, records of some young boys asking to be operated on to preserve their voices (e.g. Caffarelli, who was from a wealthy family: his grandmother gave him the income from two vineyards to pay for his studies..

    For the castrati who weren’t Farinelli, most died in poverty and were consigned to mass graves, neither man nor woman, objects of scorn and ridicule. It was the casual misogyny of the Catholic Church that led to the banishment of women from the Italian stage, which then gave rise to the castrati, who were themselves despised for “being like women.” Not until 1902 did the Vatican ban castrati from performing in the Sistine Chapel, hoping to put an end to the practice…

    It is interesting to think that now women are behind interfering with vulnerable males basic drives, bodies, their sexuality and lives. Religion was behind the castrati and their singing in Farinelli’s day. Are the woke women now in another kind of religion, a not-so-secret society wielding power; women who disdain romance with men, preferring necromancy?

  6. Delightful strident tones from the party in gangey flat nextdoor. I just hear the wahine with their higher voices. Flicken intelligent, bit more verbally violent. All reminiscent of our upbrings in the 70s and 80s.

    Maybe I didn’t push the ‘send’ button’ — which doubt on my part you small Left dairy businesses seem to rely on — but I said my grand farewell to Bowalley Rd over the ‘The Left Litmus Test ‘ nonsense and it didn’t appear despite his Free Speech Union nonsense. Relying on middle-classers (like me) is not a good way to go.

    If the people’s cause is your major thing, rather than your side shit, first criticize the other two ‘Left’ blogs outright. Then welcome the great Guerilla Surgeon from Bowalley Road. All three ‘Left’ blogs are wrong or Right.

    ‘T’Cause’ was the first and last thing on my Lancashire socialist g. grandfather’s mind. Why he lost out on rewards after ’35 — he kept speaking the unpleasant truth when Labour had already placed its face against that. He was not wrong.

  7. You, so hopeless about daily blogs — much like my local dairy with (lack of) groceries.

    The grand man Trotter responded to my goodbye, but without producing my goodbye! Free speech guy much?

    He has never offered an argument that convinced me of my misdemeanors. Willing to grant that if he did. His thing is I was insulting to the hosts. Wouldn’t free speech prove me wrong?

    He said nice things about me but the nicest was misspelling my moniker on Left blogs. I pissed off a Leftie on the move to the Right!

    I want the grand Guerilla Surgeon to come over here, but you have a lower level of intellectuality and your own silly-arse cul-de-sacs. Vive truth! Aint it grand. Please, by all means, censor me, to keep up your own ‘small left-wing dairy business’ rather than our great truth and cause.

  8. I have to admit I’m intensive on the hosts of the three supposed Leftblogs. Sorry, don’t want to put you off, but on the other hand all 3 of you are far too Right. Chris, Lprent and you with your ‘woke’ and ‘cultural Marxism’.

    Have to say the truth. For t’Cause.

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