The magnitude of damage a ACT/National Government will manufacture


The sheer scale of how much damage National and ACT are about to cause New Zealand if they form a Government is not being recognised by the electorate…

Under National’s tax plan, outlined by shadow finance minister Nicola Willis, it has identified 24 Government agencies from which it initially wants, on average, 6.5 per cent cuts amounting to $594m on so-called back-office functions to fund tax cuts and to have it done before Christmas.

There would be unders and overs but at 6.5 per cent, the cuts would amount to

    • $106m from the Ministry of Social Development;
    • $81m from MBIE, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment;
    • $60m from the Ministry of Justice;
    • $58m from the Ministry of Primary Industries;
    • $47m from Inland Revenue;
    • $46m from the Department of Conservation;
    • $36m from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade;
    • $21m from Land Information New Zealand;
    • $17m from the New Zealand Customs Service;
    • $16m from the Ministry for the Environment;
    • $16m from Statistics New Zealand;
    • $9m from the Treasury;
    • $8m from the Crown Law Office.

…this on top of ACTs desire to slash 5 Ministries and and the Human Rights Commission, we are seeing the largest amputation of the State since Roger Douglas.

Remember, these cuts are based on a Tax plan by National using revenue from removing the Foreign Buyers Ban that every independent economist has totally torn to shreds so the ACTUAL public service cost will be far greater than what they are currently promising!

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By robbing 2 year olds, mutilating public transport and literally robbing the climate change funds to afford tax cuts for rich landlords is a direct assault on the Egalitarian values of this country and National intend on trashing the environment while they do it!

The conga line of privatisation and crony capitalism about to be rammed through NZ should worry every kiwi…

…the billionaire class, Real Estate Pimps and property speculators have poured $12 million into the Right since 2021 and they aren’t doing that because they love the people, they are doing because they love their wealth!

People are so angry with Labour, Jacinda and the Covid lockdown that they are gleefully voting ACT and National no matter what level of damage those parties bring.

This isn’t an Election – it’s a Grudge Fuck!

Covid was a unique universal shared experience where the sacrifice was shared unequally in unequal Societies.

For the Professional Managerial Class it allowed them a work from home privilege that was glorious if you lived in a nice house.

For the poor it was over crowded and in many cases dangerous domestic violence drenched living conditions.

It forced workers who were told they were essential but paid like peasants to think about what was actually important in life.

When the boot of Capitalism is removed from the throat of workers, when they get a moment to pause and ask if their slave wagers was worth it and many decided it was not.

We all sacrificed for Covid but the cures used to stop a once in a. century pandemic have caused other symptoms like crime, poverty, cost of living crisis and debt.

The 6000 lives saved mean little to the angry and aggrieved.

The Right realise this and are prepared to ram through an enormous amount of radical far right cruelty and venal self interest in the hope your Covid bitterness will blind you to the spite they are passing as policy.

Allowing Darth Vader and the Privatisation Stormtroopers to take over the daycare centre because you are bitter about Covid doesn’t make you edgy, it makes you a snowflake dick.

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Now is the time to show solidarity with the Left.

Step up this election!

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Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.

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  1. All well and good to moan about what National/Act will do to Govt Depts Martyn….at least show some context:
    How bloated has each mentioned dept become in the last 6yrs?
    We can all assume the extra staff has not generated productivity nor value added as the stats from last 6 yrs has gotten worse or at best no better with all the extra staff.
    Soooo how about letting us know how much extra each dept now costs to run each year compared to 6yrs ago and the staff increase in same period.
    Then, and only then, can one see how your ‘the sky is falling’ rhetoric is just that, scaremongering rhetoric.
    Hell, even Chippies, money pit of a hobby horse, the amalgamated polytechnic outfit is shedding 200 jobs and still needs 100million bucks bailout!

    • You can’t possibly know that any of your statements are true.

      Without forensic analysis, taking everything into consideration , plus ongoing research, for all you know all those departments could be working at capacity and doing great work. I know plenty who eat their lunch at their desk and keep working to get through their work.

      This is just another right wing narrative, that they are the hard, smart, workers and that everyone else is hopeless, unproductive and slack…..Nothing could be further from the truth.

      Have you seen whose on the golf courses on a Wednesday and Friday Afternoon??…and whose taking the 2 hour ‘power lunches’ at the viaduct throughout the week?…. there’s your answer….it’s fat cat city …living the high- life off their inherited wealth and the hard sweat of others!!!

      • So my statements can’t be proven and a generalisation… but yours about all golf players playing in the afternoon and week day viaduct lunch eaters are on 2hr power lunches are all fat cat CEOs or high management?
        Seems another left wing narrative you have bought into?

  2. New Zealands population since 2017 has increased by 410,000 and Seymour wants to axe services. And here I was thinking it was only National that was hopeless with numbers.

    • Mike….but were you not moaning and hand wringing with the immigration influx under National….Labour will stop all the immigration?
      Looks like that was a wish, they have certainly not turned that tap off eh?
      Another Labour broken promise?

      • Labour folded to big business Inc Ir. But you miss my point as usual. It’s all about the numbers. The population has grown and ACT are repeating the same mistake as with the 9 years they had idone so previously. Underfunded public services and infrastructure and we are still paying for those mistakes today.
        I still have issues with high immigration but that wasn’t my point. If you increase the population then increase your resources not axe them. That is idiotic.

  3. Most of the commentors on here dont care.

    They would happily have wages cut and US style healthcare imposed. They resent every single cent of tax they pay and they would do anything to to increase poverty in this country.

    They also want to lock the whole Maori population up and let them kill each other inside, as well as allow cops to just gun people down randomly.

    • You forgot isolating new born babies in cages to prevent them getting Mumps, having Rocket Labs take all ram raiders to live on the Moon and making Donald Trump the Minister of Womens Affairs.

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