The Daily Blog Open Mic – 1st September 2023

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

The Editor doesn’t moderate this blog,  3 volunteers do, they are very lenient to provide you a free speech space but if it’s just deranged abuse or putting words in bloggers mouths to have a pointless argument, we don’t bother publishing.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. Interesting.

    Good outcome:
    The plug has been pulled on a $500 million development at the former Air Force base at Shelly Bay in Wellington.
    The land has been bought by Sir Peter Jackson and Dame Fran Walsh…
    …A group who were fighting the development for years said they were relieved the project was cancelled.
    Mau Whenua – made up of Taranaki Whānui iwi members – strongly opposed the iwi’s sale of the land to The Wellington Company, and the company’s plans to develop it.
    Spokesperson Catherine Love said she was confident the new owners understood the significance of the site to local Māori.
    She said she was hopeful that they would be able to establish a working relationship in the future.

    Has this been tested for by ME/CFS researchers in the past?

    Five months in Christchurch only now closing. Should it not have been a pilot for NZ or one each in SI and NI, or Auck and Well – making three.
    Note the time – five months. After the Christchurch religious murders, I think within six months – bereaved mothers from a foreign country and language? were being put to wage work. Half a year and our real concern for people has dried up.
    We will get more of this as time goes on towards Armageddon. I suggest don’t immerse yourself in technology and c/phone apps ad infinitum. They out there are bigger than you are and care . for you!
    Japan is calling the water it is releasing into the ocean “ALPS treated water” to differentiate it from the contaminated water held in tanks around the wrecked plant site.
    ALPS stands for “Advanced Liquid Processing System”, a system aimed at removing most radioactive elements from the water except for tritium before it is released into the ocean as “treated” water.

    Former trade unionist and Labour MP Graham Kelly has played in Dixieland and dance bands for most of his life. He’s written a book about how politics and music has shaped his life.

    3 part series:

    We Belong Aotearoa – nice?
    …In August, a note in dark type on a dark background was added to the website. The website was created by the lobby group Hobson’s Pledge, which is opposed to mandated Māori representation in central and local government. Don Brash, the former Act and National Party leader, was named.
    The website and social media presence are run by the Campaign Company, which lists Jordan Williams (co-founder of the Taxpayers’ Union) as a director. The Campaign Company is also listed as the registrant of other domain names associated with Hobson’s Pledge including, and The domain name was registered by the Taxpayers’ Union.
    Plant and Food Research apicultural scientist Michelle Taylor spent two weeks in Australia, talking through the New Zealand response, and has been providing on-going advice.
    “The main thing it’s important they do is keep communication lines open. The reason we got varroa down the bottom of the North Island is because we hadn’t connected with our logging industry, so a log with a swarm of bees was transported from Northland to Wellington.”
    Dr Taylor said if there was clearer communication in New Zealand, varroa would not have spread as quickly as it did – a key learning Australia could take.
    …”The farm up in North Canterbury is very dry and you know, we might even end up growing more grass underneath and we can still do our operation – it seems a bit of a win-win diversity-wise as well powering 29,000 homes and taking 13,500 cars off the road, equivalent.”
    Preliminary results from a Massey University study found combining solar panels with a pastoral sheep farming system could have both positive and negative impacts on pasture growth.
    “Pasture growth was reduced by 84 percent directly under the panels, but increased by 38 per cent in the larger areas between panels. Pasture growth in both cases was compared to pasture growth in areas away from the panels.”

  2. I have just come to the conclusion that we need to abandon parliamentary parties for forming the government. What we need are project groups. People will gather to a group with appropriate properly trained professionals and will put themselves forward to do one or two particular projects.

    There will be listings of needs required to provide services to the people, like departments that we had in the 2th. So we might choose some numbers of groups and we could only vote on areas in which we had some learnings. Then there would be a second round to redress any obvious mistakes and choose people/groups for areas which had not reached the required level of votes and these would be looked into and further votes then made. And the term would be four years, but errors of large level would result in a revote for that group subject.

    We are trying to provide special nursing to the government system. Let’s have a decent euthanasia. We are being faced with 22nd century possibilities while still in 1950s in our minds. (And we are getting looser in our ways, not controlled, thought out. A show on internet at 7.30 pm – a policeman says that there needs to be action on a case ‘as the authorities are putting pressure on “my balls”. Times demand greater nous and wisdom but the trend is for tech to take decisions – just push the button and it will be done for you, give you advice from a bot.

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