Waatea News Column: Julian Batchelor, anti co-governance and the rise of naked bigotry


Of genuine concern to all Kiwis is the naked bigotry that has been flamed by evangelical paster and supposed historian, Pastor Julian Batchelor.

Julian’s anti co-governance speaking tour has been righteously protested against up and down the country. He cherry picks facts and then presents those facts as evidence of a conspiracy by Māori ‘elite’ to secretly take over New Zealand.

The idea that the drive for co-governance and working together is really a secret plot to undermine the constitution speaks of an ignorance that has become weaponised bigotry!

Co-Governance was of course the elegant solution created by National and ACT to create partnerships to work alongside Māori with. To have these structures built by the political Right become misrepresented as a stealth attack on democracy by the Left is disingenuous in the extreme of Julian.

Painting attempts to live the Treaty in susch existential extremes demands of Julian’s followers extreme responses and is calling for a protest on the Election.

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This racist friction will become unbearable this election, especially with ACT promising to force National into a referendum to redefine the Treaty and force that redefined Treaty upon Māori.

This election has the potential to unleash an anger generated by fear towards Māori the likes we haven’t seen in a long time.


First published on Waatea News.


  1. Martyn – True…However, some of the footage of the counter protesters hitting older NZers turning up to hear Julian, and the Police turning a blind eye – feels like Albert Park de ja vu

    • serves them right for supporting a troglodyte like Batchelor… if you want to support an inflammatory and divisive rhetoric don’t be surprised when it gets shoved back in your face. To highlight a few incidents that over step the mark, as some sort of apologetics, is frankly, pathetic.

  2. National for one have been an embarrassment on this issue ( impressive when you would think Labour were embarrassing enough for everyone). Luxon is anti co governance at a central level but happy with it at a council level according to his own words. He’s also said he wants water assets to remain with those very same councils. Surely people can see what a line of bs that is. Just opposition for the sake of it riding along on the burning cross express. That’s the future PM. FFS

    • Not correct.

      Not Council level but “local level” where there is an historical link of use or ownership.

      Seems reasonable to me.

      • Yet water infrastructure and resource is broken Gary and the old adage of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result comes to mind. Strange that this seems reasonable to you.

            • I dunno Bob, the picture of you above is the lowest of low but given your educational history, no one and I mean no one is lower than you. Your continued late replies show you to be my number one troll supporter, for that I am grateful.

        • But is it really. I have a wide circle of friends and family across the country none have any issues with getting clean tap water or sewage disposal.

          • 9 days later Bob, have you finally been released from the pedophile prison?
            Trolling around in dark places as a troll suits you Bob the nasty.

    • Unfortunately, people only see what they want to see, pick any topic where there should be evidence-based answers & you will find people making assumptions & coming to different conclusions.

  3. Julian and Seymour Butt stoking the fires of fear sounds like the lead up to NZ Land Wars where the residents of Auckland were fearful of being attacked by Waikato and Ngati Maniapoto in the 1850’s???

    • Yep. Colon-ists to the very end.
      It really is a wheel innit. Just keeps going round and round and not getting anywhere.

  4. Or black workers could simply struggle together alongside workers of all other races, and abolish the exploitation of man by man, in one united labour movement. Ownership along clan bloodlines, segregated government, handouts to black millionaires — not progressive!

    • Black and Maori have the same amount of letters. Try typing Maori, because when you type Black, I automatically assume you are an inbred Boer.

  5. Julian Batchelor. A cringe worthy loser. Tie him to a chair, shoot him up with Ecstasy powder then give him a blow-up sex doll and don’t forget to take pictures and video.

  6. 1 person 1 vote anything else will just stir the pot of steaming shit below the surface crud in kiwi society

  7. Ah, so that’s who Julian Batchelor is.

    I’d like to see the co-governance issue over. It’s annoying to see Right-wingers talking for democracy.

  8. Just looking at report on history of klukluxklan. These violent perverted ravers are ottt – evil worms in their heads. Batchelor could be the same.

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