Antivax fetishists + Bishop Tamaki fanaticism = feral protest vote new vehicle


Outdoors Party reveals it’s joining forces with Brian Tamaki’s Freedoms NZ

The Outdoors Party says it’s joining Freedoms NZ, an umbrella political party started by controversial Destiny Church leader Brian Tamaki last year.

In a statement on Saturday morning, Outdoors confirmed the party had decided to join the Freedoms NZ political movement “to inspire courage, respect for other views, common sense and aroha and reclaim the New Zealand we used to be so proud of”.

Speaking to Newshub Nation on Saturday, Peter Lineham, a retired Massey University history professor who in 2013 published a book on Tamaki, believed the Destiny Church leader sensed “this is a political moment… waiting for a different voice”.

To date the insane narcissism of all the Egos in the Antivax movement have been too fractured and selfish to work together.

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This has been great because it has meant they were all doomed to perish sub 5%, but the danger was that the pressure from those Kiwis alienated and still incandescent with fury over the Covid mandates would force these egos to work together, and that is what has happened.

If they can get a boiled ham like Matt King to join his Democracy NZ brand to this cavalcade of circus freaks, God forbid they have enough momentum in the fractured Qanon realms to aim at 5%.

While Tamaki has been a waning political influence, his first $20000 tax free, pulling out of WHO, UN and transphobia all have far larger electoral pull than many may suspect.

The electorate still alienated by the Covid Mandates is larger than we wish to admit.

This could trigger a very vengeful electorate.


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  1. “ This could trigger a very vengeful electorate.”

    Presumably the electorate feels it has much to be vengeful about.

    Sure be funny to see TMP, Greens, and ACT’s faces when they figure out they have to deal with Bishop Brian as the MMP kingmaker.

      • It’s clear Tamaki aligns with like for like feral party’ s ACT and National.

    • Time for Labour, National, ACT and the others to investigate the charitable status of Density Church now that Tamaki Inc have become a political party?

      I doubt it would be easy to untangle the web of financing the charitable religious elements of the church party and the uncharitable, asocial elements of the feral party?

      I doubt if Luxon will rule out having a coalition with Life of Maori Brian’s Party, as quickly as Luxon did with the co-leaders Rawiri Waititi and Debbie Ngarewa-Packer.

      Tricky for Luxon to be consistent with appealing to the feral white racists of Aotearoa, while supporting feral brown evangelists.

  2. Being alienated by a mandate is one thing but voting for an absolute conman is the answer? I don’t think being against a mandate makes you an idiot.if you are dumb enough to give this guy credibility then you are.

    • I know a few people that go to his church. They credit him with getting them clean, with keeping their families together and helping them to no longer abusing that family, with getting a job somewhere in the Tamaki/Tamaki adjacent world. And for many that is more then TPM has ever done for them, more then Labour will ever do for them – ditto for National.
      But i guess it is really easy to paint these people with the large brush of lefty disapproval and call them anti this or that, feral, ‘right wingers’ rather then find out why people still flock to this guy and his church and why they would even vote for the Tamaki party.

      • I have to say I agree with you on this RB.

        Although I object to the tithing and the self appointed Bishop stated.

        I asked about transphobia, because I geniunely want to know what these are groups are saying. Are they saying truly hateful things or are they objecting to things that are more than reasonable, like medically tranistioning young people

      • Reactionary B. Remember that Hurimoana Dennis was doing the same thing at Te Puea Marae for homeless people when Paula Bennett and the Nats were failing them, and worse. He was also helping folk to find stable accommodation and jobs. In return, the ghastly Bennett leaked confidential info about him to the media about a workplace issue irrelevant to the work at the marae, and not their business. I gather that she is now some sort of media person herself, so it looks as if birds of a feather flock together.

          • Separation of church and state…? These seem to have been the grounds for removing some Christian prayer in Parliament. “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s. “

            • and that is relevant how holly
              and it could be argued and I would that in your scenario, taxes are one of the things you rendered to caesar and not tithed from suppporters and spent on harleys

      • RB I am glad your acquaintances have got clean, but they did that all by themselves in reality. Remember we are talking about someone who says homosexuality causes earthquakes. Brian T can sod off.

      • My cousin joined his church. He went from being a violent recidivist gang member, to be a more sneaky abuser. Instead of hitting what irks him, he now uses emotional, verbal and financial abuse instead. I preferred him as a drug abusing patched gang member than the self righteous arsehole he is now.

        But I’m glad the people you know are doing okay.

        • To fund his illustrious lifestyle.
          I would be willing to wager that if he needs a new car, he will tell his flock, “donate!”
          But if someone in said flock needs surgery for something, the message becomes “pray!”

          • Thanks for confirming my thoughts Jay, particularly the irony of “pray”
            You could say pay and pray as you go.

    • Oh, I think that you sometimes get to a point where the protest vote becomes, in the popular imagination, almost an obligation – refer Social Credit in the 1970s/80s.

      What would that have delivered under MMP?

      • Probably government money printing straight into the funding of the countries houses and infrastructure assets rather than that funding created via the private banking industry. Would you like some high interest with that? Here have some anyway.

      • Sometimes you do, but mostly people just give up, unless someone or something is able to stir them up. NZ politics are probably too diluted now for a protest to break 5%. If the protest vote was going over 5%, I’d be more worried about flaming torches & pitchforks, than a minor party.

    • You are right to say these people are nutters but as the parliment protest shows they do put their thoughts into action.I still think they will,not get any traction but with so many disillusioned with both major parties a surprise could happen.

      • Trevor. Many are disillusioned and throughly fed up with the major parties, but may be more inclined to wash their hands of them all and simply not vote. I don’t entirely agree with Prof Lineham, but his was an interesting take. This is a small country and Tamaki’s rep isn’t the best, whereas Winston Peter’s conservatism is mustering up more and more appeal in the face of the looney wastrels of Bowen Street.

        Hannah T is the only public person speaking out about the sexualisation of school children apart from Kelly-Jay Keen who got run out of town for doing so, and the capture of government and the public service by transgender activists is producing entitlements which can impact unfairly on others, so it’s a messy pottage all around. Keeping warm and buying decent food could be the realities likely to be of more concern at the moment.

      • One thing is for certain, they won’t take votes from the left bloc. They will from National however.

  3. Parliament is supposed to be a House of Representatives so perhaps it is time for all the disaffected to be represented. After all will the Umbrella people really be any more crazy than the right wing gun toting Acts, the separatist TPMs or the woke infested pronoun shouting Greenies. Besides it must add to the prestige of Parliament to have an actual APOSTLE of Jesus Christ as a member.

  4. Parliament is supposed to be a House of Representatives so perhaps it is time for all the disaffected to be represented. After all will the Umbrella people really be any more crazy than the right wing gun toting Acts, the separatist TPMs or the woke infested pronoun shouting Greenies. Besides it must add to the prestige of Parliament to have an actual APOSTLE of Jesus Christ as a member.

    • They’ve got one already. Chris Luxon is a member of the inner circle.
      Which is a bit hypocritical. Bible, King James Version Mark.10 Verses 21 to 25

      [21] Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.
      [22] And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.
      [23] And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God!
      [24] And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!
      [25] It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

    • They don’t believe that little boys should be put on Lupron – a drug that was / is still used to treat prostate cancer and that was used in the past to chemically castrate sexual offenders. That would be one of my guesses, i mean, not chemically castrating little boys and not sterilizing little girls in the name of trans euphoria is a crime against humanity and that human female should just be souped, bashed in the face and de-platformed.

      • But believe in an invisible flying wizard who has all kinds of wonderful miracle cures.
        I find it hilarious those who go on about anti Trans but are openly vocal about someone who doesn’t exist. That in itself is delusional and we used to have institutions for people like Brian and those who believe in his delusions.

  5. The electorate isn’t alienated, it is just more informed than they are given credit for. But none of this matters – if – they choose to take the political path to change because our political system like all Western political systems is stuffed – bought and paid for.

    They want change, then they have got to work outside of this system (but of course, always within the bounds of the law). Protest, civil disobedience, non-compliance, protest, protest, protest, force the political class to break their allegiance to big money interests, then change may come about.

  6. Perhaps register at 3% at the most during Election Day…will take votes away from the Maori Party

  7. Hehehe! This is going to be Hoot! It’s already triggering the pussies!

    The bishop will exactly what this election needs. Some humour and breakthrough! Someone to cut through the shit and boooooring politicians who refuse to engage with the public on issues that matter. Inflation and the cost of living, expensive fuel & energy costs as well housing, homelessness, poverty and the rest of the Crisises.

    If he can distract enough people away from the current lot of not for a giggle. Why not because they are boring as fuck.

    • Yeah T, the Bish isnt a fave of mine but why not? He cant do any worse than these mofos and if they did creep up to 5% (Doubtful) what a sight to see that’ll be. Need to dig out the popcorn and watch the show.

  8. Given that it’s still what, 5-6 months away from the election has anyone else noticed the number of DemocracyNZ posters sitting on people’s fences and mailboxes?

  9. sigh
    There is no political tribe of people who opposed the mandate. It was a position on a particular issue.
    The response attributing a tribe where there is none continues to be shocking in its assumptions about groups and conformity within them.
    This is what democracy has become. An empty team sport where the best outcome is just a temporary boost in the feelings of those who identify with a particular side.
    Incapable of substantial change. Just a game.

  10. What about that anti co governece guy with his pamphlet in letter boxes, if he becomes part of this party, + the Boiled Ham + the Conservative party actually is about 4 .8%

    So I can see a Cup of Tea for Mr Tamaki in the next 4 months.

  11. God help us if these clowns get anywhere near Parliament. I don’t know anyone that’s voting for them, and I speak to a lot of people daily.
    I have no doubt Tamaki and co will probably pick up some votes, for sure – but 20% like he thinks?? Jesus, Act have been around for a lot longer and even *they* don’t get anywhere near that many votes. I’ve noticed it takes a long time in NZ to build up followers for a party, certainly not six months out from an election.
    Tamaki would hate to have to work with the other parties anyway – he would want to be in charge of everything, 100% of the time. Narcissists are like that.

  12. If these parties all came together under Democracy – New Conservative alliance and campaigned to get to the 5% mark there are enough angry disillusioned people who might be attracted to vote for such a group despite their differences.

    All together under one banner with the right campaign could make all the difference as a group they are stronger than own their own.

  13. ” The electorate still alienated by the Covid Mandates is larger than we wish to admit.

    This could trigger a very vengeful electorate.

    If these parties all came together under Democracy – New Conservative alliance and campaigned to get to the 5% mark there are enough angry disillusioned people who might be attracted to vote for such a group despite their differences.

    All together under one banner with the right campaign could make all the difference as a group they are stronger than own their own.

  14. I feel that any group that is not inclusive of all New Zealanders is fundamentally wrong and this applies to church philosophy and political philosophy alike. Most churches and political parties these days are accepting of all New Zealanders.

  15. Just another legal gang, saved from taxes and other devilish human inventions by their religious status. It is all crap that religion can just be a religion and avoid most of the laws and rules that some of us attempt to not offend excessively. Small men on motorbikes may think they are big, but they have not even a little soul.

  16. So, this is the fourth attempt that the Tamakis have made to get into Parliament- the other three are Destiny New Zealand, the Family Party (in collaboration with pakeha fundamentalist Peter Mortlock’s City Impact Church), Vision New Zealand (headed by Hannah Tamaki) and now this one. Mainstream Maori won’t vote for him and the anti-vaxxers are split between Freedom NZ, the One Party and New Conservatives, as are religious social conservatives.

    • And get rid of a few of your houses if you are leader of the National Party framing policy to reintroduce tax deductibility of rental housing.
      Better still, have a Capital Gains tax for the rich, with exemption for ONE house and ONE bach!

  17. ‘Feral’, I called the Parliament protestors ‘boguns’. Are we coming together on this?

    These pricks won’t come close, thankfully.

    Having 4 anti-vax sibs and knowing history, Nazi history, what happens when your stories don’t work in the real world but someone says your stupid arse stories are real? The short roil of Fascism. In America, the fungal growth that is Trump.

    Back before the internet I used the word ‘democratist’ for our cause, never being entirely socialist, though Churchill was the biggest socialist during WW ll and our crisis is 1000 times that.

    Two points. Self-proclaimed ‘socialists’ can be … not helpful. And, if it comes to it, I prefer a ‘democratist’ temporary authoritarian govt to the other options — that’s Amerika. That plutocratic republic. From the get-go.

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