The Daily Blog Open Mic – 24th February 2023

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

The Editor doesn’t moderate this blog,  3 volunteers do, they are very lenient to provide you a free speech space but if it’s just deranged abuse or putting words in bloggers mouths to have a pointless argument, we don’t bother publishing.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. I see the STUFF cadets are still trying to hound Kamahl Santamaria to death.

    So last Thursday at around 2pm, I received an email out of the blue from a journalist at Stuff.

    It included the following questions and a response deadline of 5pm the same day – three hours later:

    Are you working for [private media company] in any capacity? If so, what is that work?
    How long have you been working for [private media company]?
    Who hired you?
    Are you involved in training any [private media company] staff in any way – if so, what’s that training about?
    What makes you suitable for training journalists?
    Did [private media company] have any concerns about hiring you, including in relation to numerous allegations about inappropriate workplace conduct, including at TVNZ and Al Jazeera?
    Have any [private media company] staff expressed concerns about your hiring?

    And then later that evening, a follow-up asking for my response to a series of revised questions, with a new deadline of 5pm Friday. These included:

    Your meeting with [personal friend] at the [private media company] office in Auckland on January 24, what was that about?
    Who initiated that meeting between you two?
    There are a number of very high-profile allegations about your workplace behaviour. You have also apologised for what you describe as “flirtatious, over-friendly” behaviour at work. So why did you consider it appropriate to hold a meeting at the [private media company] office in front of members of their editorial team?
    Was employment, contracting or any other work for [private media company], paid or otherwise, discussed between you and [personal friend]?
    Why were you introduced to members of [private media company] editorial team after that meeting?
    Are you still, or have you ever been, in discussion with [personal friend] over employment at [private media company]?
    If not, what was your meeting with [personal friend] at [private media company] about on January 24?
    And then again, on Monday morning, a further email asking:

    I’m following up on these questions from last week.

    Do you intend to respond?

    Sure would be nice to know who the cadet was. Are they trying to build their career on it all. Gawd they’re pathetic.

    • Makes me think of the film Being John Malkovich where someone finds a back door to his brain which he objects to.
      Apparently its about finding about ones self – seeking self-actualisation as in Maslow’s hierarchy so that’s the excuse for the film,. I don’t know what the excuse for detailed, invasive, searching questions by someone with an insatiable desire to know, is.

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